
Revered Guardian Dolaucoth

Revered Guardian Dolaucoth is generally responsible for assigning or approving missions undertaken by the adventuring clerics and paladins. He is a cleric of Ilmater, not a paladin.   Dolaucoth is a dry and withered old man. What hair remains on his tonsured head is stringy and white. Despite his age, his eyes are ice blue, and are so penetrating that a reference to them, ”Eyes!”, has become a common exclamation among the templars and inquisitors.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dolaucoth came into the temple young, the son of a local noble. His pride always seemed to get him into trouble and hindered friendships. Despite his isolation, Dolaucoth took vows as a cleric many years ago, and has advanced to his current position through hard work. It rankles that the tradition of appointing only paladins keeps him from becoming head of the Bastion.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dolaucoth is highly judgmental. His advanced years give him a perspective on ”how things used to be,” but others just think he’s stodgy. He disapproves of Gaius, possibly because of the abbot’s forward thinking, proactive policies. He humors Caernarvon’s quest for personal justice, which he is aware of. He hangs on Landra’s every word with very much the manner of a lost puppy, an incongruous sight to many. Regardless of what others may think of him, Dolaucoth thinks of himself as a stalwart servant of Ilmater.

Personality Characteristics


Dolaucoth honestly believes that the Order of the Golden Cup would be best served by placing clerics above paladins in the Order, with himself in charge of the Bastion.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1288 85 Years old
Ice Blue
Mostly bald, what's left is white and stringy.
5' 7"
168 lbs.


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