
You know you should never underestimate a Rabii, we’re quite the survivors when we know danger is near. - Rabii Thumper

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Gloom Resistant: Due to their kind-hearted nature, the Rabii have resistance to The Gloom and their people, and it takes more influence to turn into Gloomspawn.   Fast Sprinters: The Rabii is considered one of the fastest races to be alive and make their way across great distances with no sign of fatigue.   Diggers: Rabii is an expert digger and can dig a hole much faster than other races. Being able to build their burrows and warrens at astounding rates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rabi are herbivores that feed upon plants, fruits, and vegetables that they forage for and farm to store in their burrows.

Civilization and Culture


Burrowers of Embera

  As long as anyone can remember, the Rabii have always manage to make their mark across Continent of Embera. They were never considered an ambitious Wyldkin race and always stuck to their lands as they farmed and foraged for food for their large population. A peaceful people who never bothered anyone and were often very kind to travelers. Trade was common with neighboring settlements for food and other goods they could not grow. But they were far from defenseless as they fought anyone who tried to do them harm, whether it was Gloomspawn or those who tried to take advantage of them. Defending themselves, they often never left their homes, and some never left their homelands. However, some of them desired to be wild and free by traveling across the world and exploring new lands. Some of them became skilled explorers and fighters that anyone could rely on. Several would form their own burrows and clans to live in these distant lands. But in time, they would travel back to visit their original homes, where they had the longing to see distant relatives. Family and kinship is the most vital thing they have with one another, and they will do whatever they can to protect them.    

Desperate Act of Survival

  The Rabii were almost completely wiped out during the Duskfall as Gloomspawn began to run rampant and corrupted their lands. All the Burrow Clans united and fought back ferociously to take back their lands with the aid of the Dawn Keepers, but their power was too great. Many clans perished in the fighting, and the Rabii were brought near extinction. Seeing that they were in a losing battle, the remaining Rabii desperately attempted to ensure their people's survival and began digging deep underground where no Rabii had gone before to create the Great Warren, the largest Rabii settlement ever to exist. All of them would go underground, where The Gloom would not reach them, and they would stay there for three decades, with several generations of Rabii being born underground and not allowed to go to the surface. Many people considered the Rabii were wiped out during this time as there were no signs of them, with the last living one said to have died twenty years after they went underground. But after their thirty years of isolation, they had finally decided to return to the surface once the overpopulation of the Great Warren became too much to handle for them. From here, they reintroduced themselves back into the world and began to build their burrows across the continent once more.    

Reclaiming the Surface

  With the Rabii's return to the surface, they have begun to rebuild their burrows that were destroyed in the Duskfall. Many spread far and wide as they created new clans and farmed on the new lands. However, some of their old lands have since become populated by other races that claimed them after their supposed extinction. Leading to some tension between groups, but some have decided to just live in these new settlements to make their homes. Allowing them to become accepted as a part of these societies due to their skills in farming and other skills they offer. But most Rabii tend to stay in their lands and keep strong connections to the Great Burrow, which is now considered the heart of their culture. It is a brave new world that they must adapt to survive, but knowing the Rabii, they are up to the challenge.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Rabii have become highly cautious when dealing with other races as their decades of isolation from the rest of the world have made them somewhat xenophobic as many of them have never seen another race in their lifetime. However, those that venture out to the surface will often find companionship with them and make good company due to their kindhearted nature.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
30 - 45 years
Conservation Status
The Rabi have slowly begun to rebuild their population after almost facing extinction during the Duskfall and have kept their population a secret to ensure it survival.

Cover image: by midjourney


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