Oeridian Pantheon

The Oeridian peoples seem to have a particular fondness for martial gods. The Oeridian Pantheon boasts no less than three Gods of War and Battle; Heironious, Hextor, and Stratis, who is believed to be dead.   All three war gods were mothered by Stern Alia, Goddess of Motherhood, Culture, and Law, three precepts which are important to the Oeridian peoples.   It is said among Oeridian sages that the worship of Stratis was dominant in their ancient homeland, which they believe was in western Oerik. Some Oeridians still worship this fallen deity and repeat a legend associated with His death. It is whispered that at His death, Stratis’ blood burned its way through the Oerth down into the Underdark and exposed the passageway to the drow settlement of Kalan-G’eld. Stratis’ blood then turned into mists and still floats around the Underdark in clouds. It is said that anyone touched by these clouds is gifted with a portion of Stratis’ divine spark.   The Oeridian Pantheon also consists of Bleredd, Celestian, Cyndor, Daern, Delleb, Erthynul, Fharlanghn, Johydee, Kurell, Merikka, Pholtus, Procan, Rudd, Sol -- an ancient Oeridian name for Pelor -- Stern Alia, Zilchus and The Velaeri -- a collective name for the Oeridian agricultural gods; Velnius, Telchur, Atroa, Sotillion, and Wenta.   Heironious, Hextor, Fharlanghn, Pholtus, Pelor, and Zilchus are the primary recipients of Oeridian worship in the Flannaess, though all the gods of the pantheon receive varying amounts of veneration, token though they may be.    

Oeridian Gods considered part of Core Pantheon

  • Celestian; (N/NG; god of the stars, space, wanderers)
  • Erythnul; (CE/ CN; god of hate, envy, malice, panic)
  • Fharlanghn; (N/NG; god of horizons, distance, travel)
  • Heironeous; (LG; god of chivalry, honor, justice, valor)
  • Hextor; (LE; god of war, discord, massacre)
  • Olidammara; (CN; god of music, revelry, rougery, wine)
  • Pholtus; (LG/LN; god of light, resolution, law)
  • Procan; (CN; god of the oceans, seas, salt)
  • Zilchus; (LN; god of power, prestige, influence, money, business)

Other Oeridian Gods

  • Atroa; (NG; goddess of spring, east wind)
  • Bleredd; (N; god of metal, mines, smiths)
  • Cyndor; (LN; god of time, infinity, continuity)
  • Delleb; (LG; god of reason and intellect)
  • Kurell; (CN; god of jealousy, revenge, thievery)
  • Lirr; (CG; goddess of prose, poetry, art)
  • Merikka; (LG; goddess of farming, agriculture, home)
  • Raxivort; (CE God of Xvarts, Rats, Wererats, and Bats
  • Rudd; (CN/CG; goddess of chance, good luck, skill)
  • Sotillion; (CG/CN; goddess of summer, the South wind, ease, and comfort)
  • Telchur; (CN; god of winter, the north wind, cold)
  • Velnius; (N/NG; god of the sky, weather)
  • Wenta; (CG; goddess of autumn, the west wind, harvest)

Obscure Oeridian Gods

  • Stern Alia; (LN; goddess of Oeridian culture, law, motherhood)
  • Stratis; (N/CN; god of war, deceased)


The Sad Maiden, NG God of Spring, East Wind, and Renewal

Oeridian Lesser God   Atroa (ah-TROH-ah) is one of the five Oeridian wind and agricultural deities fathered by Procan. Depicted as a fresh-faced blonde woman with an eagle perched on her shoulder, she once loved the god Kurell but was spurned by him for her sister Sotiflion. She oversees the blessings of spring, including the opening of hearts to new prospects and the body to new horizons. Her sling Windstorm can strike the most distant foe, and her spherical &ass talisman Readying’s Dawn can melt ice within her line of sight. She is closeest to her divine family and is indifferent to most other gods except Fharlanghn. Her holy symbol is a heart with an air-glyph within.  


