
Physical Description

Physical quirks

Pichana stands with the posture of a person who thinks he could hide behind a telephone pole. His "resting state" has his hands pressed tightly to his sides, his feet aligned together, his shoulders slightly hunched.
One would expect his fighting style to be related somehow: melee combat based on short, powerful jabs, such as boxing, or perhaps he restricts himself to powered combat with a stun stick or a ray gun of some sort.
In fact, he becomes wildly animate when violence is necessary!

Special abilities

Pichana learned a short-spear melee style as an adolescent. In the event that he has to fight, he seeks any object that could serve as a polearm with a sharpened end.
His first resort, of course, will be to trap the adversary in place.

Apparel & Accessories

If left to his own devices, Pichana wears tailored yellow suits with padded shoulders. The subtle pinstriping is crimson, but is so narrow in the cloth as to be more of a hint than a proper detail.
Fortuntely for the worlds of fashion and eyeballs, Pichana is seldom allowed to make his own sartorial choices. Expect to see him in a crimson jumpsuit with matching gloves. His jumpsuit has the maximum allowed five closeable containers:

Specialized Equipment

  • A zippered seam pocket on the inside left arm, just above the elbow, contains preprogrammed data chips in various configurations. Each chip carries a suite of fast-acting computer viruses to overwrite all contents of a machine drive, then disable its safety limits if any and set it to overwork itself until it melts.
  • A holster on his left thigh holds a compact battery-operated vacuum.
  • A padded pouch on his belt near the buckle has various small vials, loaded with one usage each of bleach or other disinfecting solutions. The flap of the pouch holds two microfiber cloths.
  • A magnetically sealed inner breast pocket on the jumpsuit holds a set of graded sandpapers and a foldable wire bristle brush, for scouring marks off almost any surface. The tiny magnetic clasp can be removed from the pocket edges and used to warp magnetic fields in film or touchscreens.
  • A detachable satchel holds tools (small hammer, screwdriver, wrench heads that can be attached to the handle of the hammer, magnifying goggles, flashlight with filters) and a space for storing any evidence to be returned to the Employer
  • Pichana's shoes are extremely pointy, with resin-reinforced sides to make the toes sharp.

  • Pichana's helmet completely surrounds his head and neck, extending well above hairline, to create the impression that a glossy cylinder rises over a 18 inches up from below his clavicle (in front and back) and his jumpsuit mid-shoulder (on the sides). The top is a slightly convex rust-colored dome. It has two dark spots in the upper third for "eye holes", but these are not truly holes. They are a misdirection; the entire helmet is translucent on the inside, polarized on the outside.

    (Pichana did not have his helmet with him when he encountered the Trenchcoat Brigade in Brooklyn during January of 2010.)

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    He remembers resenting a peer named "Bruce".
    He remembers earning a BS in Forensic Science. The degree has a school label, an interlocked set of three capital letters: "GCU". It also has a government seal, a crossed hammer and sickle.
    Character Location
    View Character Profile
    Current Residence
    pale orange
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