The Manifestations of Essence

During the Age of the Clans - 196th Cycle, 14th Column (AotC)

Essence, or Daegu according to the Draelish, is a mysical sustenance and substance believed to have been derived from their parent-gods during the creation of the world. It imparts to them their physical appearance and natural abilities, and has ingrained itself fundamentally into their culture, identity, and way of life. In other words, Essence is the energy that changes the world as it is into the version that the Duma envision it to be, usually in the form of "simplifying" elements into destructive forms. Essence is thus attracted to sites that exemplify this vision, which often include areas touched by powerful forces, such as a volcano, a canyon marred by a major earthquake, a cratered forest region, the site of an ancient, great battle, or other places bathed in the energies of destruction and/or willful forces. The closer a location is to the Duma's ideals, the stronger the connection to essence grows.   A type of connection magic also known as Kykuun's Law, Essence is energy given destructive form. Originally created as an expression of Kykuun before her fall, Essence changes aspects to fit a preconceived notion similar to the way formulas rearrange aspects to suit an aspethurgist's needs. Most commonly found changing aspects into hosts of destructive potential, Essence can also be expressed in ways that mirror its original intent: creating a pool of pure energy for aspects to draw upon in whatever form is needed or desired. Though this original form is hard to get to without complete mastery over Essence in its current form, Draelish have learned how to harness each, both for their need to survive and to express themselves in this world.  

Jaeda - The Affinities

Essence is found in the form of 11 different types of energies currently being harnessed by the Draelish in what they like to call the Affinities. These Affinities, known esoterically to the Draelish as Jaeda, are split into 3 main types of Essence. These are often channeled by the Draelish through the use of their breath exhalation in its most extreme form, but their innate connection to it has also shaped them in order to inhabit and thrive in the often challenging environments it likes to collect itself in. Not known for straying outside of boundaries set by their traditions, both Kasniska and Sankara Draelish have found other ways to express Essence apart from just expelling it. While the Kasniska are less inclined to master "tame" forms (with them instead finding it easier to unlock more advanced, destructive forms), the Sankara have an easier time doing so. These 3 main types, Elemental, Concentrated, and Ancestral, are found in varying quantities throughout the world.   The most common Jaeda type, known as Elemental Affinities, are found hovering around sources of Elemental magic and are split between major sources and minor ones. Major sources, represented by Air, Water, Earth, and Fire, are found within Wild regions that correspond with the Major Wild Kingdoms found throughout the world, each with their respective ley lines crossing all over the globe. Two other forms of Elemental magic not commonly found as frequently are the minor Elemental sources of Life and Sun. Not represented by major ley lines, Life Essence is found in regions of abundant life whereas Sun Essence is found in regions where the sun's presence is most felt. Though no major Wild Kingdom represents them, they are harnessed by many plants, animals, and groups all throughout Olum.   The next Jaeda type is called the Concentrated Affinities. This type of Essence is found in places where one's focus is centered on a region's focus and/or one's presence more so the natural energies coursing throughout the region. Represented by thought, strength, and soul, the Affinities known as Mind, Body, and Spirit are more mysterious than the Elemental Affinities, with the locations in which these gather being based on history and stridings more so than present forces. Clans made up of these affinities are smaller than the elemental ones, though where they lack in number they more than make up in strength, wielding magic that affects one's actual self rather than the environment around them.   The last Jaeda type is called the Ancestral Affinities. Focusing more on one's moral spirit, these Affinities are more mysterious than even the Concentrated ones, reflecting a region's true colors through the birth of a Light or Shadow Draelish. Bearing the marks of a clan's or region's true spirit, those members or regions who have committed acts of good or evil are answered accordingly by this type's birth. No single clan is made up solely of Light or Shadow Draelish, and though it may possess several such individuals at a time, rarely are those individuals both Light and Shadow; they are usually one or the other.   There is one more type of Jaeda, one of legends, called the Inheritor (or Flux) Affinity. Representing a hidden fourth type, this Affinity channels all 11 other forms of Jaeda into one, splitting and combining them when needed. Its creation isn't based on location, concentration, or history. To become an Inheritor, an equal union between Kasniska and Sankara must first come about, and even then, there would only be a small chance that the child would hatch as one. Called Flux, a Draelish of this type, though able to channel all versions of Essence, has the additional power to draw upon magic normally reserved for Aspethurgists. Bearing scale unlike any other Draelish, magenta in hue, with crystals of flux growing around them, whenever an Inheritor is formed, omens of change are whispered in their wake.  

