Bastion of the Golden Cup

The western end of the Damaran Gate complex is anchored by a castle. Three towers and a courtyard are built in the shadow of a tall mountain, with chambers cut into the mountain.   This castle houses the Order of the Golden Cup, Gareth Dragonsbane's order of hold warriors dedicated to Ilmater. These well-equipped and well trained paladins represent the cornerstone of the Duchy of Bloodstone's militia.

Purpose / Function

The Bastion houses the Order of the Golden Cup, a paladin order dedicated to The Triad of which King Gareth Dragonsbane is a member.


The Grounds

The Bastion of the Golden Cup is well fortified with 20-foot-thick battlements rise 35 feet in the air, enclosing an interior courtyard roughly measuring 270 feet by 180 feet. The hollow battlement wall is inhabited by members of the order.   In the courtyard are the campanile, or bell tower, and a free-standing private chapel dedicated to the Triad. Usually only the clerics and paladins meet here, for the devout public attends sermons and ceremonies in the public chapel just outside the Bastion's walls, beside the main entrance in one of the Damaran Gate's various baileys. The retreat, where weary and devout travelers may lodge, is also in the same bailey, across from the public chapel. Next to the retreat lies the agora, where gold and favors are exchanged for services rendered and trappings of the faith.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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