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Momir Vig



Momir Vig was a slender, gaunt dark elf with aged lines. He often wore a biomancer's suit, complete with gauges, tubes, wiring and metal contraptions to help facilitate his everyday life so he could focus more on the future of the Simic Combine.  


A sage and wise guild founder, Momir Vig was often encountered deep in thought, philosophizing the morals of his work and how better to improve it to help the citizens of Ravnica. He was calm and collected, often speaking few words with heavy meaning as opposed to the monologue some might expect from an old elf. Those that encountered him spoke highly of his passion to grow his guild and help people of Ravnica, and many mention his iron will and ability to stand up for a belief against any oppressor.  


Momir Vig is responsible for the creation of cytoplasts, gel vats in glass that hold genetic data for birthing pods. With this invention, Momir Vig hoped to create a disease and sickness free city of Ravnica.  


Momir Vig was present at the signing of the Guildpact and founded the Simic Combine with its creation. He is most notably known for standing up to Niv-Mizzet on the argument that the Izzet League could not monopolize resarch or research-based magics, and led the debate on transferring some of that power to the Simic Combine at the drafting of the Guildpact. Though he was outvoted, he agreed to his defeat and helped the Izzet tap into his knowledge of the cytoplasts and their creation, urging them caution with its use. Despite these warnings, the Izzet experimented to heavily, causing The Reckoning, which would in turn allow an adendum to be made to the Guildpact, granting the Simic Combine access to biomedical research and magics pertaining to it.   On the day the Simic were granted this, Momir Vig stepped down from his station as guildmaster of the Simic Combine, giving his position to an aspiring deepsage, Zegana. Since then, no one has seen or heard of Momir Vig. He did not mention where he would travel to or what he would be doing with his retirement, but he has not been seen in Ravnica since.   Many people believe Momir Vig went to the surface world to further his research with access to new plants, fauna, and ingredients, while others think he still resides in the city somewhere, working in his own personal laboratory. Regardless, Momir Vig is seen as a hero and legend to the people of Ravnica, and even more so in the Simic Combine. Many vaccinations and biomedical advances are attributed to his steadfast personality against the Izzet League and founders of the other guilds. Since his dissapearance, Prime Speaker Zegana has spoken highly of her mentor, stating "his ideas and inventions reflected the wise and intelligent mind that one can only hope to see in a lifetime."
The most successful of Simic creations is cytoplasm, a living, symbiotic substance that feeds off genetic rhythms and strengthens its host in return.  
Look beyond, to the vascular awareness that all life is a map to greater knowledge.
— Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Simic Visionary
Founder of the Simic Combine
Over 1000 (life sustained by apparatuses in his biomancer suit)
Grey, Cloudy
None - Bald
180 lbs
Aligned Organization


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