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Written by Chrundle_the_Great


On first glance, a nichny may be confused for a tabaxi, but these creatures are much, much older with a history intertwined with that of the elves and the Feywild.


Despite their ferocity when fighting, nichny are actually very intelligent. Even in the midst of heated battle, some have been observed to speak warnings in Primordial.


Nichny are carnivorous and can be lethal with their sharp claws. However, they are also very potent spellcasters, wielding sceptres that allow them to manipulate probability fields, or luck. A broken sceptre is considered an ill omen and a source of bad luck.
  They can dispense prophecies and good luck to those they like. They always give prophecies in threes, and legends say two are true and one is false. If it is bound in gold or orichalcum chains, they will answer three questions with one being false. Afterward, the nichny and chains disappear.


Nichny, known as Dulia or Fate-Speakers, were the first to welcome the elves to Tallamh when they fled the Feywild. They gifted the emperor three prophecies of the elves' doom—two have come true so far.
  The nobles of Litru hunt these creatures for sport, but even Carolus the Conqueror fears the Dulia.
  They are especially important to elves who worship the "old gods." When these "old gods" left, so did their servants, the True Elves (Sun, Moon, and Void). There are some small sects of extremists, such as the Order of the White Stag, who are likely in contact with one or more of these creatures.
The Dulia bend fate itself


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