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Lorenzo Pastuli

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Lorenzo Pastuli is a bard, specifically an organist, who had performed in the cathedral for decades before the Pontiff outlawed music. After helping Kapital, uncover the sinister secret of the Church of the Imperial Solar, he was asked to lead and rebuild the church and clergy.  


Lorenzo is a blind half-elven man with a quiet, unassuming demeanor.  


Music is the most important thing in his life; he was devastated when the Pontiff banned it, and he was shunned by the other townsfolk when he kept performing in taverns.  


He held Archbishop Cyril in the highest regard. When he lost his vision, the archbishop comforted him and helped him find a new purpose as the church's organist.  


When Kapital first entered Cresthill, they saw him give a somber lute performance that was completely ignored by the townsfolk. He calmly explained the Pontiff's concerning behavior and quietly used his bardic magic to erase the mind-altering effects the group felt since approaching Cresthill.   He was chosen, along with the group, Jandar, and Willow to be enlightened at the end of the day's festivities.   During the battle with the Pontiff, he was nearly consumed but, with the group's help, found the organ. He began to play a thunderous, sweeping melody that weakened the Pontiff and its minions, while bolstering the group.   The Pontiff's true identity being exposed by Kapital, with his and Willow's help, horrified the townsfolk; trust in the church was slow to rebuild, but the community eventually banded together again.
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