Church of Ilmater

The followers of Ilmater are often perceived as being intentional sufferers, but in reality they concentrate a lot of effort on providing proper treatment and healing to those who have been hurt. They put others ahead of themselves, are sharing, and emphasize the spiritual nature of life over the gross material body.     Ilmater's priests tend to be the most sensitive and caring of humans. When new to the faith, since they see much suffering, they often weep. Over time, this constant tugging at their heartstrings wears at them, and they then tend toward a cynical view of life in Faerun. They are distinguished from other cynics, however, by their inability to ignore or pass by others in need. Even when a cause is hopeless, they must help. Ilmatari are taught to be firm in their principles and fearless, with the result that they earn enormous respect with the general populace, but are often slain by brigands or those who hold different principles than they do. The church of Ilmater is different from many Faerunian faiths in that it has many saints, among them St. Dionysius and St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred (whose symbol is a yellow rose).     Few priests of Ilmater are soldiers, and fewer still are merchants, but they do outstrip all other priesthoods in the size, number, and level of treatment in the many infirmaries and leper sanctuaries they maintain. From their inception into the priesthood, Ilmatari are trained in the recognition and treatment of all known diseases, injuries, and conditions; senior priests have had prepared detailed programmed illusions to show beings in various stages of harm. An Ilmatari priest who has been shown these could, for instance, recognize a human infested with rot grubs at a glance.     The process of joining the clergy of Ilmater is simple: A novice enjoys a gentle walk and talk with a senior priest, during which they talk and explore the novice's views of life. They then dine and the novice is (knowingly) given a wine that puts him or her into a gentle trance where various clergy and wizards friendly to the faith can easily employ mind-scrying spells to thoroughly explore the novice's true feelings, loyalties, and aims. If no dedication to evil or precluding religious or secular loyalties are found, the novice is accepted and adorned with the simple robes of Ilmater. (This cautious practice was instituted because many folk in the past have posed as willing entrants into the Ilmatari just to learn the medicines and psychic lore and then stolen away with as many medical supplies as they could.)     All the Adorned are priests, but no titles are commonly used in the clergy except Brother and Sister. For senior clergy, Revered is added to this, and for the heads of temples, abbeys, and monasteries dedicated to the Crying God, Father and Mother is used. So, for example, the head of the Towers of Willful Suffering, the abbey to Ilmater in Eshpurta, is known as Revered Mother of the House Heldatha Dhussta.     The Adorned include clerics, specialty priests, and monks. Though the monastic orders usually dwell separate from the rest of the church in monasteries and abbeys, some monks also abide in Ilmatari temples to teach other Ilmatari about fields of knowledge they have specialized in or to provide their special form of hand-to-hand protection to the institution to which they are assigned.     The hierarchy of the Adorned usually centers around the leader of large temple, abbey, or monastery to who the Ilmatari in the region report. Ilmatari are loosely ranked under this Revered Mother or Father, and abbeys and monasteries are usually tied to specific temples, often adding a second informal tier to the hierarchy.     Ilmater's priests are found where they are needed, which is usually in the worst possible conditions, ministering to the needs of the oppressed, the deceased, and the poor. Those outside the faith often view this as a strategic positioning of churches in areas which guarantee the persecution of Ilmatari (such as Mulmaster and Zhentil Keep). Priests of Ilmater may also be found among adventuring companies, and—in addition to paladins—are often the ones to go off rescuing this clan of kidnapped halflings or recovering that purloined family heirloom. It is not that they are foolish, but rather that they care for all things to the exclusion of their personal risk.     Shortly after the Time of Troubles, the reputation of the organized church was plagued by the actions of a neutral cult of Ilmater that believed in passing suffering around to others, especially nonbelievers. They were noted for self-flagellation, kidnappings, and inciting riots. Ilmater was not granting these cultists their powers or spells, and the Ilmatari church suspects that Cyric, Loviatar, or Beshaba was behind these deluded people. Fortunately, the cult has largely been eliminated due to a hostile response to its actions on the part of nobles and those in authority.


