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Grovagnorn the Handsome

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Grovagnorn and his brother Bruvagar live in the Caves of Chaos and are somewhat affiliated with GorGo's Chiefdom.  


The prettier of two ogre brothers, Grovagnorn prides himself on his good looks. Unfortunately, after a fateful encounter with Kapital's founders, his face was badly burned after being pushed into a fire.  


Grovagnorn delights in "bashing beasties" with his greatclub. However, he is not just a mindless bully; after two encounters with Kapital, he warned Chief GorGo that "the smallfolk could become a problem."  


The brothers had collected several treasures from those unwitting enough to wander into their cave. Grovagnorn's prized possession are the pipes of the sewers.  


Despite their wildly different personalities, he and Bruvagar care deeply for one another.  


Grovagnorn and Bruvagar lived in the Caves of Chaos, where they amassed various treasures from wandering adventurers and terrified other smaller factions.   During their first trek into the caves, Kapital unwittingly stumbled into the ogre brothers' lair and were nearly killed; however, using their wits and more than a little luck, the guild managed to escape further into the cave network.   Grovagnorn set an ambush in the Borderlands, where he caught Koheleth in a weighted net. Unfortunately, Hayate Kobayashi riddled the lone ogre with poisoned blowgun darts, and Koheleth finally sent Grovagnorn running away with the fear spell of his mace of terror.   When Kapital were investigating Deadlow Peak, the giants under GorGo's leadership briefly spoke about "Grovagnorn warning them of the little warriors of Kapital."
Current Residence
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