Wrap Meals of the East

I made sure that we had some wraps so we could have something to eat on the road - Thoughtful Traveler
  Ondelenia is often known for its many delectable foods and drinks, which are found across its vast lands, but none are more unique than its iconic food wraps. While it may seem bizarre to stuff food inside into a thin, edible sheet, its purpose is a convenient way to prepare a meal when traveling and maintain resources in times of trouble.  

A Meal To Go

  Wrap Meals can be found all over Ondelenia and in its border regions. They are a common way to eat while traveling without carrying too many supplies or just a quick meal for a busy day. Not much is known about where they originated, but they were most likely made in regions with limited resources for producing flour. Since flour is not used just in baking, such as making glue and getting rid of insects, they need a way to make meals without wasting too much to make bread by creating thin wraps and combing their meals with them and creating a meal like any other as many different combinations of fruits, vegetables, meats, sauces, spices, and cheese to create an exotic blend of flavor and satisfaction in a single meal. Because of the way it is made, it can also be used and stored for a later meal, which can be reheated or eaten cold if desired. Yet most people bring it with them when going to work or traveling, so they do not need to stop and buy food when hungry.  
by Jester%
  The only real problem with them is that they do not last long; due to how they are made, they tend to be hard to preserve, making them a meal that needs to be eaten after a short period. This can result in a meal for short trips or something to get you through during the day. Luckily for everyone, most establishments have these made without the need to make them home if they don't want to. It can even be bought on the street in outdoor stalls, with many passing by enjoying a bite to eat when smelling the enticing aromas passing by. Even miniature versions of these, known as bite wraps, are made into small snacks to get them through the day. All that is needed to make them is to prepare the food to be wrapped in and served once the ingredients are secured.  

Flavorful Ingredients

  Meat: Any meat can be used to fill them, but the most common types are beef, pork, and chicken, to name a few, to eat that meaty goodness that brings satisfaction to one's mouth and stomach.   Vegetables: For that green in a meal, beans are commonly mixed in it due to them being everywhere, but others can be placed into it should they be available, such as lettuce, carrots, onions, and peppers to affect the overall taste.   Fruits: Even some fruits can be placed in the meal if they can match the overall flavor they are trying to make tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocados being the few to place in them in adding moisture should the wrap be too dry.   Cheese: While most won’t expect to find cheese in it, it goes surprisingly well with the rest of the wrap, all comes down to what flavor of cheese they want to be made from cows, goats, and sheep, with different recipes used to age and flavor before being melted by the heat of the wrap or kept raw.   Grains: Wraps that make the whole meal are often made with grains from the most common regions, with rice, wheat, and flax being the most common. Mixing spices in them or even adding actual rice to the meal can also be done with them to add fullness and flavor.   Spices: It is often said that seasoning can go a long way to making or breaking a meal, which is why spices are commonly used to add that kick to the food all packed together if desired should it be available to be mixed in or placed on top of it before being eaten.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink

Various Styles

All I am saying is you don't need to use one type of food to wrap it around the rest of the food; all you need to do is make sure it stays in it. - Insightful Cook
by Jester%
Flour: Flour Wraps are made to be thin and light so that they can be used as little as possible, yet they are strong enough to hold the contents without breaking; due to their accessibility, they are often the most commonly used type of wrap.
by Jester%
Coastal: The coastal regions of Ondelenia mainly use seaweed to wrap their food, which is easier to attain than flour; it primarily has seafood inside, making it a unique meal for natives and travelers alike.
by Jester%
Vegetable: A wrap mainly made of lettuce when someone has a craving for more greens in their meal, yet it is used primarily by the Rabi do to being herbivores that want to have a tasty meal with only fruits and vegetables.

Cover image: by Jester%


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