The Draelish

Welcome to the world of the Draelish. This was the first major area of Vaxus that Fel Valron helped flush out and one that he continues to explore through research, writing short stories, and talks with bananafire. Using the Draelish as a test bed for continuing his study of various academic disciplines, Fel hopes that the work herein will help others to create realistic secondary worlds that mirror the logic and beauty found throughout God's Creation. Included are various articles exploring the scientific and anthropological makeup of the species, the future adventures of Katurah and Drahxdin, several short stories from Draelish viewpoints and characters, and behind-the-scene secrets that may lead others deeper into the understanding of the world of Olum.   Ages of the Draelish
  • Age of Heaven (AoH)
  • Lost Age (LA)
  • Age of the Clans (AotC)


  The Creation of the Draelish   Concepts and Studies   Fictional Biology   To-be-Sorted
by Sam Santala
Key Terms:  
  • AoH = means "Age of Heaven," signifying a time of myths and legends. It was here where the Draelish resided with their gods before war against the darkness destroyed all they had ever known.
  • LA = means "Lost Age," signifying a time when almost all cultural memory and history became lost to the Draelish after their fall.
  • AotC = means "Age of the Clans," signifying that the article contains information that was established during the Third Age of the Draelish. This is also the age when the events of Empire's Fall take place.
  There are more articles under the different Ages to be found, but certain permissions must be gained before you can view information relevant to each one.


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