1st Main Type: Elemental Jaeda

The first type is called the Elemental Affinities, which come from the external forces that operate throughout the world. These six Affinities are named:  
  • Relu, of air.
  • Gana, of water.
  • Kish, of earth.
  • Nemun, of life.
  • Duras, of fire.
  • Het, of sun.
They are the most commonly found affinities out of the eleven different types in the world due to the prominence of the Elemental Wilds. The following eight categories detail the specifics of how each one works and what forces they control, including where each Jaeda is most likely to be found in a region (Location), the effects Essence has on the environment around it and how it changes existing conditions to match its preferred state (Environmental Manifestations), powers and effects that can come about when two or more jaeda overlap in a region (Known Synergies), the mythological hero associated with each jaeda and a heroic feat (Shr'keldar Patron), general ideas often assoicated with each group (Culutral Symbols and Stereotypes), ways in which the specific type of essence is exhaled by Draelish or formed into magick (Channeled Forms), a short list of large and/or notable clans that identify with each respective jaeda (Known Clans), and the fossilized organs found embedded within each Draelish (Living Crystal), which is extracted upon death and acts as currency for the clans.  


The Way of Wind – “Air” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Relu is commonly found flowing throughout Wild regions touched by intense air currents, environments that produce dry air, areas often hit by tornados and thunderstorms, or regions near an Air Elemental Ley Line. These environments often include vast swathes of land where prevailing winds dominate such as deserts, plains, and tundra, or places where katabatic winds dominate such as high plateaus, mountains, glaciers, hills, or even tepuis. Places that are not ideal for Relu to gather include any areas where air density is low, such as high elevations like mountain peaks, regions where fire and smoke rage, or places that contain bad air.
  • Environmental Manifestations. The concentration of Relu in a region encourages aspects to take on vitriolic effects, producing a higher frequency and intensity of lightning in the area, the size, speed, and occurrence of gales and other wind conditions such as tornados, and, if paired with other conditions, the ferocity of storms and hurricanes. Other signs that Relu is flowing in the region include an uptick in dry lightning, straight winds, or sandstorms, sightings of tan or bronze Draelish, or the presence of Air Elementals.
  • Known Synergies. These include particle erosion and certain types of weather phenomena. Some of these include snowstorms or ice storms (Relu+Gana), locust upsurges or pollen haboobs (Relu+Nemuun), firestorms or volcanic lightning (Relu+Duras), or charged solar winds (Relu+Het).
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it or identify closely with its cultural implications are known by their Shr'keldar patron Irse'til the beautiful, whose elaborate battle dances in the heart of storms inspire many Draelish to find solace even in the midst of life's many upheavals.
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. Draelish whose scales are predominately marked with tannish hues or bronze colors are identified as channelers of Relu, with those who follow the Shr'keldar Irse'til are commonly assumed as acrobatics, battle-dancers, and traceur-scouts. Cultural hallmarks such as sculptures, natural formations, and gardens that enhance howling winds, as well as chimes, colorful ribbons, flags, and kites (known as wind dancers), are often seen as staples of da'Relu dwellings while open-air dwellings, riads, and ornamental canopies are common architectural themes.
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Relu takes the form of hurricane-force winds followed by the more advanced form of lightning such as those found in thunderstorms and highly-pressurized winds. Those who are able to tame its volatile nature can learn to push particular objects and creatures in certain ways with its winds, while those who master channeling it gain access to its most extreme forms: Upper-atmospheric lightning.
  • Known Populations Groups. Ktamatalan (We Remember - Ulkar Kasniska subtribe), Senaindeslin (Scattered Wings - Midan Kasniska clan), Tndachismenan (Storm's Scar - Ulkar Sankara outlier tribe).
  • Living Crystal. Its da'dkar are called Irilisk and are known for creating static energy when infused.


