The Republic of Puri Nang

Players Backstory for their Regent Character (Head Speaker of the State)
--> A couple of sentences about Player Character's upbringing.
--> Describe the characters personality and social skills/traits
Important NPC's:
  Domain Description:
Near idyllic conditions blanket the lands of Puri Nang, many large lakes, temperate forests and bountiful plains have created a rich land. The land is unable to be utilized to its true potential however, due to the disaster that has been the fall of the Rabewald Estate and the formation of The Hollow Lands. Originally two separate city states, Puri and Nang, the Republic of Puri Nang was formed in order to safeguard against the spreading of The Hollow Lands. All able bodied people are involved in some way with repelling the horrors they face to the north.   The people of Puri Nang originate from two semi distinct cultures, the Puri and the Nang. Hardship has caused many lines between the two to blur, forming a modern hybrid between the two. Vibrantly colored clothing and floating villages are the hallmarks of the Republic. The many lakes have lead to large open air markets consisting of small canoes and barges where food and goods change hands.   The people have the true say in the domain, as they directly elect the representatives of the republic. Any leader from these representatives could establish themselves as a hero if they were able to push back The Hollow Ones, but that has proved to be no easy task.   Capital City:
Prior to the formation of the Republic, Idethy and Coney where the two cities that were powerful enough to exert their sphere of influence over their surrounding areas. Due to the tragedy of The Hollow Lands, and a reduction in Idethy's land, Coney was chosen as the Capital for the newly formed republic. The city has a population of approximately 9,000 people, who are mostly Donnish humans, with an intermingling of other humanoid races. The vivid blue roofs and red hued stonework make this city iconic, and the trend has spread throughout different areas of the republic.   Trade Goods:
The Artisans of Puri Nang are famous for their intricate and precisely detailed work. The bountiful land produces very high quality ingredients, but due to the constant pressure from the north, there is a constant deficit in common goods. This deficit has caused the true craftmanship of the people to be impeded, and solving the security problem the domain faces would allow the land to truly flourish.     Allies:
The Tribal Combine of Paria Chuaca are friendly, so long as the republic does not venture too far out to sea.
The Mystical Empire of Hilonde and the republic have strong relationship, as each domain has something the other desperately lacks. The Afta Suwa Trade Federation has a fairly neutral relationship with the republic, the threat of sea monsters in the sea to the east inhibit reliable contact.   Enemies:
The Hollow Lands Sea Monsters   Special conditions:

Trade Agreement

The Republic of Puri Nang and the Aftah Suwa Trade Federation have entered into an agreement to begin trade with each others domains.

Trade Agreement

The Tribal Combine of Paria Chuaca and the Republic of Puri Nang have entered into an agreement to begin trade with each others domains.

Declaration of War

The Hollow Ones have declared war on the lands of the living.

This article has no secrets.


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