Spring is the time that the world awakens from her slumber by the invigorating breath of the east wind. Spring brings new life and love to the world, renews old friends hips, and pulls on the heartstrings of lovers, poets, and travelers. it is a time for old things to be repaired, old feuds to be buried, and old biases to be discarded. Like the dawn, it presages great things to come; look to them with an open mind and heart so that they may be enjoyed to the fullest.  


Clerics of Atroa are optimistic, willing to try new things; and rarely settle in one place for more than a year. They are forgiving and proud to turn foes into friends. They love returning to past friends and lovers almost as much as they relish any opportunity to travel and see new places. They enjoy exploring strange places, especially if they haven’t traveled in a while.   Domains: Light, Nature   Weapons: Sling    


The Iron Mule, N God of Metal, Mines, and Smiths

Oeridian Lesser God   Bleredd (BLAIR-ed) is known throughout the Flanaess. He taught iron-working to the Oeridians and his worship has spread throughout the Flanaess. He cares little for talk, preferring to work in his shop and fashion metal works of art; he created may of the weapons his godly family uses, including that of his wife, Ulaa. His hammer Fury is thought to be the inspiration for the first hammers of thunderbolts forged by humans. Occasionally he accepts small groups of students and unlocks the gift of mastering metal in them. His holy symbol is an iron mule, reflecting his patience and endurance.  


The earth’s gifts are there for the taking, and creating a perfect suit of armor or flawless weapon is a goal to winch all war-crafters should aspire. Mining and smithy-work is not for the weak, so those who worship Bleredd should be strong in mind and body, for a weak will forges a weak weapon. Anyone with the talent for this craft should be taught it, and those who keep secret more efficient or effective ways of finding or working metal will be punished.  


Bleredd’s clerics explore caverns for good ore, hammer out iron for the pleasure of creating, and search out sources of meteoric iron, mithral, and adamantine. They also travel to find new students, teach the smith-crafts, and develop better ways of doing their work.   Domains: Nature, Forge   Weapons: Warhammer    


Keeper of Infinity, the Illimitable One, LN God of Time, Infinity, and Continuity

Oeridian Lesser God   Cyndor (SIN-dohr) has three duties: meditate upon how manipulating time-space alters the universe, record the actions of every creature on Oerth in his Perpetual Libram, and guard the time-stream from powerful beings that might alter it to their advantage. This Oeridian god endorses the concept of predestination, although his perspective differs from that of Istus or even his sometime ally (and superior) Lendor. He is shown as a towering man. form with no features and blocklike limbs of terrible strength, representing the unknowable and inevitable advance of time. His symbol is a rounded hourglass of black and white set on its side, much like the symbol for infinity.  


Time is not a static thing, but rather something liquid that stretches from the forgotten past to the present and into the distant future. Events of the past cause events in the present, which have consequences that last far beyond the life. times of their progenitors. There is no need to worry about the choices one makes in life, for all actions are determined and your fate is set based upon those choices. Augury is useful only as a moral balm to allow realization and acceptance of one’s place in the stream of life.  


Clerics of Cyndor converge near sites of pending importance or disruptions in the time-flow. They study old lore to plot the course of history and learn the future, and many work as advisers or seers. They debunk charlatan fortune-tellers and other false prophets. They travel with people whom they perceive will have interesting futures.   Domains: Order   Weapons: Sling    


The Scholar, the Scribe, LG God of Reason, Intellect, and Study

Oeridian Lesser God   Delleb (DEL-leb) is an Oeridian god depicted as a noble scribe or well-dressed gray-haired man with a large white book (his holy symbol). Although he prefers debate to combat, he used his phoenix- feather quill as a dart to fend off a young and murderous Hextor. He is interested in any sort of useful or interesting lore, but dislikes fiction or overly verbose language. He is friendly to all others but those who are evil or oppose knowledge. It is rumored that Delleb sponsored Daern, hero-goddess of defenses and fortifications, to her present position.  


The accumulation of knowledge is the purpose of existence. What cannot be learned from others may be discovered in books, and when books fail the truly studious will turn to experimentation. An hour studying is an hour well spent. Allowing emotion to cloud your judgment risks danger. The ignorant and inexperienced should be educated.  


