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Assault on Wheelwatch Outpost


The Assault on Wheelwatch Outpost was a covert operation taken by Marshall Nestra Vendri of the City of Kalaman against the Red Dragon Army at Wheelwatch Outpost. After not having contact with Wheelwatch Outpost for some time, Marshall Vendri ordered the Greenshields Regiment to go back and ensure the security of the installation.  

The Approach

The Greenshield Regiment, under Sergeant Dimitri Borislav, conducted a physical reconnaisance from an adjacent hilltop to gather information. Upon seeing a large number of occupying forces, the Greenshield Regiment decides to gain access to the nearby storehouse to poison the rations to even the odds. To gain access, the Greenshield Regiment donned Red Dragon Army uniforms and attempted to approach. Upon making acquaintance with a squad of Pachovan soldiers, Faendil is able to obscure the storehouse to allow Dimitri and Haridan to enter. Upon entering, they are spotted by a Dragonelle calling the storehouse home, as well as a Sivak Draconian priest. After being tortured with fire, the two are released, succesfully poisoning the food supply. The Greenshield Regiment withdrew and waited for their plan to take effect before assaulting the outpost.  

The Battle

After scaling the northeastern wall, the Greenshield Regiment forced their way into the barracks. Immediately disabling the alarm, combat ensued with the Draconian commander of the forces at Wheelwatch Outpost. Quickly outmatched, the Greenshields barred themselves inside the barracks, with Alex and Faendil shooting ranged attacks at the outside forces. Quickly, the Dragonelle and Sivak priest are alerted, and soon join the fight outside of the barracks. Using quick thinking, the Greenshields layer booby traps along the entrances to the barracks to prepare for the impending assault by the Red Dragon army.   Quickly, the Red Dragon army begins their assault by forcing the Pachovan soldiers in first, who all perish to Hari's combat prowess. Once the other entrance is tried, Dimitri fends off the Human soldiers. However, upon assaulting with the Draconian commander, the lines are broken and a hand-to-hand fight ensues in the barracks. Quickly, the Greenshields begin to take heavy damage from the dominant draconian. In a last ditch effort, Dimitri quickly tends to his downed allies and engages with the Draconian commander. Taking their chance, the remaining Greenshields escape narrowly through the route they entered the outpost. Dimitri and Hari are left behind to combat the Draconian commander. Unfortunately, the draconian commander bests both of them, killing Dimitri in the process.  

The Aftermath

After the retreat, the Greenshields reassault the fort, nearly causing a mass casualty of the regiment. However, the Greenshields were rescued by Gromash, a full cylopian stoic moved by the Greenshields restraint. Gromash would kill the rest of the occupants in Wheelwatch Outpost, allowing Kalaman to regain control of the installation.   Later, upon searching the wreckage, Dimitri Borislav's remains were found, broken and abused. Haridan's body was never recovered.  


Upon returning to Kalaman, each member of the Greenshield Regiment was given a Medal of Service for their actions in regaining Wheelwatch Outpost. Dimitri and Haridan were posthumously awarded Medals of Honor for their sacrifice.
Conflict Type
Covert Operation


Greenshield Regiment

Led by

Red Dragon Army

Led by


  • Squad of Greenshield soldiers
  • Draconian commander
  • Squad of Pachovan enlisted soldiers
  • Squad of Human enlisted soldiers
  • Dragonelle
  • Sivak Draconian priest


  • Dimitri Borislav (commander)
  • Haridan (missing in action)
  • Draconian commander
  • Squad of Human enlisted soldiers
  • Squad of Pachovan enlisted soldiers


Secure Wheelwatch Outpost
Maintain control of Wheelwatch Outpost


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