Esteban the Tainted

Radiant Estaban (a.k.a. The Revered, The Tainted)

There have been many cautionary tales that teach us to be wary of the power that lurks in all things dark, but out of all of the Estaban the Revered tells us that even the light of a Radiant can be tainted should it stray into the darkness for too long. - Tolo the Keeper

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Blessed By The Spark

  From what was known of Esteban, he was born into a family of farmers along with his twin sister, Catalina, who lived a relatively everyday life and learned the values of hard work and faith from his parents. Not much happened until his awakening as a Dawn Sparked at the same time with her sister after protecting their home from a Gloomspawn attack, destroying them with their power over Radiance and later relieved to be both Radiants. Not too long after, they were taken by the Congregation of the Eternal Spark to be trained and live holy lives under the guidance of the congregation. The Congregation saw great potential in the twins Esteban and Catalina being taken to the sacred city of Orinene to be trained and to live pious lives under the guidance of the Congregation. Orinene was a place of grandeur and serenity, its halls filled with the hum of ancient hymns and the glow of everlasting light. Here, Esteban was taught to harness his powers over Radiance, learning to channel his inner light to heal, protect, and vanquish the forces of darkness.   He quickly rose through the ranks, his bond with his twin sister strengthening his abilities. Esteban, in particular, was a diligent and devoted student, embracing the teachings of the Congregation wholeheartedly, his faith in the Eternal Spark unwavering. He grew to become a power Radiant, and his devotion and charity towards the people were known throughout the Radiarchy of Ondelenia, driving away cultists and Gloomspawn where ever he went and achieving vast wisdom through his teachers and his studies in all things holy. He promoted the faith, offering comfort wherever he went and saw the protection of smaller settlements from the outlying regions from any dangers. Eventually, he would become a counselor to the Radiarch Andros Spriggs, for many years, offering wisdom and advice to the old man on many matters of faith and state. After years of hard work and commitment, he would eventually be named his successor. When Andros returned to Eternal Spark from this world, Esteban would take his place as Ondelenia's Radiarch.  

Fall From The Light

  For much of his reign, Esteban was a wise and just ruler who ensured his people were safe and prospered under his rule across Ondelenia. Much centered on aiding those who were unfortunate and building monuments to the faith for all to be welcomed. However, the rest of his duties were to halt the advancement of the Gloom and its forces from threatening his people, and he sought answers that he believed would help him hold its influence from the world. One day, he decided to go exploring the infamous Forbidden Archives of Accursed Texts, a library filled with documents that centered entirely around the Gloom made by Gloom Cults to worship their dark master with centuries of unholy knowledge being found here. Its purpose was to better understand the traits of the Gloom to better counteract Gloomspawn and the cults should the need arise to use them. Esteban began to read many of these texts and delve deeper into them, and It is said that he stayed in the archive for days on end. Eventually, he changed completely, as if something changed within him as he became disillusioned with the teaching of the Eternal Spark. Esteban was confronted by the clergy, but their accusations were met with denial and threats, until finally it was discovered that the light that once radiated with comfort and warm was extinguished with nothing but a darkness that consumed him, seeking to destroy everything its path, thus beginning the Woe of Orinene and the many horrors that came with it.   The once-vibrant city of Oriene was soon consumed by consuming darkness that was brought to it by Esteban himself as he created a Gloom Rift with the city's walls with Gloomcraft with the once great leader now lost to madness and a lust for power. With the Radiarch lost a Dark Time spread across the countryside as a massive Gloomspawn horde made from its very citizens burst forth from the city to consume all in its path. Not much is known of a full account of the conflict since most of the witnesses of it were lost to The Sundering, only much of the conflict was brutal and even with the combined strength of the Watcher Corps and the Dawn Keepers they could barely hold off the horde. All that was certain the conflict came to an end when Estaban's sister Catalina challenged him to save her homeland, yet was unable to as even as a Radiant, her brother's dark power was too much for her. Yet Estaban would know defeat when she called upon a Star Fall that would crush on top of him and destroy him, along with all of his wicked intentions, with all that remained of his legacy was a cautionary tale that even the greatest lights can easily be engulfed by darkness should they stray from their path.

Personality Characteristics


Estaban sought to have a deeper understanding of the world around him seeking out way to protect his people and affect of The Gloom that sought to consume it. However to do this he delved into the darker aspects of the Gloom's worship and the influence it had on those that worshiped it. This end up changing his views on the world more and more until it finally caused him to turn darkness that he sought to stop.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
167 lb
Aligned Organization


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