Delleb’s clerics ask questions of strangers, listen to bard’s tales with a grain of salt, pore over old books, and study lost languages in the hopes of uncovering valuable forgotten knowledge. They use their knowledge to help others, whether designing a more efficient stove for a farmer or planning a great bridge for a city; they may not have the skill to build such things, but they know how to design them. They travel to study recently unearthed tomes, converse with ancient learned people, and adventure to explore old places of lost writings.   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge   Weapons: Dart    


The Bitter Hand, the Scorned Heart, the Vengeful Knave, CN God of Jealousy, Revenge, and Theft

Oeridian lesser god   Kurell (kuh-REL) is an Oeridian god once loved by Atroa, but he spurned her to pursue Sotillion, his brother Zilchus’ lover. This failure caused him to lose both goddesses as well as the favor of his brother. Now, his jealous feelings keeps him alone, even though the others involved would surely forgive him if he would ask. His only allies are the more temperamental, morose, and reactionary deities Joramy, Ralishaz, and Trithereon. His symbol is a grasping hand holding a broken coin. He is a patron of thieves, although other gods such as Norebo and Olidammara are more popular than he, which makes him jealous and fills him with an irrational fervor to steal away their worshipers.  


Desires must be seized, for experiencing the act of taking brings joy. Suffering must be avenged, for only retribution alleviates loss. Those that have wealth do not deserve it, for the power and luck who brought them to where they are, and for that they should be scorned. You must take what rightfully yours when the time is right or forever be shack. led to misers’, poverty, and nothingness.  


Clerics of Kurell are very self-centered and not particularly interested in proselytizing unless they perceive an immediate benefit for themselves. Their instruction involves teaching by example rather than quoting doctrine. Many make their living as thieves, and spend their time planning acts of revenge against their enemies. They travel in search of great things to steal, to escape their rivals, or to forget their past.   Domains: Trickery   Weapons: Shortsword    


Lady Poet, the Lorekeeper, CG God of Poetry, Prose, Literature, and Art

Oeridian Lesser Goddess   Lirr (LEER) is shown as a fresh-faced Oeridian woman with long black hair and dark blue eyes. Her symbol is an illustrated book, and she carries a tome with her that can show any poetry, prose, spell, or artwork ever created. She works favorably with any being that respects knowledge, learning, and the arts, but she opposes those that would destroy art and knowledge or hide it. Many Oeridian sorcerers and wizards worship Lirr, particularly those who dislike Delleb’s conservative and reclusive nature.  


The written word, be it in rhyme, prose, myth, or logbook, is the linchpin of civilization. Preserve written works so that the knowledge of the past can be given to the future, and put oral records in more permanent form. Art should be revered, for it conveys feelings and messages that would take hundreds of pages to explain. Every poem, book, or painting lost is a piece of history forgotten.  


Lirr’s clerics wander Oerth in search of lore, news, poetry, historical tales, magic, and works of art. They sneak into lands ruled by oppressive leaders (such as Iuz), trying to rescue items of interest that are at risk of being destroyed out of malice or ignorance. Many clerics have skill as bards, telling tales and painting pictures rather than singing; they easily find work as tutors, scribes, and artists. Novice clerics spend months making copies of their temple’s archives of books, scrolls, and works of art, which are distributed so that others may appreciate them.   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Peace   Weapons: Rapier    


Lady of the Calendar, LG Demipower of Farming, Agriculture, and Home

Oeridian Demipower   Merikka (meh-RIK-kah) is a quiet Oeridian goddess who takes direction from Cyndor and coordinates activities with her cousins (the gods of seasons) to allow farmers to plant and cut their crops at the proper time. She guides the cycle of a family through the days, seasons, and years of life. Her obsession with dates and cycles makes her a patron of expectant mothers. She is shown as a gray-haired woman of faded beauty holding a basket of grain and a long scroll, with the objects being her holy symbol. She was trapped for a time under Castle Greyhawk by Zagig Yragerne but eventually released by a group of adventurers. She resents chaotic gods and any who would disrupt her work.  


