Will of the Earth

Scientific achievement


Mega Crossover Series:
Will of the Earth


It's the SUMMER SPECTACULAR as teenage students from the summer semester at the Gironde School arrange an official school trip to the New York Public Library for thesis paper research.

Teenage students in the summer program at the Gironde School for Gifted and Special Needs Students convinced their instructors to arrange a field trip to the NYPL for thesis paper research. Thomas Jordan and Don Blake wound up on chaperone duty. Within minutes of their arrival, noted villain Penny Dreadful appeared in the East Reading Room with slime-blobby hench-things
((spoiler: not really henches!))
and claims that she is trying to STOP a crime in progress in the special collections room!
It turns out that the Shivan slime-blobby things serve Dr. Achilles Theron, who is using them to support and coerce other villains into doing his will.
It's all a plot to apply for membership in A.I.M.
At one point (because his player was going to be working through the next session) Thunderstrike vanished. His hammer remained. This necessitated an Epilogue in which Silverwing and Sahara recreated the warphole so they could go rescue Thunderstrike from an alternate Flooded Earth.

Related Location
New York City
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