Soneillon Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil


The “Queen of Whispers” has haunted the nation of Impiltur since the Battle of Moaning Gorge, although her central role in Impiltur’s enduring troubles is a carefully hidden secret. This former consort of Agrosh the Scaled, Ndulu, and the Archmage Ferentier is a succubus from the Abyss who excels in the twin arts of possession and corruption. She has contributed to the fall of two royal houses in Impiltur and sown the seeds of civil war in both Chondath and the Realm of the Sword and Wand.     Banished more than four centuries ago from the kingdom of Impiltur, Soneillon now rules the hobgoblins of the Giantspires from the shadows, and claims the death knight Imbrar Heltharn, fallen king of Impiltur, as her undying prince-consort. However, Soneillon’s desire for revenge against Impiltur remains unslaked, and she continues to plot against its leadership.    

Soneillon’s Lair

Soneillon is based in the depths of the Giantspire Mountains, having claimed a long-plundered crypt of ancient Narfell as her lair, and its twin thrones as her seat of power. The Queen of Whispers nominally dwells therein, attended by the Fallen King of Impiltur and the undead remnants of his Royal Guard, but, in practice, she spends much of her time secretly lurking within the minds of mortals, possessing crowns and other symbolic objects as she sows the seeds of corruption. Soneillon is most often found possessing the Coronation Crown of Aliia while it rests atop the brow of the most powerful hobgoblin of the tribes of the Giantspire Mountains.    

Soneillon’s Domain

Soneillon claims all the Giantspire Mountains as her domain, having secretly proclaimed it to be the kingdom of Naratyr. The Queen of Whispers does not rule Naratyr in open court, preferring instead to whisper to the various hobgoblins chieftains from the shadows. Soneillon seeks to regain the throne of Impiltur, which she held briefly centuries ago before being banished forever from the realm by Soargar, then the Archmage of Lyrabar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For centuries, the Giantspire Mountains, which today form the border between the Kingdom of Damara and the tribal lands of Narfell, have been home to bugbears, hill giants, ogres, stone giants, and countless hobgoblins. Although long considered a deadly nuisance, the eternally-warring tribes of hobgoblins did not begin to pose a significant threat to neighboring realms until the Year of the Dawndance (1095 DR). However, the roots of their emergence stretch back nearly four centuries before that date.     In the 600s DR, Impilturan settlers began settling the Great Dale, inadvertently unleashing the fell legacies of ancient Narfell buried beneath the forest floor. Once again, demons, half-fi ends, and tieflings began to plague the region. West of the Easting Reach, fiends began infiltrating the ruling strata of the Impilturan court, while others mustered armies under the command of the balor Ndulu. Once unleashed in the Year of the Dowager Lady (726 DR), the armies of fiends quickly brought Impiltur to its knees. On the eastern shores of the Easting Reach, the lack of organized resistance (outside of Milvarn) allowed individual fiends to rampage unchecked through what is now Thesk.     Among the fiends released during the blazing of the Great Dale was a succubus named Soneillon. Some scholars specializing in the study of fiends claim this is not her true name, but the name of a female demon lord, whose guise she has assumed. There are those who say that this Soneillon is the demon lord, banished from the Abyss until such time as she amasses enough power to return triumphant.     The Queen of Whispers, as the consort of Agrosh the Scaled styled herself, was instrumental in engineering the fall of the Durlarven dynasty, but her reign as queen of Impiltur was short-lived. In the Year of the Twisted Horn (729 DR), Agrosh, the half-fiend offspring of Eltab, the Lord of the Hidden Layer, was slain by Belthar Garshin, a paladin of Torm, at the Battle of Horned Heads; Soneillon narrowly escaped with her life.     Soneillon has spent the past five centuries attempting to retake the throne of Impiltur, but was finally forced from that kingdom by the Archmage of Lyrabar, Soargar, who crafted a spell to forever banish Soneillon from lands claimed by Impiltur.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Current Location


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