Giantspire Mountains Geographic Location in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Giantspire Mountains

North of the Rawlinswood rise the rugged, snowy Giantspire Mountains. Claimed by both Damara and the Nar tribes, the range is, in fact, occupied by the folk of neither land, for hobgoblins, bugbears, and evil cloud giants hold the peaks.     The Long Road crosses the Giantspires, right through a region of rolling foothills known as the Giant Gap. Snows close the gap in the wintertime, but few travelers come this way even at the height of summer—marauders and monsters harry travelers in this lonely and desolate land.     The hobgoblins of the Giantspires are ruled by King Kardobbik, a particularly dangerous warlord. The king’s primary advisor is Lady Farkattle. She has managed to animate the corpse of a long-dead, very old deep dragon that once made its home here but was slain in the war that brought the old empire of Narfell to a bloody end.
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