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Zegana is a stately and reserved merfolk wizard. Her slender and regal features are accompanied by bioluminescent fins that have been artificially attached to her body - a result of her own research. She is always seen with her Trident, and some believe it to be her spellcasting focus[1]. There are also rumors that the fins attached to Zegana's body are of a lionfish, and if touched could cause the assailant to be instantly paralyzed.[2]  


Zegana is a protocol based individual, whose processes and thoughts reflect that of an elite researcher. Zegana often considers possibilites few dismiss as harmless, and her attention to detail is what garnered her position as Prime Speaker. Under the tutelage of Momir Vig, Zegana has a curiosity to discover the secrets of life and the living. Zegana is often reserved, holding judgement silently amongst others and is most notably the least vocal of the Speakers in the Simic Combine. She chooses her words carefully and puts a great deal of meaning into the few she chooses. She has been regarded by Niv-Mizzet as "an intellectual of her time", though the dragon mage offered no other comment when asked about his opinion of the Simic Combine.  


Zegana's main possession is her magical Trident, of which the magical properties remain a mystery to all but her, Momir Vig, and Niv-Mizzet. The Trident has been the badge of office for the Prime Speaker of the Simic Combine since its foundation, and is rumored to have been discovered by Momir Vig in an ancient merfolk temple protected by leviathans[3].  


Zegana was first seen as a researcher under the tutelage of Momir Vig, and has always followed his teachings since the creation of the Simic Combine and Momir Vig's subsequent retirement. Not much is known of her upbringing, but her personality and attitude towards people reflects the reverence held by Momir Vig. Regardless of her past, her current mannerisms indicate her affinity towards Vig's teachings and philosophy.   [1]This information has not been confirmed, as Zegana has been seen casting various spells with the Trident on her back. However, the magical properties of the Trident are also unconfirmed.   [2]In a heated argument, the leader of the Hull Clade reached out to strike Zegana in a public setting, and was instantly paralyzed for 10 minutes upon making contact with the fins. Several eyewitness accounts also mention convulsing and seizures soon followed the paralysis.   [3]While the existence of merfolk temples to ancient gods have been encountered, no leviathans or leviathan carcasses have ever been found or seen surrounding the temple mentioned by Momir Vig in his memoirs.
Zegana's attnetion is one of the most valuable things in the Simic Combine. It can also be the most terrifying.
We measure our progress in heartbeats.
— Prime Speaker Zegana
Vibrant Yellow
Erratic White and Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scales, Blue, Tiger Stripe pattern
166 lbs
Aligned Organization