Great Warren

We Rabii know the dangers of the surface, its why we built the warren, the only true place to where we may know peace and safety from the things that loathe us above our heads. - Nervous Rabii
  One of the largest Rabii Warrens to be ever built, the Great Warren is a testament to its builder determination to survive against those that sought to destroy them. Allowing them to rebuild what was lost to them during the Duskfall and the horrors that they had suffered during this time. A vast network of tunnels and caverns spanning miles underground now ensure that their people can rebuild what they have lost without fearing to lose it all again.


Refuge of Survival

  During the darkest hour of the Duskfall the Rabii were at the edge of extinction with no where to find safety from the forces of The Gloom that desired to destroy them. Many chose to fight on against the rising darkness to the bitter end, but a plan was devised to ensure that their people would not fade from this world. To safeguard their future, the remaining elders and youths would be moved to the isolated lands of the Golden Vega in secret and begin to their work upon a warren deep beneath the earth where they would never be found. While the remaining warriors would fight on against the Dusk Cult and eventually fall in battle, the designs to their peoples preservation were secured as those that remained were deep underground, not knowing the events that transpired. Neither would they dare to travel up to the surface either as they their tasked with restoring their peoples numbers and would continue to dig to create a vast settlement to ensure that their was space for future generations.   Years would pass and while the world believed that the Rabii were no more, they were in fact thriving in their new underground home which would become a massive warren holding tens of thousands amongst its many caverns, becoming the first ever Rabii city which they would call the Great Warren, where their culture and teachings of the remain burrow clans would endure. Yet none would dare go up to the surface they once called home, as the elders that founded the Great Warren would ensure that none would dare to, believing that the world had ended and only darkness remained. When they passed on the younger generations followed their example and remain underground with the surface tunnels being sealed off and knowledge of the surface was outlawed. Leading to many to believed that only the earth over their heads was all their was as they lived their live not knowing a world of light and green above them. Their only option was to dig deeper into earth to get what they need to survive.  

Reclaiming The Surface

  For three long decades that Rabii would remain underground, never questioning their laws, yet in this time life in the only home they ever knew became more and more difficult as the decades went by to the point that their numbers swelled, leading to overpopulation and starvation. Their only solution was to continue to dig and expand the Great Warren, yet it become more difficult as the ground became harder to dig into and cave-ins of new tunnels became common with many lives being lost as desperation became common amongst the Rabii and the first signs of Gloomification began to show amongst them. Yet while many panic amongst the crowds in their darkening burrows, their was one Rabii that choose to question the teachings of their elders in the hopes of finding a way to save their people, a young Rabii named Rimm LongJumper. She had learned tales of the world above from her grandmother when she was a kit, believing that such a place could be possible and was the only place for her people that could sustain them. Thought it would not be easy as many refused to believe in such a thing, with only a few willing to help her.   It would result in many secrets being uncovered that would see the entire warren placed in a state of upheaval and fighting began to over throw the elder's authority, but Rimm and her companions would make sure to stop the fighting before it got out of hand and would reopen the tunnels to the surface, with them being the first Rabii to see the sky in decades and finally bring their people back into the light. Where they would begin to migrate across the continent and reestablish contact with Radiarchies of Embera to help them resettle into their old lands. This did not mean that all would abandon the Great Warren, rather those that stayed would claim the land above it as their own to better sustain their population. As well as rediscovering the past and preparing for the chance that their people could be in danger should darkness return to them again. For now the Great Warren shall remain as the sanctuary that it was meant to be and stand kept close to heart as the Rabii's orginal home.
Founding Date
3 B.D
Underground / Vault

Cover image: by Jester%


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