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  While the history of most of Tallamh is vast and fractured, with missing pieces and forgotten perspectives, this is especially true of the world below, or Cineál as it is called by its inhabitants. Ansalon is no different, and it's tale was shattered like its coastline during a catastrophe called the Cataclysm. Nearly a thousand years ago the spirit of the north helped Baphomet to defeat Bahamut and Uqaviel severed the strongest connections between the material plane and the realms of the divine. In the world above, the force and divine energy of Bahamut's death limited the damage uqaviel inflicted, the gods had enough warning to empower followers, and maintain a connection to Tallamh, is a weakened one. In Cineál however, the magic of the gods suddenly disappeared, and their hand in supporting the world was severed. Ansalon was broken and shattered, and now most of its people seek merely to survive in their slowly healing lands and care little for eons past. But the sages who piece together fragments of the past focus on three periods, before the Cataclysm, the Cataclysm itself, and the dire age since.  

Before the Cataclysm:

Ansalon's earliest ages have now mostly passed into legend and mythohistory. Sages talk about the Age of Starbirth, when the dwarves tunneled up from below the world, when gods walked among the folk they created and primordial forces shaped the land. This period's records are mere legends and scriptures. What truth there is is often out of order, or exaggerated and few scholars credit the details of this time as facts.   Next came the Age of Dreams, a time when heroes battled the forces of evil. Many modern cultures and institutions saw their origins in this era, including the Knights of Solamnia, the Mages of High Sorcery, and the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin. Ironically, these cultures often dismiss one another's foundational stories as baseless myths while fiercely insisting on the veracity of their own. During a terrible conflict known as the Dragon War, the knight Huma Dragonbane was granted the first of the fabled dragonlances. He used it to defeat the angry goddess Thaláttē the Dragon Queen (better known in the world above as Tiamat) and end the war, forcing the Queen and her dragons to leave Ansalon. The good dragons of Ansalon soon departed as well, leaving the land to mortals and the remaining gods. During the thousand years before the Cataclysm, known as the Age of Might, several human nations flourished, conquering vast swaths of the continent in the name of of good. Over the centuries, the city of Istar in eastern Ansalon grew into a continent-spanning empire. This was due to two main factors: One, an alliance with the mighty Knights of Solomnia secured by Two, the worship and aid of nearly a dozen deities living among mortals. The city of Istar was modeled after the city of Bastion in the world above which the people of Ansalon learned about by the sea-elves after the great migration. Inspired by the story of Bastion and its epic strength, the Istari began constructing a great mountain to raise to the heavens and bridge their world to the world of the gods. They were successful, and their gods walked among them, lifted their city into the heavens, and assured them victory in near every conflict. Ansalon became divided. The faithful and the Istari were nearly one and the same, and those who maintained resistance to the Istari were rarely faithful to the very gods who empowered their oppressors. This divide sowed the seeds that would lead to the most permanent effects of the cataclysm.    
The Cataclysm! it looms larger than any other event in the history of Ansalon, forever dividing time into before and after. Even our calendar reflects this, marking our last 11 centuries in years After Cataclysm (AC), the the millennia before, stretching back into shrouded myth are Pre-Cataclysm (PC). Many records of the time before the Cataclysm are lost to us. Those that do survive are often perplexing, referencing nations and cultures that no longer exist and geography that has changed beyond recognition. Still, it is possible to piece these scattered sources together. At the request of the good knights of Maelgoth, here are my notes, compiling a rough introduction to the histories recorded at the Great Library of Palanthas.
Nikkas of Palanthas, Assistant to the Librarian

The Cataclysm:

Without warning, word or explanation the gods and their power disappeared. The city of Istar, the largest mountain in Ansalon, and its hundreds of miles of temple and cathedral, floating nearly a Kilometer above the ground and held aloft by the gods themselves suddenly fell. The grand city became a meteor of fire and death that fell from the sky and consumed the city. The Blood sea,- a new ocean that split eastern Ansalon-consumed the empire. Coastlines shifted all over the land, sundering nations, drowning whole regions, and stranding ports miles from the sea. Though some regions escaped the worst of the destruction none were wholly spared. The sudden departure of the gods affected far more than just the mountain city. Trees wept blood, fires raged unnaturally, cyclones and wicked monsters raged across the land leaving only destruction in their wake. As the greatest testament of all, 4 horsemen appeared who brought savage destruction wherever they went. Many viewed these horrible warriors as the last agents of the gods, sent to destory the survivors, most just called them the Four Riders of the Cataclysm.      
— Reflections of an Overworlder in Cineál