Major Centers of Worship

The largest center of Ilmatari worship is the House of the Unbroken God in Keltar in Calimshan. The House of the Broken God is a huge monastery in the center of the town that is connected, via a series of walled gardens, to a temple farm on a hill northwest of Keltar, a walled leper house beyond that, and a sanitarium beyond that. Here Revered Father of the House Melder Rythtin of the Healing Hand, who is famous for his diagnoses and miraculous treatments of the afflicted, presides over the largest hospital and facility for brewing, concocting, and compounding medicines in Faerun. Those unfriendly to Calimshan have commented that such a facility is located where it is because the cruelty of the Calishites makes it most needed in their realm—but they are too greedy and disgusted by the sick, the malformed, and the injured to allow such a place in their proud capital city.


Specialty Priests (Ilmatari)

You are honored to walk in stride with the god of endurance. The Unbroken God has taught you that holiness only comes through hard work and perserverance. Your vestments are a solid gray tunic and trousers with a gray skullcap. You wear Ilmater’s symbol pinned over your heart.    


Novices are assigned a footlocker in the temple, but are expected to sleep on the floor, while higher ranking Ilmatari may get a room at the local temple. Novices are expected to learn from their mentors in exchange for personal service, treating wounds, tending to horses, etc. Mentors are expected to give Novices time to pursue their own interests, including adventuring. Ilmatari are expected to devote themselves to the service of the common man. They are apprenticed to craftsmen or professionals in their local communities and begin to learn a secondary craft skill or profession. They get "all the dirt" from their local service, and those they interact with tend to reveal the underbelly of the communities in which they find themselves, focusing on the injustices or indignities that these people feel affected by. They also find that the faithful open their hearts and their doors to members of the Ilmatari. The Ilmatari may request hospitality from any of the faithful in any community, often receiving a meal and a spot of floor near the fireplace.    

Piety (Renown)

Ilmatari earn renown by assisting villagers, tending wounds, rooting out and treating diseases and poisons. An Ilmatari generally doesn't feel like any chore is beneath them, and many have been seen helping farmers pick crops an slop pigs. Ilmatari train villagers in self-defense and show villagers how to use common items as weapons (pitchforks, scythes, sickles, etc.). They also train people in unarmed combat. The true test of an Ilmatari is when a community is threatened with abuses of power. The Ilmatari are expected to stand up against the rich and powerful when they take advantage of the local folk. In unjust or authoritarian societies, Ilmatari often secretly train villagers to use simple weapons, or even in unarmed combat. They are often at the center of any resistance movement against an evil overlord. This has resulted in the church being known as a church of martyrs, since evil overlords don't often take kindly to these types of action.     An Ilmatari may lose renown by lording it over common villagers or throwing their weight around (becoming the thing they are trained to fight against). Failing to stand up for the oppressed, or allowing diseases and other ailments to spread, when they have the means to stop it, also results in a loss of piety.

Granted Divine Powers

Novice (1 Renown)

Those who choose to join Ilmater's Church start as Novices. Novices are assigned a footlocker in the temple, but are expected to sleep on the floor. They are expected to learn from their mentors in exchange for personal service, treating wounds, tending to horses, etc. Mentors are expected to give Novices time to pursue their own interests, including adventuring. Novices have access to any of the resources of the church, but are expected to work for them.    

Blessed Watcher (3 Renown)

Those Novices who show promise by earning 3 renown then become Blessed Watchers. Watchers have access to healing and spellcasting at their churches and are considered friendly by most commoners.   Watchers have access to the following resources:
  • Blessed Watchers can requisition a potion of healing or the casting of a 1st or 2nd-level spell, but must gain at least one renown before making the request again.
  • Blessed Watchers learn the Medicine skill if they don't already possess it. If they have the skill they gain Expertise in Medicine. They may also learn one secondary skill, choosing from common professions or crafts.
  • Watchers gain advantage on any rolls to resist pain or suffering inflicted on them.

