The Principality of Sawic

Domain Description:
The sea and the people of Sawic share a close relationship that dates back roughly 8 generations. The many miles of archipelago island chains, beaches, bays, and fjords have dictated what major industries developed, fishing. A moderate number of towns and many fishing villages dot the coast line of the region, while venturing inland has a great reduction of civilization. That's not to say there is no opportunity for expansion, the eastern forest and the Deadmoor river offer a great launch point for future growth. This area already is seeing a small increase in sheep herding, as a direct response to the demand for wool. The south western cape of Sawic has the Sea of Thera, which is a vast sea that is devoid of dangerous beasts that frequent many bodies of water. This has lead to a seemingly unending bounty that has been fully leveraged by the Principality.
  The people of Sawic herald from the original pirates that raided the Rabewald Estate's coastal holdings. They posses a free spirited but rugged mentality and always have a scent for coin. Due to the fall of the Rabewald Estate, and the subsequent creation of the Hollow Lands, Sawic saw an influx of refugees that were able to escape the horrific disaster. These refugees were welcomed in with open arms as long as they were willing to adapt to a lifestyle on the water or processing the sea's bounty on the shore.
  Capital City:
The capital of Sawic is in the province of Gazwold, which is a cape that borders Skistow and the Sea of Thera. The capital, Gafeld, is named after an old sea shanty that sings of a mighty fisherman that felled a large sea beast with a knife tied to the end of his gaff. The city has a population of about 8,000 made up mostly of Donnish humans with the occasional half elf and dwarf. This raucous and rowdy port is the main hub for all local maritime activity, and never stops be it day or night. A port that never sleeps has caused "outlets" for the sailor's to shed their hard earned wages in the underbelly of the city. It is said that any desire can be granted if you have enough coin.
  Trade Goods:
Sawic's close relationship with the sea has given rise to a maritime economy. The coasts of Gazwold and Skistow fuel an important inter-domain trade network that distributes fish, mother of pearl, and local artisan goods to the various coastal communities outside of the capital. There are no true foreign trade routes yet developed, but further expansion could create "golden" opportunities.
    Special conditions:
Even though Sawic's future is tied to the sea, the people want further agrarian development. The recent growth in Skistow has laid the blueprint for further expansion.
Geopolitical, Principality

Trade Agreement

The Tribal Combine of Paria Chuaca and the Principality of Sawic have entered into an agreement to begin trade with each others domains.

Declaration of War

The Hollow Ones have declared war on the lands of the living.

This article has no secrets.


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