After the Cataclysm:

Perhaps the greatest destruction though was to faith itself. The sudden departure of the gods and the deaths of nearly all the Istari robbed Ansalon of both religious record and those who practiced it. In the years that immediately followed, most blamed the gods for the cataclysm, few prayed to them at all, fewer still dared to practice any sort of faith. In the centuries that followed the cataclysm religion was nearly extinguished, the lack of faith reduced the power of the gods to intervene even if they wanted to. Eventually, even the names of many of the gods of Ansalon were all but forgotten.   The Cataclysm ushered in a period of chaos. During the following centuries, known as the TIme of Darkness, cultures and ecologies were radically altered, causing famine, plague, and mass migrations. The Knights of Solamnia, the champions wo might've kept Ansalon united, were distrusted as former allies of Istar and persecuted across the continent, even in Solomnia.   The sea elves mostly retreated from Ansalon, the Koradi shut their borders. The dwarves of Thorbardin withdrew to their deep tunnels refusing entrance to refugees from the surface. Many societies turned on one another or fell to disease and war. Nations of Pachova, Cyclopses, and Thri-Kreen spread, capitalizing on humanities decline and claiming whole region. Much that survived the Cataclysm itself was lost in the darkness that followed.   At length, the worst effects of disaster waned. Though many arachne, Idra, koradi and mountain dwarves remained reclusive, other cultures tentaviley rebuilt. Explorers ventured forth to map the drastically altered continent. Societies reestablished bonds of trae that united and diversified them.   As the civilizations of Ansalon rebuilt, and new societies arose, the world learned to live with a jarring (false) truth: the gods were truly gone. Religion on Ansalon was altered forever. True clerics, the products of large churches and religious institutions in touch with the teachings of their gods and capable of performing miracles on their behalf were gone. While some remained devout they were rare, self taught, and worked more on belief than communication with their god. They were usually seen as channels of divinity (like sorcerers or paladins of the world above) or as traveling wisemen, monks, or hermits, than as directs agents of their god. Many others turned to false religions in search of answers and comfort. Some of these new faiths were founded by charlatans, others by zealots. Some claimed the names of the gods, others dismissed them entirely. In this radically changed land bereft of immortal insight, truth became subject to conjecture, even among Ansalon's most dedicated scholars.  

The Dragon Queen's Return:

Even as Ansalon healed, a new threat grew. The Dragon Queen Thaláttē had left Ansalon over 1500 years ago. Since then, she had waited patiently plotting her return. Through a portal that came not from the divine realms, but from the hells, The Dragon Queen was able to influence the world. Though her influence is powerful, she herself cannot or will not yet enter Ansalon directly. She called instead on the vil sragons who serve her, long withdrawn from Ansalon, and began once more to plot its conquest.   Chromatic dragons, acting on their god's orders, stole the eggs of good metallic dragons. The metallic dragons reluctantly pledged to not interfere in the coming war in exchange for the promised safety of their abducted broods. Unrivaled by gods or dragons, the Dragon Queen unleashes her forces upon a shattered world. In their gods name, these Dragon Armies begin their conquest of Ansalon.  

The Dragon Armies:

The Dragon Queen's forces are organized into five Dragon Armies. Vicious Draconians fill the ranks of each, though the armies' numbers also include Pachova, cyclopses, foriegners to Ansalon, and other natives who seek wealth and a return to pre-Cataclysm glories. Each Dragon Army is supported by chromatic dragons and their smaller "kin" such as drakes, dragonnels, and wyverns. These winged terrors provide a staggering advantage not seen on battlefields in Ansalon in thousands of years.   The Dragon Queen has elevated her most cunning and devout followers to the rank of dragon highlord, each commanding one of her armies. The highlords all report to the Dragon Queen's champion, Duulket Ariakas, but there is no shortage of treachery between-and within- the Dragon Armies. The Dragon Queen encourages these conflicts, trusting them to bring the most ruthless and capable leaders to prominence.  

