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Old Man Salty

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Old Man Salty is the oldest hunter still active in the hunters' town of Coldmore. After settling his lifelong quest to fell his archenemy Whitefang, Old Man Salty sought a new purpose and asked Bruswick if he could join the Order of the Stone Gauntlet.


Old Man Salty is an extremely old man with a bushy white beard, a missing arm, and a well-worn wooden peg for a leg.


Perpetually buzzed and reliably crass, Old Man Salty swears at least twice a sentence, even in front of children. Despite his singleminded obsession with hunting Whitefang, he does care about the wellbeing of his friends; he just doesn't keep many people that close.


A young Old Man Salty lost an arm and leg to Whitefang; he held a grudge ever since and vowed to get his revenge.
  When Kapital passed through town, he invited himself along to investigate the strange killings near town, insisting the others carry a few "road beers" for him.
  During the battle in the Bloodhound's hollow, Old Man Salty swore he could smell the stink of Whitefang, but the beast was nowhere to be seen. He held his own, but the group were outmatched by the killer's strange alchemies. Old Man Salty gambled with an explosive crossbow bolt, grievously wounding the killer, but incinerating Franklin Shelley in the process.
  With the Bloodhound dead, Whitefang ambushed the exhausted group. However, enterprising Old Man Salty had been saving a special crossbow bolt for this quarry. Determined, he lined up the shot and pinned the beast's jaws shut. Helpless, Whitefang didn't struggle for long before the bulette Dougbrad tore apart the Terror of Coldmore.
  Feeling more empty than triumphant, Old Man Salty finally decided to leave Coldmore behind to join Bruswick's Order of the Stone Gauntlet at Kapital.
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