Sunbird Species in Tallamh | World Anvil
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Basic Information


A sunbird is a mythical bird-like creature that can harness the power of sunlight. They have bright feathers that reflect different colors depending on the angle of light. They use their light to dazzle predators, communicate with others, and create dazzling illusions. The three feathers on their crown can be used to make many useful items that reflect light like invisibility cloaks and illusion wands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on primarily on nectar, fruits, insects, and radiant and/or fire magic, absorbing it directly. The exact mechanism of their ability to feed on magic is not well understood, but has lead to numerous mages being attacked by a flock of sunbirds with too powerful a display of their magic. Bright lights, specific color patterns, and unexplained darkness can make them unusually agressive, though normally the sunbird is quite peaceful and cautious.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most scholars believe sunbirds experience the world synesthatically experiencing sound by the way its waves change the reflection of light. They communicate with complex multicolored displays in and around clouds.   Sunbirds can see greatly expanded spectra of light and some scholars believe they can see other types of nonphysical radiation as light including dreamwaves and divine essence.
Geographic Distribution


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