Wildling Types in DnD 5e

Wildlings in the world of Vaxus are creatures and objects that have become changed by the Wilds and given sapience. Most Wildlings never leave the area where they were first changed, whether that was due to a Wild Surge, by the whims of a Wild god, or by traveling too deep into the Wilds. The Wildlings that do choose to leave behind their magical environments do so for a variety of reasons, often finding that the world around them is as weird and mysterious as others think of them. Wherever they go, Wildlings showcase one of the hallmarks of Vaxus: a world that, despite constantly grappling with change, showcases beauty in remarkable and often weirdly if terrifying ways.    

Types of Wildlings

  Where did your kind come from? Are you a part of a species or an individual unlucky enough to be transformed? Were you an animal that was given sapience by a Wild Surge, a group of hearts that traveled too deep into unknown territory, or even a combination of both from a previous Surge, becoming engulfed once again and turning into something entirely new? Maybe some stones were given the breath and shape of life, a plant woke up one day realizing it could dream, or a cluster of decrepit old bones was mustered to life once again by some strange ooze? Whatever your origins, the story your Wildling will tell won't be up to a Wild Surge, it will be uniquely up to you.   Wildling species have come and gone throughout the history of the world, with some holding out as remnants while others flourish on. Below is a variety of Wildling templates, with some having a background and location already established in the world while others are waiting to be discovered.   Additionally, certain classifications will be listed alongside each Wildling in regards to their environment (magical and non-magical), creature/object make-up, and any pinnacle attributes they may exhibit.
Talo the Lizardfolk by Sam Santala
Grrauk the Gnoll Barbarian by Sam Santala
The following article provides a deeper musing into what Wildlings are, how were they created, and what are some things one could think about if they are going to play as one.  
Sun, the Naga god by Sam Santala


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