Life on Ansalon:


Across Ansalon, Language is an expression of upbringing and exposure. Before the Cataclysm Istari was the closest thing to a lingua-franca, but since the fall of Istar regional languages dominate. The Most common languaes are Dwarvish, Elvish (due to trade with the sea elves) and Solamnic.
Language Main Speakers Script
Abansinian Abanasinia Istari
Dwarvish Abanasinia, Kayolin, Thoradin, Thorbardin Dwarvish
Elvish Trade Language of Ansalon Elvish
Kenderspeak Sancrist, Goodlund, Hylo Kender
Nordmaarian Nordmaar, Thanoi Istarian
Kharolian Plains of Dust, Tarsis Common
Solamnic Sanscrist, Solamnia Dwarvish
Draconic(Rare) Dragons Draconic
Istarian (Rare) Ancient Istarians istarian


Coin cp bp stl gp
Copper(cp) 1 1/10 1/100 1/1000
Bronze(bp) 10 1 1/10 1/100
Steel(stl) 100 10 1 1/10
Gold(gp) 1000 100 10 1

Religion and the Gods

The gods of Ansalon are said to have abandoned the world, and in its great cities temples and centers of faith are few and far between. Nevertheless,small miracles occur across the continent. Druids and hidden communities offer prayers in the old ways and employ mysteirous magic. Long-lived peoples remember the worship of the gods and see their shapes in nature and the constellations above. Ancient, forgotten sanctuaries hold wonders beyond imagination, and divine whispers reach those with the minds and hearts to listen. The gods haven't wholly abandoned Ansalon, and as threats grow, mortals turn to them once more-sometimes after remarkable encounters with messengers of the gods. The gods of Ansalon loosely align with one another along the principles of good, neutrality, and evil. While such alliances can be tennuous, the gods often work together to enact their shared will across the world or to oppose unions of their foes.  
It's easy to blame the gods for the Cataclysm. They sent the Thirteen Warnings and the burning mountain that followed. They sank Istar beneath the waves, shattered the continent, and withdrew from the world. They chose to cause the immense suffering of the disaster and the centuries since. But let us suppose that the gods of good love this world and want us to flourish. That the gods of neutrality strive to steward and uphold the agency of mortals. That even the gods of evil, selfish as they are, seek power and influence, not destruction for its own sake. Why, then, would they punish us with the Cataclysm and leave us in a godless world? I fear we've forgotten more than we remember. Worship of the true gods is ever waning, and false religions rise in their place. I pray every day that we've learned our lesson- that the gods will return, and that I may cede this chair to one who hears their voices and bears their true blessings. Time alone will tell.  
— Rosamund Heward, Knight of the Crown and Acting High Clerist
Gods of Good Alignment Province Common Symbol
Paladine LG Guardians, rulers Silver Triangle
Branchala CG Music Bard's harp
Habbakuk LG Animal Life, natural balance Blue Bird
Kiri-Jolith LG Honor, War Bison's Horns
Majere LG Meditation, Order Copper Spider
Mishakal LG Healing Blue Infinity Sign
Solinari LG Good Magic White circle or Sphere
Gods of Neutrality Alignment Province Symbol
Gilean N Knowledge Open Book
Chislev N Nature Feather
Lunitari N Neutral Magic Red circle or Sphere
Reorx N Craft Forging Hammer
Shinare N Trade, Wealth Griffon's Wing
Sirrion N Change, fire multicolored fire
Zivilyn N Wisdom Green or Gold Tree
Gods of Evil Alignment Province Symbol
Thaláttē CE Dragons, Hatred, Vengeance Spiral of 5 dragon Claws
Chemosh LE Undead Yellow Skull
Hiddukkel CE Greed, Lies Broken Merchant's scales
Morgion NE Disease, Secrecy Hood with two red eyes
Nuitari LE Evil Magic Black Circle or Sphere
Sargonnas CE Fire, Destruction Stylized Red Condor
Zeboim CE Sea, Storms Turtle Shell


  In eras past when Ansalon faced times of exceptional darkness, champions stepped forth from the ranks of the virtuous Knights of Solamnia  and the mystical Mages of High Sorcery.    

