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Backaris's Folly

Bakaris's Folly is the most recent battle fought at Steel Springs.  


Bakaris's Folly was a military action taken by Lord Bakaris Uth Estide and supporting offensive forces from the City of Kalaman against the Red Dragon Army at Steel Springs, resulting in numerous casualties. Believing an enemy force to be a scouting unit, Kalaman's infantry, commanded by Lord Bakaris, assaulted the stationary Red Dragon Army units on the other side of the stream at Steel Springs.  

The Assault

After ordering the assault, Kalaman infantry trudged through the difficult terrain of the stream and onto the other side. Believing they would take the enemy by suprise, Lord Bakaris ordered a full on charge, deterimed to route the enemy back towards the Estwilde. However, upon engaging the enemy forces, it was revealed that this was a base camp for the Red Dragon Army. Quickly, Lord Bakaris and his forces found themselves greatly outnumbers and sustaining mass casualties. In total, over 100 Kalaman infantry were slaughtered on the banks of Steel Springs in the assault, with minimal casualties to the Red Dragon Army. With the enemy reeling from their own attack, the Red Dragon Army pushed the initative and reengaged the Kalaman infantry, forcing a retreat.

The Retreat

Vastly outnumbered and outmatched, Lord Bakaris ordered his infantry units to retreat back across the stream to more defensible ground. However, being outmaneuvered by the draconians' ability to fly, he was enveloped in the middle of the stream, resuling in mass casualties and the capture of Lord Bakaris's son, Lord Bakaris the Younger.   Marshall Vendri, commander of the defensive forces of Kalaman, arrives at this time with a few units of heavy infantry and calvary, able to punch a hole in the Red Dragon Army's offensive to give Lord Bakaris and the Kalaman infantry a retreating route back to the city. However, Lord Bakaris refuses to retreat with his son's life at risk. Despite suffering heavy casualties and locked within the stream on either side by Draconian forces, Marshall Vendri is able to keep the retreat lane open despite Lord Bakaris's inaction. During this defense, the Greenshield Regiment under Marshall Vendri arrives, and is tasked with a daring search and rescue mission for Bakaris the Younger.

Search and Rescue

Against the clock, the Greenshield Regiment, led by Quartermaster Faendil, infiltrated the Red Dragon Army base camp using clandestine maneuvers and skills. Noticing heavy siege weaponry and pack animals, the Greenshields make use of espionage tactics, destroying the siege engine equipment and releasing the pack animals throughout the camp. From there, the Greenshields used the distraction to enter the command headquarters of the base camp. Upon entering, the Greenshields (with the aid of Sir Darret Highwater) are able to locate and extract Bakaris the Younger, using Isaac Lorkin's horse, Ranger. With expert use of the Fly spell, Forrest Jedson allowed for a quick extraction with a myriad of Dragonelles in tow. Upon arriving back at the front line of the defense, Lord Bakaris is reunited with his son, and finally ordered a retreat across the held ground of Marshall Vendri.  

The Aftermath

Kalaman's military forces took heavy casualties and gained no tactical ground during the conflict. In total, over 200 infantrymen and calverymen were killed, with many more being injured in the fight. While the Red Dragon army did sustain casualties, the loss of their siege equipment and pack animals would prove more detrimental.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


City of Kalaman

Led by

Red Dragon Army

Led by


  • Company of Light Infantry
  • Company of Heavy Infantry
  • Company of Cavalry
  • Greenshields Regiment (Special Forces)
  • Battalion of Light Infantry (Draconian)
  • Battalion of Heavy Infantry (Draconian)
  • Siege Regiment
  • Company of Cavalry (Draconian)
  • Dragonelle Aerial Calvary Regiment


  • 280 Light Infantry
  • 145 Heavy Infantry
  • 126 Cavalrymen
  • >400 wounded
  • 18 Light Infantry (Draconian)
  • 4 Heavy Infantry (Draconian)
  • Siege Equipment
  • Cavalry and pack Animals
  • 4 Dragonelle Aerial Cavalry


Assault and Destroy Red Dragon forces at Steel Springs
Repel Assault at Steel Springs


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