Barony of Polten Organization in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Barony of Polten

Completing the river-valley triangle of south-central provinces is Polten, sited across Lake Mogador from Ostel. Its capital, Trailsend, is the sister city of Praka, though few polite words have been exchanged between the two since the Bloodstone Wars.   Like Carmathan, Polten retains strong ties with Impiltur. Trailsend was once the final stopover for caravans heading to Damara's southern neighbor, and the first stop for Impilturian caravans coming north.


Politics of Polten

Baron Donlevy BelMaris is ruler of Polten, called Donlevy the Younger, his father, Donlevy the Elder sent him into hiding before Zhengyi's purge, where he grew up on a horse farm in Tellerth. His uncle, Zorth, ruled Polten in his absence. When Zhengyi was defeated, those who helped hide the young baron returned him to his capital. His uncle Zorth relinquished the throne and now acts as the young baron's advisor and regent. Recently, the Baron has begun making his own decisions, and word has it that his Uncle isn't happy about his nephew's refusal to take good advice.    

County of Trailsend

Trailsend was named for the fact that the trail of goods from Impiltur ends here, and is loaded onto barges and ships for delivery to all of the cities and towns on Lake Mogodor. Trailsend houses the Baronial seat, and Donlevy BelMaris the Younger rules from his capital. Baron BelMaris leaves the administration of the city to Lord Mayor Bariss Carstellan. The Carstellan's have always been loyal to House BelMaris, and the elderly Bariss' two sons take turns as Donlevy's bodyguards. Count Argon Dhoen ruled the county in the absence of the Baron. The Dhoen's are a large family and were among the first supporters of the BelMaris during the founding of the Barony.  

County of Brynnor

Count Vaesil Ardruin rules Brynnor from his family estates in Tuorval. He is an old but strong-willed man, and often advised Donlevy the Elder on military matters. While Zorth was Baron, Vaesil was not allowed in the capital, and the two men loath each other. Regent Zorth has warned his nephew of the "treacherous" House Adruin, but Vaesil and Donlevy the Younger have yet to meet in person.    

County of Dhasiel

Dhalsiel is one of the frontier provinces, lacking the hills of Marloer's Gap its people have often faced the brunt of the hobgoblin empire's wrath. Dhalsiel is home to several fortified towns, but has relatively few villages - without numbers or defenses few villages could survive in the harsh environment. Sheep and goats are kept in large quantities, particularly around the monasteries and military keeps of the land, and many drovers drive cattle or horses to the province for summer grazing.   Cuille Dhalsiel is the Count of Dhalsiel. The young count succeeded his father two years ago, and as one of the richest nobles in the land, is also a very eligible bachelor.  

County of Marloer's Gap

Marloer's Gap is a hilly frontier province home mainly to shepherds and garrison troops. Goats and sheep are common and easily outnumber the human inhabitants, leading to a number of risque jokes across Polten about the locals.   Methis Arrowbone, an old friend of Donlevy the Elder, was titled the Marquis of the West when he assumed the leadership of the Polten Rangers. He leads a small band of rangers with the intent to clear out the bandits and criminals who despoil the lands.    

County of Northmeet

Innumerable tiny villages and hamlets dot the county of Northmeet growing food to feed the barony. Few towns of any size are found in Northmeet, and it is noted for its sleepy peaceable inhabitants by Polten standards, the natives are however proud of the support they give 'those on the frontier' and are amongst the most loyal folk of the young Donlevy.   Gilbere Erebann is the ambitious Mayor of Withermeet, who works tirelessly to bring trade through his small village rather than the cities across Lake Mogodor. The problem is, there just aren't than many markets this far east in Damara. If Donlevy eventually appoints a Count of Northmeet, Gilbere may be the only name on a very short list.    

County of Tellerth

Tellerth maintains a wild and untouched beauty. The green fields of Byrnnor give way to rocky foothills whose sheer sides stream water from patches of snow high on their barren crowns. Home to the rugged highlanders, these farmers and herders coax life from the rocky soil and brave souls log the outskirts of the Rawlinswood, careful not to offend the inhabitants of that great wood.   Lying at the south end of the Glenborn Highlands is the old Caer Tellerth, sacked and burned years ago by goblins out of the Giantspire Mountains seeking to capitalize on the chaos that surrounded the Bloodstone Wars. Here House Tellerth almost met its end as the goblins razed much of the countryside. Lord Hastins Tellerth holds the County now, and has worked hard to restore much of Tellerth's glory but it still remains the shadow of its former self.   The fact that this is where the young Baron was raised after escaping Zhengyi's Night of Blood means that Tellerth now has the gratitude of the Baron. Count Tellerth's loing decline may just be coming to an end.    

