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Ashe C2 Episode 27 - Electra the Unseen

Previously On...
   On the trail of the mysterious woman calling herself Kirana Castaliogne you traveled to the city of Warshaw in the southeastern Eigerlands.  On the road to Warshaw you passed a caravan transporting prisoners to Westinox.  Mausim was hailed by an old friend named Trick Redfern who had been captured.  Using a bribe and some guile you sprung the halfling man and he joined you on your journey.
Finnix received a message from his contact, a goblin man, who had information that his target has been spotted in Warshaw as well.  Meeting at the famous Bulongo's Inn the goblin man confirmed that he had tracked down the warforged man known as Cog.  After acquiring lodging for the next few nights and a much needed meal you headed to your midnight rendezvous at the Broken Tower on the eastern side of the city.  
In the broken tower was a warforged man but not your target.  A green eyed warforged man named Sava Cogson greeted you and claimed to be Cog's son.  The goblin man furious that he was mislead stomped off into the night.  Your conversation with Sava was interrupted when the rival bounty hunter named Exatron Saul attacked you and tried to steal away Sava. 
He sent mechanical spiders to capture the warforged man while he attacked from the top of the tower.  He also hired a couple of gnome piloted golems from the organization known as Ghora's Mask to attack from behind.  The fighting was fierce but with the help of Archamemnon and his friend Triss you turned the tide of battle quickly and destroyed the golems as well as their gnome handlers.  Exatron Saul escaped in a cloud of smoke however to bedevil you at a later date.  
With the battle won and Sava safe you all decided to speak again the following day.  Sava left the broken tower for better lodgings in case Saul attacked again.  You all returned to Bulongo's to find Trick Redfern recuperating with several ales and some attractive companions in the common room.  As you all joined him you heard a booming voice coming from the front door.  Two goliath men entered the Inn and demanded to return Trick Redfern to custody.

Plot points/Scenes

What's happening in Warshaw:
Rodrigues Hortalez Company is making moves to break the Royal Trade & Freight Company's hold on commerce in the region. Queen Amalia is getting old. Her scions are vying for the throne. Also Revetan the warforged [DM Note: Formerly the rogue known as Rumen Vuighn.] is posing as a human man with royal lineage to act as a spoiler in the race. He is being pushed to do this by Bella Caix La'couer who was using her Kirana disguise to make it easier for the party. Now she has changed her alias to Ricelia Serise. She will attempt to ally with Prince Vestun Ricard Tred Wardashar, human man, who is last in line for the throne. He doesn't mind giving power to Revetan as long as he becomes head advisor or vizier or something.
Leaving him in position to usurp the throne at a later date. Is he willing to murder his sisters? Not yet, but Bella has no problem pushing him in that direction. She is looking to obtain the Dark One's seal that resides in the vault below the castle. Like all of the Fallen they use these elaborate plots and machinations to achieve their goals rather than brute force or a snatch and grab. Bella often wants to create webs of power she can draw on later as well as serving her Dark Lord. They always have multiple motives several of which are selfish.
Sava Cogson is aware of the Fallen known as Bella Caix La'Couer thanks to his father's research. He has yet to identify her but knows that she is in the city. His secondary objective is to find and destroy Rumen Vuighn, also known as Revetan the reclaimer. A warforged built by Isringus to spite and kill Cog. This all goes back to his time on Adventure Team Grimm and what they did to Helle's Adventuring company 30 years ago.
Mettletown - A large district of laborers and craftsmen, many of whom are upset over their recent treatment by the Royal Trade company and the crown imposing new taxes and export duties.
  The Golden Orchard and the Queen's Road - This enchanted area of soil is always fertile and bears thousands of fruit trees easily. All of these trees have survived hundreds of weather events that would have killed any other foliage over the last thousand years. Ice storms, torrential rain, and frigid temperatures have not killed a single tree. It is also incredibly important to the economy of the realm and for the citizens. If the Royal Trade Company decides to export the fruit for profit rather than feed the populace things could go bad quickly.
Warders / Wardashaw City Guard - Well trained and fierce fighters, the guard protects the royal family and it's citizens and is usually quite unfriendly to outsiders. Over the last decade due to corruption and dwindling budget many of the guard now look to bribes or other compensation. Some enjoy some freelance work on the side. Some wonder if a more militaristic government wouldn't get more done than ruling by divine right…
  Random Gaurds -
  • Captain Ragar Heaton - A human man in his 50's, thinks a more miliatiristic approach may be better
  • Politon Frey - An Earth Genasi man with dull red skin and crystalline scalp. Loves a good scrap.
  • Giddleston Drinkwater - A handsome blond haired human man. Vain but with quick hands.
  • River Chandler - A halfling man whose father was a chandler. Has a short fuse.
  • Gnarg Montoya - Half orc Man with a scar on the left side of his head. Surprisingly reasonable.
  • Tri Boro - A Half Goliath Woman with one ear. Loyal to Captain Heaton to a fault.
  • Wheat Dancer in the Field - A rare Tabaxi fighter with Grey fur striped with black and white. Strikes first listens later.
  • Altricia Rum - A human woman with smarts, maybe too good of a heart to be a warder.
  • Grudge Match - A goliath man with anger issues.

