Woe of Orinene

Much was lost in the fall of Orinene; its holiness was meant to protect us, but no one ever expected its greatest threat was from within. - Illumine Priest Honden
  Long before Redoni became the capital of the Radiarchy of Ondelenia, there was another city far older and more significant than its current counterpart. That city was named Orinene, and despite surviving many conflicts with the forces of The Gloom, its fate would be sealed from within its very wall that held that same darkness that festered into a sickness that would consume it all in a single day. Nothing remained when the dust finally cleared, only its name and the stories bound to it to remind people that it existed.

The Conflict


The effect of the Star Fall on the city caused a chain reaction that would lead to the destructive Sundering, destroying the town and surrounding lands as they sunk into the sea, leaving not a trace of it ever existing and forever changing the Embera as it enters a new era of change and turmoil.

Historical Significance

Hidden Darkness

  In the Radiarchy of Ondelenia, something wicked was steering within its capital, the city of Orinene, that no one would expect to transpire within such a holy place. No one knew how long this poison had festered within its walls, but its cause came from the most unlikely places, for when a Gloom Rift opened up in the city's heart. Its defense was sabotaged; its perpetrator was no other than its leader, the Radiarch Esteban the Revered that would later be known as the Tainted would bring about a Dark Time upon his people, corrupted by the power of The Gloom that he once vowed to fight against. In a day, the city would fall to the Gloomspawn horde that emerged from the darkness that unfolded upon them and would spread its darkness to the lands beyond its borders. Leading to chaos and horror as its defenders were unprepared to face this sudden threat from within its borders. Thus began a rushed defense of anything able fighters from the Watcher Corps and messages sent to any Dawn Keepers in the region to hold back the dark horde bearing down on them.   Much of the fighting would be defensive, as all that the protectors of Ondelenia could do was slow down the horde to evacuate settlements and ensure that their denizens would not be consumed and turned into the monsters they fought. Yet it would be several months before any real opposition could be shown to the hordes. Years of peace had let the defenses of Ondelenia be weakened and vulnerable as armies were gathered to fight back against the threat and slowly take back the lands that were lost to them months prior. Many attempts to retake the capital were made to put an end to the insanity of the fallen Radiant, but most would fail as the enemy was dug in well. This led to a stalemate as Ondelenia's forces began a strategy of entrapment to ensure that Gloom's corruption would be held at bay for the time being, and plans were made to retake the city once and for all.   The only problem was how to deal with Estaban in all of this, seeing that he was far too powerful to deal with and needed one of equal standing in the form of a Radiant, only to realize the only one capable of challenging him was none other than his twin sister, Catalina, the real question would she be able to fight her brother? Luckily for them, she was willing to do it, seeing that her brother was no more; only the darkness remained. Not much of an accurate account of what transpired during the storming of Orinene, as the aftermath left very few survivors standing. But what was certain was Catalina had managed to reach her brother and confront him in an epic battle of light and darkness; however, even with all her power, she was not strong enough to stop him, and all hope seemed lost. This did not stop her from giving up, for her purity allowed her to call upon the Starry Veil to call upon a star that would save her people from this evil and answered it did as Star Fall would fall upon the city directly where Estaban was, vanquishing him and unfortunately Catalina would also be taken in the blast. The star's pure energy would wipe the corruption throughout the city, finally ending the bitter conflict as seems to be well, for a step price to be payed as a few days later during The Sundering would see all to be lost.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Ondelenia ends the Gloom threat





Cover image: by Jester%


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