Electric Being Spell in Tales of Justice | World Anvil

Electric Being

This is a physical power.
The name may be a touch misleading: unlike Self-Link Lightning, the Character's physical form is not replaced by a solid Character-shape of electric energy. With Electric Being in use, the Character completely covers themselves in a thin shell of electricity.


The Character is able to cover themselves with a thin layer of crackling electricity, while sustaining no damage to themselves or their worn equipment. This brilliant protective layer remains in place for however long the Character is conscious, chooses to keep the power active, and spends an Automatic Action per phase on maintaining the electric field.
Electricity is always visible and audible. Even in well-lit conditions, the coruscating light field is pure electromagnetic energy -- it obscures details of the Character within. It causes the surroundings to cast shadows. An Electric Being makes constant crackling sounds, at minimum equivalent to an active plasma lamp of equivalent size to the Character.


Any electricity-based attack against the Electric Being user must overcome not only the user's RV, but also the APs of Electric Being. An electric Energy Blast that catches Elettra Kaur from the un-Force Shielded side during combat will have to roll against her Body 04 plus her Electric Being 03, for a total RV of 7.
Should that attack be of a conductive nature, however --
  • Water Control
  • rubber pellets, or a rubber-coated melee weapon
  • properly grounded metal cables
-- the advantage is with the attacking side. Shift the Character's RV downward by a -2 Column Shift penalty.
Because electricity and magnetism are so intricately related, an attack by Magnetic Control against an active Electric Being gives neither side of the Action Check an advantage.

Side/Secondary Effects

Touching free-moving electricity is not great for most beings' health.
While Electric Being is active, anyone who touches the Character experiences an automatic Physical Attack with AV/EV equal to the APs of Electric Being. The same is true for any person, Gadget, or other damage-capable target who is touched by a Character with Electric Being active.
On the about-to-be-electroshocked side, innate or already active protections from electric (or general energy) damage may apply. However, if the Electric Being is the Character being touched, the other person is presumably already using their Dice Action for the phase. That opponent cannot activate previously undeclared defenses, not even with a spare Automatic Action, nor can they declare Full Dodge at this point.
The automatic Electric Being touch attack does not count as an Action for the Electric Being Character. Grappling Attack or other melee attacks are, of course, themselves Dice Actions. The Electric Being touch attack comes along for the ride on a successful contact.
The Character has the option of substituting APs of Electric Being for Strength as the EV of any hand-to-hand attacks, but probably not for Weaponry (Melee) unless using a Gadget specifically built for that purpose.


Characters with this Power are likely to already have at least one of:
  • Magnetic Control
  • Lightning
  • Weather Control (and the accompanying GM Disfavor)
Common future developments, once a Character has taken some time to be inventive with this Power, may be:
  • Flash
  • Self-Linked Lightning
  • Electrical Control (if the Character did not already have the Magnetic Control Power)
  • Energy Absorption
This is a slightly modified version of the power of the same name on page 72 in Blood of Heroes by Pulsar Games.

Bright blue-white electricity crackles and sparks in the general shape of a woman.

Electric Being by Jarissa via Craiyon and MS Paint

Electric Being

Link: Str

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 10
Factor Cost: 6

Power Bonus Options!

Electric Sleeve

+1 to Factor Cost above

Related Element
electromagnetism, electricity, magnetic fields
Applied Restriction
A Character with active Electric Being cannot expect to sneak around in most environments. They would need so much ambient light and sound that one would expect an unpowered, non-metahuman bystander to have equal chances of passing undetected.
Electric Being is ineligible for the Always On Limitation.
Electric Being is ineligible for the Area Effect or Usable on Others Bonuses.
The GMs are willing to entertain a persuasive plea to allow the Range Increase Bonus, but will be extremely skeptical at the outset.

Custom Power Bonus


Electric Sleeve

For an additional +1 to the Factor Cost of this Power, a Character can have the option to manifest their Electric Being around only part of their Body.
At least 15% of the total form must be covered; the Character could sleeve both arms from shoulders down past fingertips or curled fists, or they could cover torso from top two inches of femur up to lowest vertebra of neck and across to top two inches of humerus, or they could sleeve only half of their body (only the {front|back} from crown of head to below heels, or only {left|right} side from spine to sternum plus that side's leg and congruent side of head, or only {top|bottom} half of body).


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