The Way of Water – “Water” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Gana is commonly found harboring in Wild regions where strong water currents reign, dramatic tides shift, consistently strong wave activity happens, and other sources where strong aquatic phenomena occur, such as an array of rapids, towering waterfalls, prominent lakes and rivers, and areas touched by monsoons. This includes areas touched by strong aquatic forces, such as the site of a tsunami, areas covered by floods, or the presence of a whirlpool.
  • Environmental Manifestations. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of harnessing the power of strong water currents, directing the flow of water sources, and changing the state of water into ice.
  • Known Synergies. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through erosion, mud, quicksand, storms, and steam.
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it or identify closely with its cultural implications are known by their Shr'keldar patron Malonah the Explorer, whose exploits of sailing through the highest waves inspire many Draelish to stand tall even when up against innumerable odds.
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Gana takes the form of turbulent waters, such as waves and rapids, with tsunamis being an extreme version of it. Though not much can be done without water present, one can instead expel out thick mist, with a more advanced form being acidic waters or gas. Those who can master its tame and volatile forms gain access to its most advanced feature: freezing mist that can potentially turn water into ice.
  • Known Populations Groups. Tndachismenan (Storm's Scar - Ulkar Sankara subtribe)
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the Malunzil, a deep blue crystal known for creating a push/pull effect when infused.


The Way of Stone – “Earth” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Kish is commonly found in the nooks and crannies of Wild regions where seismic activity has been known to take place, impressive stone formations occur, areas such as rocky hills, cliffs, mountainous regions, canyons, and other places of difficult terrain. This includes areas formed by or experiencing earthquakes, regions impacted by large tectonic shifts in the environment such as rift valleys, and areas impacted by landslides.
  • Environmental Manifestations. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of shifting and throwing large chunks of rock, cracking and buckling the land around an area, creating subtle or substantial shifts in the terrain, the carving of stone, and small-scale seismic activity.
  • Known Synergies. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through erosion.
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeling Forms. The most basic form of expelling Kish takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups. Tndachismenan (Storm's Scar - Ulkar Sankara main tribe),
  • Living Crystals. Its d'kar equivalent is the


The Way of Living Things – “Life” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Nemun is commonly found hovering around Wild regions where living plants and creatures flourish, exotic ecosystems enhance, and where exotic en-beasts, abundant ur-beasts, and powerful ley-beasts dwell. This includes areas such as dense jungles, putrid swamps, large forests, dangerous titan surges, and other locales hosting a variety of plant and animal life forms, often enhanced by the Wilds to unsettling degrees.
  • Environmental Manifestations. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of absorbing and releasing dangerous toxins, mutating bug and plant growth into spiked and poisonous varieties (often with sudden, violent twists), and transferring life energy and even taking it from certain organisms such as plants, bugs and, less so, willing creatures.
  • Known Synergies. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through growth.
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Nemuun takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups. Ktamatalan (We Remember - Ulkar Kasniska main tribe)
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the


The Way of Flame – “Fire” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Duras is commonly found radiating from Wild regions where fire has become a part of or has massively influenced the area. This includes areas such as active or dormant volcanic regions, hot springs, dormant or extinct calderas, caverns formed by lava, lava tubes, areas hit by routine forest fires, basalt lava flows, and areas with thermal vents.
  • Environmental Manifestations. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of generating, directing, and maintaining extreme heat, lava, and flames, the heating up of objects, and the attraction and forming of micro hot spots.
  • Known Synergies. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through plasma and other types of fire.
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Duras takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups. tba
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the


The Way of Heat – “Sun” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Het is commonly found coalescing around Wild regions that dwell far up above land. This includes areas of high elevation, such as remote mountain ranges and mountain summits, and places of extreme heat or cold, such as deserts and the arctic.
  • Environmental Manifestations. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of collecting and reflecting sunlight and its scorching heat, pulling heat gathered by the sun and redistributing its energy in intense waves, and changing the state of water into steam.
  • Known Synergies. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through plasma and various weather phenomena.
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Het takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups. tba
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the

2nd Main Type: Concentrated Jaeda

The second main type is called the Concentrated Affinities, which come from the internal forces that operate within individuals around the world. These three Affinities are named:  
  • Tejet, of Mind.
  • Patuk, of Body.
  • Zinu, of Spirit.
They are uncommonly found scattered throughout the world, and are either found within their own clans or emerging in small groups within other clans. Below is a further look into the specifics of how each one works and what forces they control.  


