The Magocracy of Sirothell

Domain Description: The sun shines down on the forested island of Raypol. Located to the south of Brone's mainland, it is the largest island in the region. The Idyne Vale and Ghostwood Forest sprawl over much of the land, with a narrow ridge of mountains and marshy lowlands filling in areas in between. The channel that separates Raypol from the mainland is home to slow moving waters that are abundant with fish. Fishing villages can be found along the channel shore as the seas of the southern coast are incredibly rough and unpredictable.   The Magocracy of Sirothell, as its name suggests, is ruled by a Caste system with Source wielding individuals at the top. The leylines beneath the land are the main factor for the rise of the Mage class. The strong Source energies ebb and flow wildly here, causing both fortune and folly to the mages that seek to harness its power. Seeped in Source energy, the land itself is a formidable opponent to the unprepared with both the Ghostwood Forest and Ettinsmoor being barriers to further expansion for the domain.   The people of the Magocracy trace their origins to two main sources. The "native" peoples here can say they are truly Tretonian, as their family lines follow the flows of the southern leylines. The vast majority of the ruling caste in the Magocracy are of native descent as Source ability is the penultimate trait their social hierarchy is based on. That being said, those who are strongly attuned to Source and are not of Tretonian descent are still able to succeed in Sirothell.     Capital City: The capital of Sirothell is in the province of Fyheath, at the base of the northern foot hills. The capital of Brebury got it's name from       The capital of Sawic is in the province of Gazwold, which is a cape that borders Skistow and the Sea of Thera. The capital, Gafeld, is named after an old sea shanty that sings of a mighty fisherman that felled a large sea beast with a knife tied to the end of his gaff. The city has a population of about 8,000 made up mostly of Donnish humans with the occasional half elf and dwarf. This raucous and rowdy port is the main hub for all local maritime activity, and never stops be it day or night. A port that never sleeps has caused "outlets" for the sailor's to shed their hard earned wages in the underbelly of the city. It is said that any desire can be granted if you have enough coin.   Trade Goods:     Allies:     Enemies:     Special conditions:
Founding Date
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Declaration of War

Vano the Cruel has declared war on the Magocracy of Sirothell.

This article has no secrets.


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