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The Golgari Swarm

The original mandate of the Swarm under the leadership of Svogthir, was to maintain Ravnica's agriculture and manage its waste. The Golgari accomplish this task by recycling and reusing everything. They grow food from decay in the Rot Farms and employ everything from giant ants to fungal zombies to gather the trash from the rest of the city and bring it down into the undercity. The Golgari share a philosophical idea that death is a very important part of nature's cycle.   The Swarm celebrates the growth and vibrancy of the natural world, but gives equal attention to nature's facets of destruction, decay, and death. It finds allies and agents in the form of fungi, oozes, diseases, and other unsavory aspects of nature, and it uses the power of nature actively benefit the city of Ravnica in unique ways.   The leadership of the Swarm has undergone several major changes, but the nature of the guild makes it easily adaptable to the churn of continuous cycles. Being alive isn't a prerequisite for leadership, as demonstrated by their current Guildmaster Jarad Vod Savo. Unlike other guilds, the Golgari see all as a unique addition to the continuation of life and the eventual arrival of death, so they lack the organization of other guilds.   Originally, the Golgari Swarm was feared as monstrosities and repulsive creatures, but under the new management of their current Guildmaster, the Golgari Swarm have been ingraciated into the good will of Ravnica, often being praised for the services the guild performs.
The guild emblem for the Golgari Swarm.
Guild, Professional
Notable Members


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