County of Tenarien

The County of Tenarien is relatively unspoiled by human touch. Apart from the county seat of Ruimache and the smaller two villages in the area, a traveller could walk for days and not encounter another human.   In the eastern areas where the ground rises into the wooded hills of the Rawlinswood, encounters with monsters are more common. More than one explorer has met an untimely fate at the hands of trolls or griffons.   The Count of Tenarien is Baesil Ceried who also serves as the Lord Marshal of Polten.    

County of Torien's Watch

Torien's Watch is the southernmost County of Polten and acts as the gateway to Damara - all trade that wishes to travel to Trailsend must pass through Torien's Watch. Here the Rawlinswood seeks to expand, and many small forests dot the land.   The border between Damara and Impiltur is considered to be the Impilturan town of Lenchford. Though no one ever expects Impiltur to attack, a large portion of the Barony's forces man the castle of Torien's Watch, also known as Caer Torien.   What should be more concerning to King Dragonsbane and Baron Ree as they wrestle over the throne is Impiltur's overtures to Baron BelMaris. While Polten is not populous, it covers a large area, and if BelMaris ever felt threatened enough by his fellow lords in Damara, he could easily change allegiances and join Impiltur, a move which could spell the end of the Kingdom of Damara.   The Halried family, led by the old and wise Countess Lobelia, rules the province of Halried. They helped design their beautiful estate in Halrieden, which is open to tourists on the first two days of each month. Countess Lobelia's younger brother Sir Malver, Captain of the South Guard, leads the forces of Caer Torien (the Castle of Torien's Watch).


Baron Donlevy the Old was a wise man, beloved in the province before Zhengyi's rise. When the Witch-King's war was joined, the baron understood what it would mean to be defeated by so wicked an enemy. He sent his infant son into hiding. In Tellerth, the young heir Donlevy lived disguised as a farmer's boy. Official word said only that Donlevy the Young had been taken ill and died and a state funeral was even held.   After Zhengyi won the first battle at Goliad, Donlevy the Old's fears were realized. All of House BelMaris was slaughtered and Zorth, a pretend cousin, took the seat as Baron of Polten. The impostor wholeheartedly supported Dimian Ree and Sylvia against Bloodstone.   Zorth fell from power when the alliance failed to defeat Gareth's forces.   Polten had supplied half of the troops who fought, specifically the contingent of 1,000 who were ambushed in Sleepy Wood. The survivors returned to Polten telling their kin of mercy and great courage of the new rulers in the north—quite a different tale than was heard out of the capital. Many were angered by Zorth's refusal to join Gareth and stand up to the Witch-King. Most of the soldiers gathered their families and left Polten soon after the war.   Still only a boy of 14, Donlevy made his return from Tellerth at this time. To save his own hide, Zorth quickly stepped aside for the rightful heir. However, the youth's Tellerth counselors did not understand the situation in the capital, so Zorth remained as an advisor, as did many of his cohorts. Those faithful to Donlevy recognize the peril, but Zorth has placed himself close to Donlevy. So far, he has deflected all warnings to the new baron. Therefore, Polten remains loyal to Dimian Ree and the throne in Heliogabalus. It is widely believed, however, that if the new baron understood the situation, he would throw his allegiance to Gareth.   The barony's best hope seems to lie in the efforts of the Twilight Riders, and swaying Polten is the group's chief goal. Emelyn seeks to win people's hearts, and to do so, he has led the Twilight Riders all the way to the eastern border, to Tellerth. From there, the group will make its way back across the land, hopefully raising a tide of support behind them.   Additionally, the Twilight Riders have placed an agent inside the castle to keep an eye on Zorth. And if they learn that the former baron plans a coup, they will rush to Donlevy's side, prepared to crush the enemies of the rightful baron.
Ruling House: BelMaris   Present Baron: Donlevy BelMaris "the Young", 20th Baron of Polten   Family Crest: The Open Palm   Province Population: 14,000   Capital: Trailsend (8,000)
Geopolitical, Barony
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

Articles under Barony of Polten


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