Monks of Solace

We must all know that nothing in life lasts forever, but through light, we can understand briefly what is important. - Devout Monk
  Many groups have dedicated themselves to the teachings of the Eternal Spark. Yet, none are more dedicated than the pious and devout monks of Solace, who have given up everything that they have to live dedicated to the holy teachings and values that the Spark offers to all those faithful. Living in monasteries and remote refuges, these monks work tirelessly to aid those in need and build and maintain the faith around them.


Faith Through Repentance

  A few centuries since the congregation was founded, all seemed to be okay with the faith and its followers, except some of its ideals seemed to be lacking in some areas, such as compassion and piety to those around them. Much of the priesthood seemed to stay in more populated areas rather than outlining ones and indulge in the benefits that their positions gave them. Yet one Illumine Preist by the name of Gurgen Junther saw the errors of his fellow priest and sought to leave it all behind to find forgiveness in the light of the Spark. He renounced his priestly position and replaced his fine robes with a simple one with a hood, shaving his head and set out into the countryside to help those in need. His travel sent him to many places to help the needy and brought faith to them; his compassion for all caused others to join him as followers, renouncing their worldly possessions for a life of faith. Their numbers swell significantly in time, and soon enough, they would form the Monks of Solace, dedicated to living pious lives and giving compassion to all that needed it while showing the righteous path of the Spark.

Peace Through The Light

Founding Date
2691 B.D
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Brotherhood of Solace
Parent Organization
Related Species

Cover image: by Jester%


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