
Humanity is by far the most widespread and influential race on the continent of Brone. From the chivalric lands of Honegrest, to the sweeping majesty of the Aftah Suwa deserts, to the heartless wastes of The Hollow Lands, humanity’s legacy has not always been one of righteousness or austerity. Some of the greatest heroes and most vile villains in history belong to the human race.
Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common races. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the world. Their are 4 main ethnic groups of human that trace their ancestry to different areas of the continent of Brone.
Racial Traits
Skills: You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. Skills are acrobatics, animal handling, arcana, etc.
Human Guile: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against Source.
Ethnic Abilities: Due to your unique heritage, you have manifested one of the following traits...
Vasec (North)
Hardy Resilience: When you roll a hit die to recover health, you at a minimum gain 2 times your constitution modifier. You have advantage against saving throws that deal with weather and environmental checks.
Burga (East)
Elegant Roots: You have additional +1 proficiency to Dexterity checks and +1 to hit with Dexterity weapons.
Tretonian (South)
Sense Source: You are inherently able to tell if someone is able to use Source, and roughly comprehend how talented they are if they posses skills below yours.
Donnish (West)
Craftsman's Spirit: You may select a Tool proficiency (in addition to other proficiencies you have from other sources). More easily gains inspiration, and may spend inspiration when crafting items.
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