The Way of Minds – “Mind” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Tejet is commonly found collecting around Wild areas that embody knowledge. This includes areas such as an ancient library, a group of dedicated Draelish scholars over generations, or places that hold great secrets. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of overloading a mind with psychic energy, tampering with one's sense of reality, and shaping one's thoughts through lies and truth.
  • Environmental Manifestations. tba
  • Known Synergies. tba
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeling Forms. The most basic form of expelling Tejet takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups. tba
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the


The Way of Bodies – “Body” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Patuk is commonly attracted towards Wild areas that embody great strength. This includes areas such as the site of an ancient battle, a clan with a martial focus, or places where conflict persists.
  • Environmental Manifestations. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of unbridled strength, powerful bodies, and endurance, with many of its members favoring crafty or stubborn solutions. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through bodily enhancements.
  • Known Synergies. tba
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Patuk takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups. tba
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the


The Way of Spirits – “Spirit” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Zinu is commonly detected around Wild regions that have experienced harrowing effects or great tribulation, the rise of auramancy in an individual, or regions where the veil between the physical and spiritual dimensions has grown thin. Such places could be an ancient city where a devastating war was fought, the site where auramancers fought, the birthplace or battleground of titans, or a place harboring ancient ghosts, memories, or dreams. Places that are not ideal for Zinu to appear in are mundane locations, normal villages, or peaceful ruins.
  • Environmental Manifestations. The concentration of Zinu in a region encourages aspects to become free-floating, unhinging themselves from the natural laws set in place (becoming what's known as spirits), as well as attracting wandering souls who haven't passed on yet (otherwise known as ghosts). This may also include weakening the barriers between the physical and spiritual world, unknowingly allowing passage between the two for creatures and objects in the region. Other signs that Zinu is flowing in a region include free-floating aspects that grow in sentience, the rare few that grow sapient, the feeling that one's spirit becomes almost detached from one's body, resonances of spiritual struggles, echos of a region's past turmoils, and phantoms of lost memories.
  • Known Synergies. There are no known direct Affinity synergies with Zinu, though its powers are often found to resonate with those who are Mejul or Sedrak, those who claim to have opened a channel with Akulus or Kykuun, or even those who find themselves in the throes of auramancy.
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it or identify closely with its cultural implications are known by their Shr'keldar patron Eta'kai the Traveler, whose crafty dealings and knowledge of obscure paths inspire many Draelish to seek out other ways to solve problems or overcome obstacles, especially if it involves a route less traveled, physically and/or spiritually.
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. Draelish whose scales are predominately marked with cyan hues or copper colors are identified as channelers of Zinu, with those who follow the Shr'keldar Eta'kai are commonly assumed as spirit-walkers, exorcists, and esoteric hermits. Cultural hallmarks such as standalone gateways, stele boundary markers, guardian statues, and prayer bells are often seen as staples of da'Zinu dwellings while raised platforms, stone lantern nooks containing Takel crystals, and open-air hallways are common architectural themes.
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Zinu takes the form of creating tears between a spirit and its body and weakening the barriers between the material and ethereal worlds, allowing one to affect the other. A more advanced form can separate a spirit from its body for a short time, and instead of simply weakening the barrier between both worlds, one can violently meld the two worlds together, causing a paralyzation effect to overtake those caught within or even shunt a creature or object from one world to the other. Those who are able to tame its volatile nature can learn how to see further, discerning the barriers of the world. Those who master channeling it gain access to its most extreme forms: calling forth spirits and even ghosts.
  • Known Populations Groups. Senalronkezjchrail (Luminous Portal - Ulkar Kasniska clan), Sedularhandota (Fractured Sanctuary - Ulkar Sankara clan), and Ktamatalan (We Remember - Ulkar Kasniska subtribe)
  • Living Crystal. Its da'dkar are called Takel and are known for creating a distortion for seeing between worlds when infused.

3rd Main Type: Ancestral Jaeda

The third main type is called the Ancestral Affinities, which come from the moral forces that influence the world. These two Affinities are named:  
  • Mejul, of Light.
  • Sedrak, of Shadow.
They are rarely found among the clans throughout the world, appearing sporadically. It is said that when one appears, it is because one's past ancestor was blessed with goodness or cursed with transgression. Below is a further look into the specifics of how each one works and what forces they control.  