    Bella's new Alias is : Ricelia Serise
Tremors! The ground shakes slightly. A small quake rumbles underneath your feet. Maybe a 2 on the Richter scale. A PC can make an intelligence check or history check to realize that Warshaw is not on a fault line and has almost no history of earthquakes or volcanic activity. [DM Note: Teva Bagshodt is a conspiracy theorist who has gone off of the deep end. He is convinced that the entire ruling family are dark friends and that the city is lost.]


Start Here:

As you return to the Inn you walk into a festive atmosphere.  The sounds of laughter and loudly told stories assaults your ears and you smell whiskey and ale as well as the spiced potatoes that are the inn's specialty.  Trick Redfern splashes a mug of ale as he plays darts with two attractive women.  He raises his mug to you as you approach. "Heeeyyy!  you guys are back! How did the meeting go?"  A loud bang can be heard up front as the heavy oaken double doors of the inn slam open. 
Two tall Goliath men step in to the inn and scan the room.  The Inn grows silent for a moment as the crowd tries to ascertain what is going on.  From behind them you hear a deep voice shout "Bring the halfling back to camp, this time he walks behind the caravan in chains."  The Goliath men walk into the Inn and head your way.  [DM Note:  if the players try to hide Trick the halfling woman Bronwyn backstabs one of them and points him out to the Goliaths.  They also bring in reinforcements to take on the party in combat.]
 Combat 02 - Grantebridge Strahan arrives in the city and begins to hunt down Redfern. He has an assembly magic user who has marked all of the prisoners with mage ink tattoos. This allows the mage to track any of his charges wherever they might be. He brings several of his strongest enforcers and will attack the players in the street or in an inn.
Grantebridge Strahan - Half Orc man with Lime green skin. Receding hairline and white hair pulled back in pony tail. Has a snake tattoo on the left side of his face. His team is loyal to him and are well paid. He uses a cult like system of rewards and punishments to make them think they are important and special. They are all promised land and gold from Vernabogge when they get back to Copenhaus.
Jovus Flamedancer - A dark elf and a member of the Assembly of the Weave. He has been contracted by Strahan to run his operation. He is the hound and the secret weapon. He has a staff of fireball that allows him to use the spell three times. He tattoos every prisoner on the back of their necks with a glyph. This allows him to magically track them wherever they go. Strahan hates runaways.
  • Caffer Strong - Goliath man
  • Melville Drenter - Half Elven man
  • Brosuph Ash - Goliath Man
  • Izzy Prophet - Human Woman
  • Din Curran - Half Orc Woman
  • Bronwyn Little - Halfling Woman
  They will most likely send in Bronwyn to scout the area and look for Trick. Once found they will set a trap for him preferably in a tavern or building where they can cover the entrances. Then Strahan will come in and use his two goliaths to corner the target. Beatings ensue and the prisoner is captured once more. Let's Make sure that Strahan leaves before the combat starts so that he can come back at another time. Use the six fighters to do the dirty work for now. Later Jovus and Strahan will try a different tactic...



