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Temple of the Moon

Written by Chrundle_the_Great


The Temple of the Moon is hidden in a ruined moonstone shrine in the Borderlands. When the carved doorway was repaired, the stones slid away one by one, opening a "portal" into void. Within were many trials that tested the virtue of accepting, and improving upon, their flaws.   The Trial of the Moon is complete, and the gateway closed.  


The True Elves are said to exist in up to eight dimensions. Perhaps those in the temple were only illusions. Perhaps they were distortions caused by bending time and space in on itself. Perhaps they were merely dreams.   A young silver dragon watched over the murals depicting different sins. Creatures from the Moonlit King's ruined court, including a crescent devourer, stalked the maze. Finally, shades sculpted to embody the form and flaws of the challengers waited in the throne room.    


Within the void, double-sided bridge of light and shadow led towards the first of the trials. Completing tests in the portrait room and the labyrinth granted access to the throne room and an audience with the Moon Elf adjudicator.   Again, these may not have been actual physical spaces, but visions caused by eight-dimensional spaces being contorted.  


The True Elves, who experience time differently, describe the temples as sites of worship or their eventual birthplaces or tests that echo with the Words of Creation.   It is also said that the mortal who once bested Celestix had a hand in building this temple and the ones of Sun and Stars to preserve knowledge that the celestials sought to hide because it might be harmful.   The paladin Ravix was called to pursue this trial, and all the elves of Gaes heard the summons. By accepting his dark side, he was made to understand the very nature of insanity and compelled to seek the final temple. The adjudicator gifted him the ring of the gleaming moon and compelled his party to wake up.   With the trial completed, the shrine was dormant once again.
Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which they never show anyone.
— Moon Elf
Top to bottom: the sins of cowardice, greed, recklessness, and wrath

Alternative Names
The Shrine of Lunari, The Moon Trial
Related Report (Primary Locations)
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