The Way of Lights – “Light” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Mejul is commonly found where goodness has touched the world, either through celestial influence or divine power. This includes areas known for their holiness, divine origins, and strong virtues. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of control over light absorption and reflection, spiritual enhancement, and awareness of prophecy/omens. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through light, life, and spirit energy.
  • Environmental Manifestations. tba
  • Known Synergies. tba
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Mejul takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups.
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the


The Way of Shadows – “Shadow” Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Sedrak is commonly found where darkness has touched the world, either through demonic influence or corrupt power. This includes areas known for their unholiness, dark origins, and debased values. Its destructive potential is often found in the form of manifesting and manipulating shadows, clouding perception, and enhancing pain. It is known to synergize with other da'jaeda through torment and distress.
  • Environmental Manifestations. tba
  • Known Synergies. tba
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Sedrak takes the form of
  • Known Populations Groups. tba
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the

4th Main Type: Hidden Jaeda

The fourth main type is called the Inheritor Affinity, which comes about when the opposing forces at work within the Kasniska and Sankara equally collide. This Affinity is named:  
  • Januris, of Flux.
Representing a hidden 14th type of Draelish essence, and tied to the chaotic magic used by Heart aspetheurgists, the Inheritor of Ajanur represents a new and strange type of Draelish, sacrificing both ancestries for something new. Below is a further look into the specifics of how each one works and what forces they control.  


The Way of the Inheritor - "Flux" Affinity  
  • Location. The jaeda known as Flux is ___.
  • Environmental Manifestations. Its destructive potential is ___.
  • Known Synergies. all
  • Shr'keldar Patron. Those who channel it are known by their Shr'keldar patron ___.
  • Cultural Symbols and Stereotypes. tba
  • Channeled Forms. The most basic form of expelling Flux takes the form of
  • Known Population Groups. tba
  • Living Crystal. Its d'kar equivalent is the

Other Variants of Essence

Though not strictly counting as different types, there are other forms that Essence can take that are reflected by the color and shape of a Draelish's scales. Called the Consecrated form, Affinities who are born as this variant can channel Kykuun energy or Akulus energy more fully than the known "mundane" form. Those who are Kasniska have their scales more reminiscent of crystals, whereas Sankara have their scales more reminiscent of cracked lava, with each attaining more advanced forms of Essence faster than their counterparts.   Another form of Essence not seen often is the variant called the Formless. A Draelish of this form bears the look and biological abilities of those around them, but cannot channel or control Essence. Displaying dull, grey scales with no mark of color or hue, this form only comes about when an egg suffers a defect that makes absorbing and channeling Essence impossible, cutting that egg off from the energies of Akulus and Kykuun. Those considered Formless must take a different path in order to fit within Draelish society, though there are other ways that they can gain the likeness of their peers.  

Essence “Behind-the-Scenes”