A well-run farm and strong family both rely on the adherence to routines, an understanding of relationships, and the consequences of actions. Animals will not thrive unless they are cared for, fields cannot be planted unless they are prepared, and grain won’t last through the winter unless rationing is kept. Spouses must respect each other, children must obey their parents, and parents should love and teach their children. Ignoring these commands leads to ruin.  


Clerics of Merikka coordinate groups of farmers so that everyone’s crops are planted and harvested at the optimal time, mediate between warring family members, care for pregnant women, and officiate coming-of-age and marriage ceremonies. They enforce laws and punish lawbreakers where other officials are unavailable. Most city folk see them a emissaries of law because of their single-minded dedication in following their quarry to places far from home.   Domains: Nature, Order   Weapons: Sickle    


Lord of Xvartkind, Master of Rats, Night Flutterer, God of Xvarts, Rats, Wererats, and Bats

CE Oeridian Lesser God   Raxivort (RAKS-ih-vort) is the god of all xvarts—a short, blue-skinned goblinoid race found in the Bandit Kingdoms, old lands of the Horned Society, Bone March, Pomarj, Verbobonc, and the eastern Vesve Forest. Raxivort was the greatest general of his race, taken in by the demon lord Graz’zt and granted abilities by his lord. After centuries of serving as Graz’zt’s Master of Slaves, Raxivort looted the demon’s armory and claimed his own Abyssal realm. While he can take the form of a great rat or bat, his natural form is that of a strong but ugly xvart wearing silken garments over blue mail. He carries the falchion Azure Razor, favors throwing blades of various sizes, and creates fans of acidic fire from his left hand (thus, his symbol is a blue flaming hand). He combats most other nonhuman gods and avoids demons entirely.  


Xvarts are the inheritors of the world. They and their rat, wererat, and bat allies will destroy their enemies, parttcularly the goblins and kobolds. With cunning, numbers, and small allies, the xvarts will overwhelm all opposition. Like Raxivort himself, fire and knives are the tools of the xvarts against their hated foes. Those who can take the shape of rat or bat are doubly blessed.  


Most clerics of Raxivort are xvarts, although some rat- and bat-creatures worship him as well. The less militaristic clerics search out old ruins to find stores of magic and weapons that can be brought back for their tribe. His clerics are more open-minded about and less fearful of humans than other xvarts, and they serve as negotiators or diplomats when humans are encountered.   Domains: Trickery   Weapons: Dagger    


The Charm, the Duelist, CN (CG) Demipower of Chance, Good Luck, and Skill

Ascendant Oeridian Demipower   Rudd (RUD) is a woman who ascended to godhood with Olidammara’s help. She appears to be a trim, athletic Oeridian woman wearing form-fitting clothing and a long blue cloak. Some say she was one of the nine demigods trapped by the mad archmage Zagig, and her church has become popular in the last two decades, especially among adventurers. She is friendly with her mentor and Norebo, but opposes Zagyg, Ralishaz, and Iuz. A master of the rapier, she never misses with her shortbow and claims the bull’s- eye target as her holy symbol  


Depend upon skill for success, but also on your good fortune. Never rule out the long shot, but don’t count on it. Successful people make their own luck, at a gaming tabletop in a duel, especially if they buck the odds with expertise. The ability to recognize good luck and seize its possibilities divides the heroes from the fools.  


Rudd's clerics practice at games that rely heavily on chance and physical prowess (less often mental ability), hone their fighting abilities, and perform other tasks that improve with repetition. They work in gambling establishments and schools of fencing and archery, counsel the novice to continue training and caution the perpetually unlucky to find other interests. They adventure for the thrill of experience, to prove their ability, to beat the odds, and just for the sake of exploring.   Domains: Trickery   Weapons: Rapier    


The Summer Queen, CG (CN) God of Summer, South Wind, Ease, and Comfort

Oeridian Lesser Goddess   Sotillion (so-TIL-ee-on) is depicted as a beautiful woman in diaphanous clothes, reclining on a blanket with a bottle of wine, accompanied by a winged, pure-orange tiger (her holy symbol). With a wave of her hand she can afflict others with a careless stupor nearly unto slumber. Zilchus's wife, she can retain her favorite comforts because of her husband’s pros- perky. Ever a languid goddess, she often has to be prodded to her duties by her family.  


