Fanewood Geographic Location in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil


West of the pastoral Halfling Downs lies the dark wood known as the Fanewood. The Hin brave the forest reluctantly, and in force, for dark forces are known to live under its boughs.   A nest of giant spiders, led by an intelligent, speaking spider known as Anugua live in the middle Fanewood. Anagua has been known to let some travelers live, but most who enter the webs of her people are never heard from again.   The Fanewood is home to at least one kobold tribe, probably more. There have been sightings of ogres and trolls in the western portion of the forest.   Even darker rumors speak of the Witch of the Fanewood, Raziel, a hideous old crone, possibly human, possible a hag of some sort. It is said that long ago, Raziel corrupted the treant who protected the forest. Though no one has ever reported seeing or encountering a corrupted treant.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under


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