Please note that the following section contains spoilers for how the world works. If you want to remain oblivious, then don't read on. However, if it helps you to know more about the world in order to enjoy it, then you have been warned.   Imagine a vast horizon that goes on seemingly forever, tinted magenta, and with the landscape entirely filled with an ocean of small, black spheres. Above those spheres, floating lazily and appearing like clouds in the sky, are free-floating, clear tubes. Occasionally a tube will descend and dip into the ocean of spheres, flashing sharply before ascending up again. Some tubes jut out of the ocean, maintaining a bright intensity. Others hover just above the spheres, like fog. This is Essence, as seen in the Aether.   To understand how Essence works, first we must go over Law and Chaos. In Vaxus, these are the two main fundamental forces at work in the world. Aspects are bits of Chaos that have become encased by Law, stabilizing and maintaining their current form. Sometimes, like during a Wild Surge, these Aspects can occasionally break out of Law.   Imagine the sea of spheres again. They are constantly active, wanting to escape the bubble of Law around them. Occasionally, they manage to “dip” into the physical world and release chaos energy for a time, but Law, acting as gravity, pulls them back, draining their momentum until it can be built up again.   The more Lawful creatures that inhabit a space, the stronger the bonds are that hold Chaos back. That’s why the Wilds are subdued around large, lawful creature civilizations, but when there’s more Chaos, that causes even lawful creatures to change.   One’s perspective can influence how much Law restricts Chaos. If a tribe out in the jungle accepts that the weird traits of the Wilds around them are normal, then Law is changed to fit this perspective of what is now considered “normal.” Too much of this can cause the settlement to come to rely on this new modified Law too much, restricting travel to other places that have a different perspective of Law, or perhaps, modified Chaos. This is why most Wildlings cannot exist beyond the borders of their Wild region.   Another way to look at Law is that it is made by the gods. The gods place the Law, and things change because of their presence/awareness. If Chaos changes too much, they introduce Law to balance out the tide. This is why most of the world isn’t a raging mass of Chaos, unlike the Wild region known as Limbo. Most of the world is governed by an agreed upon perspective set by the gods.   Now Essence is a type of Law but it is not the same type of Law that governs most of the world. Essence is the Duma’s personal changing of the Law into an alternative Law that works for them. Because of their deity status, they are able to produce the energy needed to keep this “perspective” in place. Essence is actively making a different Law, and this happens via the tubes described above (the Aether as described above is more of a metaphor, as in, it doesn’t actually exist as pictured, but to a mortal’s mind who tries to view things in a way that makes sense, it may appear like that to them). These tubes “suck up” the Law-bubbled Aspects of Change and replaces the one version of Law-bubble for an alternative Law-tube. These tubes encase the energy, changing it according to this new Law, and produces a specified effect as instructed by the deity in the forms that they have chosen, taking their desire and producing it with their ability as an expression of themselves upon the world. Simply put, Essence wants to actively make the world how the Duma wants it to be.   This new Law, also called Daegu, tends towards instability, allowing the Aspects to display their more violent tendencies. When a thing is "coated" in Essence, it takes upon the ideal version that the Duma want, whereas if a thing has become infused with Essence through and through, it will continue towards highly energetic instability until it explodes. Some things, like Essence crystals, can absorb Essence, rendering it stable, as if frozen. Other items, like metal ore, are coated in this raw energy, transforming it into something new for a set amount of time until needing to be coated once again.  


Essence inherently wants to showcase the raw potential for destructive energy. The powerful gales of wind, the strong push and pull of waves, the massive shifting of tectonic plates, the awesome heat of magma, and the blazing charged particles of the sun all showcase the powerful forces at work in the world, often in forms of awesome and terrifying destruction, though it doesn’t always have to be to this form of magnitude. One who is well experienced in manipulating Essence can control how much of the potential is used. For example, instead of a Duras Draelish unleashing a blast of searing lava with their essence exhalation, they could instead focus the energy into searing heat to melt ore or to turn cool lava hot again. Essence given to an object or an area will always yearn towards acting out however, meaning that if a constant supply isn't flowing in the area, these effects will fade away after a time.
  • Synergizing Essence. Sometimes during a Wild Surge, Ley Line crossing, or other magical phenomenon, multiple sources of Essence may be present, giving rise to multiple Affinities in an area. During such an occurrence, certain pairings have been found to inhabit the same area. When these Essence pairings inhabit the same area, the associated characteristics that complement each other expand in power and coverage, such as the formation of canyons, the intensity of storms, or the aberration of life forms.
  • Skeptical Innovation. Among the Draelish are individuals who pursue different forms of Essence through uncharastistic exploration and experimentation. These skilled artisan-priests known as Duumarle explore this realm through meditation and cautious enthusiasm. Several groups, like the monks of Ktailmatalan, have created various techniques utilizing essence, such as the one called Air-step, which enables passage through thin air using Ezra, or another from a group of Kish that carves elaborate passageways through solid rock. Though these feats of essence manipulation have been accomplished, getting the wider population to use them has been met with stubborn resistance.
  • Void Affinity. Though not currently known to have ever existed, the events of the Scarlet War have given rise to the possibility of a Draelish having their Essence replaced by something else. Called the Void Affinity, a Draelish who has their Essence replaced by the energies that create corruption, undeath, or something else entirely may result in a new type of Affinity, with the implications of its marriage with the designs of this current world with those beyond too frightful to even imagine.
This article has no secrets.


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