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The Temple of the Moon

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

General Summary

A familiar otherworldly voice compels Ravix to seek out the Trial of the Moon and unlock its door with his mysterious sunstone key. Once again, the paladin gathers trusted allies to endure a challenge mortals were not made to understand.   Doubtless the Order of the White Stag watches with interest as a non-elf attempts to carry out the will of the True Elves.  

Session Notes

  • Ravix opens the Temple of the Moon with the sunstone key
  • The group travels along a moonstone bridge that seems to go on forever
  • They discover "a dark side" underneath and see a temple in the distance
  • The temple and its statues are hewn from marble, porcelain, and moonstone
    1. TyrKek identifies the statues as fae from the Moonlit King's court
    2. Ravix recognizes the carvings as projections of Sun and Void Elves
  • The group travels through the doors and into a moonlit dome
    1. They are unable to decipher its glowing Old Elvish inscription
  • Penny sees an impossibly-long silver dragon coiled above the group
    1. "Remove the weakness from your hearts."
  • It gestures to the four murals of sin, each holding a different item
    1. Cowardice, a chicken's feather (Penny)
    2. Greed, a platinum coin (Jane)
    3. Recklessness, a boar's tusk (TyrKek)
    4. Wrath, a vial of flame (Ravix)
  • Ravix grapples with "his inaction," how giving into rage could rid the world of so many evils and save the truly virtuous
    1. However, his desire for peace overcomes his burning wrath
  • Penny sees her friend Nimsy attacked by the Assassin in White, but she flees
  • Both Jane and TyrKek are unable to overcome their darkness
  • The group, all blinded except for Ravix, make their way through a maze
  • One by one, they are separated by the voice mimicry of a crescent devourer
    1. It pulls at the darkness in their hearts, making the sins so much heavier
  • Ambushed, Ravix and TyrKek finally cut the shapeshifter down
  • In a final chamber, dark copies of the group attack and taunt them
    1. TyrKek chooses responsibility over vengeance and directs his allies
    2. Jane chooses friendship over greed and heals her allies
    3. Penny chooses to be brave despite her fear and protects her allies
    4. Ravix reaffirms his belief that people can choose to be better
  • Ravix has another confusing vision and watches him revolve around himself
    1. Moon Elves speak to him in the past and in the future
    2. "Lunacy, or insanity, is something everyone has. They merely project masks of light or darkness."
  • The group awakes with a second ring gleaming on Ravix's index finger
  • It is unclear how much of the trial was real or illusory — Jane believes it was a shared "dream"

Rewards Granted

Ring of the Gleaming Moon
Report Date
21 Oct 2023
Primary Location
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