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Continentie (con-TIN-en-TEE-eh)

Continentie is, in short, Talonn's most well-known bard-- their writings have survived tens of thousands of years to the Dawning age, spawning thousands of devoted historians and scholars, adaptations from bards of all walks, and of course and entire dragon's hoard worth of counterfeits. What is known of their life is filtered through myth and third-hand account, with no promises of fidelity to actual events.   What historians can agree on is that Continentie, who wrote exclusively in Celestial, was born in the later years of the age of Glory. The few fragments of surviving material are from the age of Fire are Elvish copies, but the translation of Continentie's proper nouns indicate that the source material was in Celestial. The bard's writings chronicle the legend of the Godbreaker in the famous epic Transformations of Glory, told from the perspective of the seer-creature Numinen. Despite its popularity in antiquity and throughout the ages, no original manuscripts of Transformations survive. Much of what historians know of the epic is because of an Elvish ruin from the age of Gold that contained a dome inscribed with several books from the story, often referred to as the "Glory dome" by researchers.   The epic itself was meant to be performed as musical poetry or in song, although later adaptations being more literary has made restructuring it into verse difficult. In 1592 Magic, the Gnomish bard Goldshanks Havendish published a comprehensive Common translation, in verse, of Transformations. The Havendish version of the manuscript is a classroom staple to the current day in academies of higher learning all across Talonn.   The name Continentie is only known to scholars because of the poet's penchant for deriding themself for being a poor writer within the text. Other facts that have been gleaned about them from the epic is they favored a proto-Gnomish stringed instrument called a refa, leading many historians to assume that they were in fact a Gnome, or closely related humanoid creature to modern Gnomes. There is also extensive evidence that Continentie served in Queen Taladriel vas Holeven's court, given the extensive record-keeping of the Holeven dynasty. However, their ethnicity and gender are hotly debated-- many accounts from the age of Gold assert that the bard was Elven, and the bard uses neutered Celestial conjugations when referring to themself. There is, of course, also the fact that the epic was written in Celestial, which does imply that the writer was an Aasimar or Celestial themself as well.    Several accounts of Continentie's life cropped up in the ages after their death, which is assumed to have happened somewhere in early Fire. None of them have held up under scrutiny, although they remain in demand for collectors of antiquities. A great many fake tablets, books, scrolls, and text fragments have cropped up due to the intense interest in the legendary bard. However, the land of Talonn is vast, and the very real possibility that actual artifacts remain from the age of Glory still draws adventurers to chase the myth of Continentie.

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