Blessed Guardian (10 Renown)

After earning 10 renown, a Blessed Watcher earns the title Blessed Guardian. Guardians may request a small single room in any Temple of Ilmater. Blessed Guardians are expected to protect the common folk, placing themselves in danger if necessary to right a wrong or defend an innocent.   Blessed Guardians have access to the following resources:
  • Blessed Guardians never pay for food or drink, and get a 10% discount on mundane goods from most common folk.
  • Blessed Guardians choose either Alchemy or Herbalism as a secondary skill.
  • Blessed Guardians gain the Touch of Ilmater
  Touch of Ilmater. The priest's may remove one disease or poison from the creature touched. If the target is injured, the Blessed Guardian may choose to heal 2d8 hit points (this increases to 3d8 at 15 Piety, 4d8 at 20 Piety and finally 5d8 at 25 Piety). The Blessed Guardian may only remove disease or poison once per day. A Blessed Guardian who is able to heal 3d8 may choose to divide that into 3 touches, each healing 1d8, or two touches healing 2d8 and 1d8, or one touch for 3d8.    

Revered Guardian (25 Renown)

A Blessed Guardian who has earned 25 Renown is given the title Revered Guardian. Revered Guardians may request a small private room in a Temple to Ilmater.   Revered Guardians have access to the following resources:
  • The Revered Guardian may requisition a potion of greater healing or three potions of healing instead of one potion of healing or the casting of a spell up to 5th level, the Ilmatari must pay for any expensive material components of the spell. The Ilmatari must gain at least one renown before making the request again.
  • Revered Guardians can use the Touch of Ilmater to cure disease or poison once per short rest instead of once per day.
  • Three times per day, the Revered Guardian can project a 10' radius Aura of Hope.
  Aura of Hope (3/day). Creatures within a 10-foot radius of the Ilmatari are immune to any effects of emotion-based spells which cause pain, suffering, or hopelessness. In addition, any creature in the radius gains advantage on saving throws against charm, domination, and geas spells. The Aura of Hope last for up to one minute and the Ilmatari must concentrate on the Aura as if it were a concentration spell.    

Unbroken (50 Renown)

A Revered Guardian who has shown great promise by earning 50 renown is granted the title of Unbroken. Unbroken may request a suite of rooms in any Temple of Ilmater, and are ranking members of the faithful in any interaction with local clerics and paladins.   Unbroken have access to the following resources:
  • Gain the temporary service of an Angel as if using the planar ally spell of the Unbroken's level. The character must negotiate and pay for the outsider’s service, as per the spell.
  • Once per day, an Unbroken may reflect any attack which inflicts pain, fear, hopelessness or despair back onto its source.
  • Unbroken suffering under extreme punishment, torture, or suffering, may be possessed by a beneficial servant of Ilmater. This is at their request. During such possession, the servant takes all the pain inflicted, but no physical damage. The servant cannot move the body and remains only until the suffering has passed. A dispel magic spell drives out the servant.
  • The Unbroken are considered to be the voices of Ilmater (or his heralds). Unbroken can use Executive Actions on behalf of the church of Ilmater.


Affiliated Orders

Ilmater's church has several affiliated knightly orders of paladins and warriors, including the Companions of the Noble Heart, the Holy Warriors of Suffering, the Order of the Golden Cup, and the Order of the Lambent Rose. Monastic orders are also numerous, and include the Disciples of St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred, whose most famous facility, the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, is located in Damara, high up in the Earthspurs near the Glacier of the White Worm. (Monks of this monastery specialize in genealogical studies.) Other llmatari monastic orders include the Followers of the Unhindered Path, the Disciples of St. Morgan the Taciturn, and the Sisters of St. Jasper of the Rocks. Most llmatari monasteries traditionally are named after flowers which symbolize something of significance to the order, though this is not mandated.
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization


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