Case of the "Mal-Teased" Falcon

Life, Crime


The Three Investigators have DONE IT AGAIN. Brian Tanner of same has DISAPPEARED. AGAIN. and Susie and Jeremy have to argue with each other about whether to tell the adults. From checking on the Mason Maul Shippers warehouse that Brian was supposedly surveilling, to a smelting foundry where Brian was last known to lurk, to interfering on the Russian ship Svetlana when Feedback of the Freakshow tries to rob it, this goes about as squirrelly as every other time the Three Investigators decide to ignore protocol.

Greetings True Believers!

Fall in Metropolis! Leaves changing colors, a rainbow of visual imagery and a feast for the senses. Even the week has been quiet, promising a calm, respectable close to Friday, and hope for a reasonable, and uneventful weekend.
Or is it … too quiet?
For even now, a cargo ship has just reached the busy Port of Metropolis. An unremarkable ship that has made the long voyage across the Atlantic from an unknown port of call in Europe.
An unremarkable ship, but one that is watched in secret right now by a great many eyes, including one of three young sleuths at the Gironde School for Gifted Youngsters. Three sleuths who suspect there is more than meets the eye.
There’s dire mayhem waiting for our heroes! Will they learn the secrets bound by this cargo vessel? Will they unravel the mysterious plot behind it, before it affects all of Metropolis?
Stay with us True Believers … and find out! I know I will!
This is Not Stan Lee saying …
