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Franklin Shelley

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Franklin Shelley, stepfather of Claire and husband to Mariam Shelley, was one of the more experienced trackers in the hunters' town of Coldmore. Unfortunately, he died when investigating the strange killings near town, but his sacrifice was not in the vain; because of his aid, the mysterious Bloodhound and Whitefang were finally stopped.


Franklin was a seasoned hunter with the scars to prove it. Although he was a wiry man, he was much stronger than he looked and carried a heavy bow.


Sometime after the strange killings started near Coldmore, Franklin led a team of hunters into the forest to investigate. When none of them returned, a worried Claire snuck away to find her father.
  When Kapital passed through town, his wife Mariam stocked the group with supplies and begged them to look for her husband and daughter. When they found the hunter, he was badly, badly injured, having narrowly escaped an attack from a shadowy figure. Thankful that they had already found Claire and sent her home, Franklin joined the group to help them put an end to the killer once and for all.
  During the battle in the Bloodhound's hollow, Franklin held his own, but the group were outmatched by the killer's strange alchemies. Old Man Salty gambled with an explosive crossbow bolt, grievously wounding the killer, but incinerating Franklin in the process.
  When all was said and done, Bruswick carried what remained back to Coldmore, so Franklin's friends and family could mourn.
Circumstances of Death
Friendly fire by Old Man Salty
Place of Death
Outside Whitefang's lair


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