Pact Of The Dreaming

The Dreaming is meant to be a place of peace and wonder from the trouble of the Waking world; none should need to fear it. - Eberon the Wanderer
  An order much older than most others seen on Embera, the Pact of The Dreaming is mainly made up of Dream Seekers who have dedicated their lives to protecting the The Dreaming and all who enter it when they sleep. While Dream Seekers are well known across the land, none can say about the order to which they have dedicated themselves or why they are so secretive about it. Only its members seek to aid those lost in the Dreaming and keep all safe from the Nightmares that lie hidden in it.


Those the Dream By Day

  Long before The Gloom entered the world when all was sound, the Dreaming was a place that all could find peace and wonder that it brought, all could know the possibilities that could come with it. Yet its innocence would not last when it finally manifested at the end of the Dawn age and the horrors it brought, corrupting its protector, the Weaver of Wonders, and tearing it into two, creating the Dream Weaver and the Nightmare Weaver. It was through them the Nightmares were born and trapped many in the Dreamer's Grief that would eventually turn them into Gloomspawn. Yet not all was lost as the Dream Weaver would call upon its most terrific dreamers and bestow upon them the power to venture through the Dreaming fully aware of their surroundings, becoming the first Dream Seekers to fight against the Nightmare and protect the Dreaming and its inhabitants from harm. Their battles with their sworn adversary remained constant and neverending. Still, after many centuries, enough Dream Seekers found one another to form the Pact of the Dreaming, swearing to defend the Dreaming and hold back the nightmare with their combined efforts.

Protecting The Dream

Founding Date
4340 B.D
Secret, Brotherhood
Dream Seekers
Related Species

Cover image: by Jester%


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