When the wind blows from the south and when planting is done, it is time to rest and enjoy the warm weather with good food, pleasant folk, friendly gossip, and content quiet. Hard work and strain are things to be avoided, if your rewards are threatened, defend them with zeal like the great cat defends her young, for life without its comforts is a life not worth living.  


Sotillion’s clerics like to be pampered and enjoy casual parties and banquets where they can listen to soft music, engage in pleasant conversation with interesting people, and sample tasty foods and beverages. Her clerics make good diplomats because they are able make people so relaxed that they forget their quarrels and gripes. They travel in style, usually on horseback, in a carriage, or on a litter, in order to visit acquaintances or attend parties. Some are of the mind- set that ease and comfort become stale and boring without tines of distress and hardship to which it can be contrasted; these clergymen go adventuring, both for the purpose of roughing it and to acquire riches to allow them the comforts they desire.   Domains: Life, Nature, Tempest   Weapons: Net    


The Rainshroud, the Elder Breeze, N (NG) God of Sky and Weather

Oeridian lesser god   Velnius (VEL-nee-us) is the most responsible member of his family. As Procan’s oldest child, he is the leader of the Oeridian wind gods and is called in to support or take over for them when they are overwhelmed or lax in their duties. He is shown as tall man of middle age with white hair and a cloak of feathers from which pours water and lightning. He is allied with his family members, friendly with neutral or druidic deities, and opposes Kurell. His symbol is a bird perched on a cloud.  


The sky is the dome of heaven from which flow the necessities of life. The desert and the parched field cry out for rain while the road and swamp ask for the drying sun, and the request of each is answered. No matter which direction the wind blows, it is all part of the weather that Velnius controls. Weather is a blessing, for even if a storm or drought brings hardship, it will continue on its way to where it is needed.  


Velnius’s clerics are used to speaking on the behalf of others (even if such intervention is not needed). They prefer talk to conflict, but can be very aggressive when provoked. They pray for rain when crops need water and call for temperance when the weather deviates too far from the norm. As mobile as their god, they travel far, and adventure to counteract weather disruptions caused by heretical agents or when Velnius is too busy.   Domains: Tempest   Weapons: Spear    


The Alewife, Harvest Daughter, CG God of Autumn, West Wind, Harvest, and Brewing

Oeridian lesser goddess   Wenta (WEN-tah) is the youngest Oeridian wind god. She always appears as a buxom, rosy-cheeked woman with straw in her hair and a large mug of beer (her holy symbol). She has no permanent ties to any one being, preferring to go where her heart takes her, and as such has been linked to many deities. The week of Brewfest is a holy time for her, although she prefers that people spend it cavorting and drinking rather than praying. She dislikes only her brother Telchur, seeing him as the black sheep always on her heels.  


The cool winds of autumn are Wenta’s sign that it is time to reap. Winter’s cold can be delayed with the warmth of ale and beer, and brewing deserves as much care as you would give your lover. A day of hard work in autumn is repaid with pleasantly cool nights, good friends, and plenty of good drink to loosen your tongue and quicken your heart.  


Wenta’s clerics are friendly, outgoing, and unafraid to talk to strangers. Their time of prayer is a brief interval before sundown. They organize gatherings, particularly those involving alcohol, and direct harvest procedures so that work is shared fairly by all and finished early. Many work as brewmasters and travel to other parts of the world to enjoy the weather and local spirits. They adventure to meet new people and spend time with friends, or because they agreed to do so while intoxicated. Their holy water is actually blessed ale or beer.   Domains: Nature, Tempest   Weapons: Club
Religious, Pantheon


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