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Tobias Morden

Tobias James Kilpatrick (a.k.a. Tobias Morden)

Tobias Morden is a necromancer in the employ of Kapital. He deals with most matters relating to the Undead and lore regarding ancient architecture.  


Tobias is undead, although previously would be assumed Human. He is tall and slender, standing over 6 feet tall and weighing nearly 170 pounds. The skin on his body clings tightly to his skeletal structure, giving him a gaunt disposition. It is obvious he uses potpourri and other various smelling agents to mask the stench of his undead flesh, often to an overwhelming degree. He is often dressed in high fasion, perferring suits and tailor-made garments to rags and sturdy adventuring gear. For those who have met him, Tobias tends to give off a 'creepy' and 'unsettling' vibe, particularly when asking pointed questions regarding someone's anatomical structure.  


Tobias has an intricate relationship with the undead. While remaining somewhat repuslive to most members of Kapital, Tobias is often seen tending to the undead in his employ. He often refers to them as his friends, and rarely gives them orders authoritatively. When asked on the subject regarding his relationship with the undead, he simply commented "They [The Undead] are creatures, just like us. They were given a second chance, and shouldn't be punished for taking it."   In addition to his relationship with the undead, Tobias has also fashioned a relationship with Beauregaard of Levinbolt, often visiting him when he has free time. The two are known to gossip about current events and enjoy strolls through the city of Levinbolt, but neither have officially claimed a formal relationship with one another, yet.  


Tobias Morden was born Tobias Kilpatrick of House Kilpatrick in Gaes. He was the last son of a long line of nobles known for trading in rare and priceless artifacts. His family made their fortune of excavations of ancient structures and legends, often delving into dungeons and ancient burial sites to learn more of the world before them. Tobias was a socialite, and often preferred to prance about town instead of taking on the family business. However, once both of his parents were killed in a collapsing tunnel in an ancient ruin, Tobias inherited the family fortune and business overnight. Distraught, Tobias spent most of the money on drugs and alcohol, trying to purge his parents loss from his memory. During one of his binges, he was approached by an older man with a business proposition. The man never gave a name, but claimed to be a friend of Tobias's parents, and would foot the money for an excavation long lost to time - a site claimed to be one of Kalarel the Vile's Towers. Intrigued and with no other options in front of him, Tobias accepted. After a few days of recovery, he set out with a hired group of miners and archaeologists to explore the ancient ruins. Once there, Tobias found himself enveloped with curiosity, finding ancient living rocks buried deep in Tallamh's surface. As he collected more, his questions began to overtake him and his curiosity ran wild. Desperate to find more, Tobias ordered his hirelings to dig further, that maybe the truth lied just beneath their feet. This was his last living mistake.   In an instant, the floor beneath the miners caved, collapsing the ground and creating a massive sinkhole in the ground. After falling hundreds of feet, Tobias's body slammed against a bedrock floor, killing him instantly. His body was broken, and the rest of the hirelings died with him.   However, after an undetermined amount of time, Tobias awoke. Unable to move, breathe, or speak, he laid there, pondering how he had survived such a fall. Almost a week went by, and Tobias found the living stone around him pulsing energy, slowly cracking his bones back into place as he lie there. Soon, he could stand, walk, and talk like before. He was stuck in this massive crater, but he had lived. After collecting some more of the pulsing stone, he began to look for a way out, to return to his life above the surface. It was here he realized he had no life to go back to. After crafting a grappling hook from the miner's gear and climbing out, he found the sinkhole he was in had changed. Vegetation had grown and died seasons over, the ancient ruins had crumbled even more than before, almost to dust. Tobias had fallen down that sinkhole in a different time, alive. He had climbed out undead, and with more questions than answers.   Since that day, Tobias has dedicated his unlife to finding the truth of Kalarel the Vile, which has led him to employ with Kapital. He took on a new last name to leave his family's disgraced legacy in the past and forge a new one for his future, one that shepherds the undead to an unlife worth living.
500-800 years old
Grey/Milky White
Long Salt and pepper hair, slicked back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin, tight and gaunt appearance, some dead flesh present on the face.
160 lbs


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