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The Simic Combine

The Combine oversees issues of public health and maintains hospitals and clinics throughout the city. They approach their research under the guidance of two main principles: the Holdfast and the Upwelling.   The Holdfast principle, named for the biological mechanism that that keeps kelp and sponges anchored to the sea floor, advises members of the Combine never to stray so far from nature that they become "adrift." It espouses the idea that nature left undisturbed will evolve toward adaptive traits and increased strength. Nature will flourish and grow, and every creature will find its proper niche in the ecosystem where it can thrive.   The Upwelling Principle, named for the phenomenon of nutrient-rich water rising to the ocean surface, advocates that the new and enlivened should replace the old and depleted in an unending cycle, bring constant refreshment and renewal. This principle accounts for the Combine's analytical bent and its emphasis on knowledge as a means of transformation. Learning the secrets of the universe lets you shape the world as you desire. The Upwelling encourages every creature to discover its full potential.   Despite these seemingly clear-cut principles, they are a matter of friction within the guild. Two opposing factions, the Utopians and the Adaptationists, have developed over time. While each accepts the Holdfast and the Upwelling, they interpret them differently.   The Utopians' vision of an ideal world is one in which nature and civilization exist in balance. Natural life adapts to life in the midst of modern civilization, and the civilized world adapts to accommodate these creatures. Utopians generally interpret the Holdfast principle as being about staying rooted in nature, and the Upwelling as concerned with slow, predictable, cyclical improvement. They remain hidden in their subaquatic laboratories, pursing their research while isolated from the volatile interrelationships among the other guilds. Prime Speak Zegana encourages that isolationist attitude.   The Adaptationists believe that an all-out war among the guilds is inevitable, given the growing unrest in the city. These members of the Combine believe that the guilds exist in a fragile ecosystem in which the slightest imbalance can have cascading effects. The Simic must change in order to to survive, and slow, small steps in pursuit of an ideal vision aren't enough. The future of the guilds is in imminent danger, and the Simic need to focus on survival. Adaptationists tend to interpret the Holdfast as being about defense and security, and the Upwelling as a call for sudden, disruptive growth.   The Holdfast and Upwelling are so central to Combine life that some members focus on them entirely. Simic deepsages are members who devote their entire lives to meditating on these principles. They lead ascetic lives and have developed a culture of inscribing their meditations on shells, exoskeletons, and stones for other members to contemplate and reflect on.   It is important to note, however, that the main goal of the Simic was not always tied to research. Momir Vig, the founder of the Simic Combine, originally thought that having healthcare as the only sole purpose of the Simic would destroy it in the wake of the power held by the other guilds. He claimed by manifesting his guild to the caretakers of the other guilds, the Simic Combine could never grow to its full potential. After The Reckoning, he was able to convince the other guild founders to add research into the scope of the Simic Combine, taking some influence away from the Izzet League as a result. Despite the controversy, the Simic have assisted in biomedical research throughout the city and are responsible for countless vaccines and medicines resulting directly from this added initiative[1].       [1]Information provided by House Dimir and associates.
The guild emblem of the Simic Combine.
Guild, Professional
Notable Members


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