People of Ansalon:

  • Humans: Humans are ubiquitous in Ansalon. They ruled the continent's largest empires before the Cataclysm, then were scattered during the devastation that followed. Many humans never resettled after the Cataclysm, joining itinerant and nomadic cultures. Human cities are few and usually small, developed around natural structures that sheltered communities following the Cataclysm.
  • Dwarves: Due to the brutality of the Dwarfgate wars the Dwarven people of Ansalon are fiercely divided between the Neidar or hill dwarves who were locked out of Thorbardin and experienced the Cataclysm with the other races, and the Hylar or mountain dwarves who remained and usually still remain locked in their protected mountain kingdoms.
  • Elves: Several distinct elven cultures inhabit Ansalon. The most Numerous are the Dargonesti, or sea-elves, who trade with much of Ansalon but rarely live ashore. There are two main cultures of elves who do call the continent their home, the silvanesti and the Qualinesti, each residing in a different forest and looking upon the other with no small amount of disdain.
  • Pachova: Sometimes derogatorily called Skaven, or Vermin, these small rat-men have a brutal reputation. Originally slaves of the Elves, then the Cyclopses, then the Vulpin, the story of the Pachova is one of constant oppression and discrimination. They have strong familial bonds and extremeley tightknit communities, forced to rely on each other these communities can be very independent and even devolve into banditry, thieves guilds, or mafias when other races won't deal with them.
  • Vulpin: The vulpin have earned a bad reputation that isn’t entirely deserved. The vulpin are incredibly ambitious and exceedingly clever, sometimes too much for their own good. Their wits are as sharp as their fangs and they possess an uncanny force of personality that allows them to easily sway the trust of others. In the right situations, vulpins can be true friends, and in the wrong ones, deadly enemies.
  • Thanoi: The thanoi, or “walrus-men”, as they are sometimes known to outsiders, patrol arctic coasts. They make these patrols both above the water in boats, and below the water as powerful swimmers, and they are rarely welcoming to outsiders to their lands.
  • Kender- Distantly related to gnomes who by magical circumstance were transformed and given almost supernatural curiosity and fearlessness. Kender's supernatural curiosity drives them to adventure.
  • Koradai- The koradai race is a secretive and protective one defined by the natural environment. Though they rarely interact with outsiders, they live in clan-like communities that share in a mutual relationships with the lands they call home. Though koradi aren't plants themselves, their attunement with nature has given them biological traits similar to those of the plants they deem sacred.
  • Ibexi - Fierce mountaineers, the Ibexi race are anthropomorphic goats. They have cloven hooves instead of hands and feet, but with an opposable secondary hoof, their hands are just as dextrous as those of other humanoids. While they share clear physical traits with satyrs and bariaur, the typical Ibexi culture is worlds apart.
  • Arachne: Sapient and highly intelligent giant spiders, deeply mystical and highly private they remain a mystery to many other peoples of Ansalon.
  • Thri-Kreen: Resembling insects the thri-kreen seem alien not only in appearance but in culture. They have few bonds with any other races, nor do they seem to ant them. As often and unpredictably ally as enemy, the thri-kreen are skilled warriors and powerful psions, and the lands they claimed in the wake of the cataclysm remain largely uncontested.
  • Cyclopians: In the ancient past the Cyclopses were the overlords of Ansalon. After the betrayl of the clan known as the Irda many of their slaves broke free and the Irda differentiated into a distinct subrace. In a war between the cyclopses and the irda that followed many years later, the Cyclopses were again defeated and split again into the race of giants and the Myopses.

Gods of Ansalon


Map of Ansalon

The Continent of Ansalon Base Map Image
Location under
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species

Emblems of the Solamnic Orders


The Four Riders of the Cataclysm



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Jan 27, 2023 10:04

Awesome and comprehensive introduction to the continent! Makes me very excited to explore and interact with all the different cultures.