Frozen Domain
The Frozen Domain is the northern mass of land detached from the continent of Talica. As its name might suggest to the most astute listeners, it is unbelievably cold up there. Humans have been able to reside there for a few centuries before there was contact between them and southerners, and now they are happy (or as close to happy as Mokke can get) members of the Emberhand Empire.
Even after contact with the empire, the Frozen Domain remains a cold, untamed and overall dangerous region. Constantly covered by snow, it is filled by uncharted forests, wolves, snowy mountains, wolves, a lake so lethally cold our scientifically savvy experts conclude it is magic, wolves and treacherous hills where your feet may get trapped in frozen roots, ice or a wolf's mouth.
Fauna & Flora
In case you might have missed it, there are many, many wolves up north. Somehow, their population seems to surpass that of any other animal in the Frozen Domain, including humans and giants. Our experts once again conclude that magic must be to blame for it.
Additionally, the bipedal Qi are a species so far known to be exclusive to the northern realm.
Natural Resources
Apart from the sturdiest timber in the whole continent, the Frozen Domain also exports ice, wolf pelts and game meat from diverse, non-wolf animals. The wool from Aipan cattle is technically a resource too, even if generally considered unobtainable.
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