BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Walgur is a wight controlling a hidden shrine in the Caves of Chaos. Although Kapital evaded him once, he has not forgotten them stealing his mace of terror. As retribution, he raised the barbarians Atrios and Knut as revenants and sent them to hunt Chuma for leaving them to die.  


Walgur strikes an imposing figure. Clad in spiked black plate armor, he is unnervingly quiet and moves with an unnatural but determined speed.  


He once wielded a mace of terror meant for a follower of Iuz. As such, the weapon is inscribed with Abyssal words written in Celestial script. After Walgur fought against Kapital, the weapon was stolen and is now wielded by Koheleth, who is able to bypass the requirement that the user be Chaotic Evil.  


While first exploring the Caves of Chaos, Kapital were given a quest by the mage Raxi: to steal Walgur's mace in exchange for a hellish ruby he carried.   During the trek to the wight's location, the group found a holy symbol in a dead priest's hand. Upon inspection, Koheleth sensed the True Neutral alignment from the strange icon.   As Kapital battled Walgur and his undead minions, the mercenaries Atrios and Knut fell, while the rest barely escaped with the wight's mace.   Although Walgur has not directly confronted Kapital, he did raise their fallen allies as revenants, allowing them to seek vengeance on Chuma in particular.
Holy symbol found on a dead priest

Chaotic Evil
Current Residence


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