BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Knut was a Vistana mercenary and barbarian who could call on his ancestors to bolster his strength. After being left for dead in Walgur's lair, he was raised as a revenant, driven only by his hatred for the illrigger Chuma.  


Despite his impressive size, Knut was a very amicable individual and deeply reverent of his ancestral spirits.  


Instead of healing him, Chuma escaped Walgur's lair with the mace of terror. Enraged by this betrayal, Knut solely exists for vengeance, no matter how many times he is killed in the process.  


Hired by Kapital during their first visit to the Caves of Chaos, Knut aided them in battles against the xvarts, kobolds, and many of the caves' dangerous wildlife.   When the group sought to steal the mace of terror from Walgur the wight, the last thing Knut saw before his death was Chuma downing a healing potion and fleeing from battle. Walgur amplified the barbarian's rage and raised him and Atrios as revenants, wicked undead creatures fueled by hatred and vengeance.
Current Residence


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