Ricelia Serise
SCENE: In between Combat one and Two The team needs to find Bella/Ricelia Serise. She needs to tell them that she is sorry for misleading them and posing as Kirana. She is actually a daughter of the Serise's. A smaller House that was stripped of it's privileges several years ago. She knows that it was Lord Darkhorse who did it. House of Serise in Helletowne doesn't exist if anyone does a history check. Most likely a memory of Bella's from thousands of years ago.
She suspects he killed her parents as well in the city of Helletowne. She has been trying to get revenge and recover a family heirloom with magical properties. Let's use the Horse head bust before it was accented with the jewels to turn it into the Arcane Focus. Once Dark Horse was attacked in the manor she fled immediately for Warshaw to remove herself from repercussions in case Dark horse survived.
"What are you doing in Warshaw?" the team will ask.
She is running a con on an elder statesman of the Wardashaw clan. A minor figure, Count Orloff Wardashaw. He is in his 70's and his wife died not too long ago. Ricelia claims that she is trying to get his money when he dies. Just then several servants and two personal guard of Count Orloff escort her off to a luncheon where she will be introduced to the Princess. An important step to meeting the Queen and becoming eligible for marriage.
She needs to convince them to meet her at the broken tower that night after dark, she has a part for them to play and there may be good coin in it!
Combat Back at the Broken Tower
Bella Caix sets her trap in the wizards tower! When she learns that the team is in town and looking for her she will invite them back to the wizard's tower to explain. She places Electra the Unseen's Sarcophagus on the upper floors and hides it. It only needs two people killed near it to feed on the life energies and unlock. Once it does the sarcophagus will explode open and Electra will walk Tanaheim once more.
Bella Will use the team to awaken Electra the Unseen. She has taken the sarcophagus from Lord Vedemire while the team was assaulting the manor. She used the team to take down Vedemire and now she has several new objectives. Release Electra, a Fallen she considers her sister and an asset to her future plans, Destroy the seal in the Castle vault for the Dark One.
Broken Tower Once More - Walking towards the tower you pull your cloaks tight to ward off the frigid temperatures of the winter night.  You thank the gods for the thick clothing you bought as a ward against the -6 C temperature.  The night sky sparkles with a thousand stars dancing around the two moons of Tanaheim.  As you approach the broken tower once again a cold mist obscures the base of the tower where Sava once set up camp. 
Instead of the cheery lanterns and cooking fire this time you see only darkness. As you get closer you see figures moving in the mist, in the center a bluish green glow appears.  On the floor is Ricelia Serise, chained with black iron to the thick wooden flooring.  A circle of glowing chalk has been drawn around her, she cries in distress and fear.  Above her a cloaked figure holds a book and makes hand gestures in the air violently.  In the mist a tall skeletal figure walks around the circle, a second and third moves through the mist as if on patrol.  What do you do? 
A side quest in her mind. She needs to maintain her immortality even if the Dark one is defeated. In her mind even if the Dark One rises to power and escapes his prison some heroes will rise up and defeat him. She just needs to survive this future and she will be the most powerful creature on tanaheim.
  Use the tower fight to set this up. She has secreted the sarcophagus on the second floor. It needs two kills to release Electra. The fist kill will release a small arcane wave of a purple color. This may change the lights on Finn's armor or give Mausim a weird tickle of power on the back of his neck. The second kill will end the wards on the sarcophagus resulting in a powerful emission of magical energies. A beam of purple and pink light will explode out of the sarcophagus like the end of ghost busters.
She is using several Dark Friends in the city who are also part of the city gaurd. They are tough but not too tough, she is literally leading them in to the slaughter on purpose! She uses an illusion to disguise the humans as crazy skeletons at first to provoke and scare the players. Allow them to sniff out this illusion.
  During this fight Bella will walk amongst the combatants monologuing. She has cast a powerful ritual spell that allows her to be ethereal for 24 hours. A spell of her own design that she can lift by releasing concentration.   Bella's new Alias is : Ricelia Serise


Teva Bagshodt - 
An Earth Genasi Man with dark brown skin and sand colored crystals protruding from his head above his left eye.
Teva is slowly losing his mind and has been feeding slimes and Gelatinous cubes in the sewer system underneath Warshaw. He keeps a few that he considers tame in his backpack and often feeds them throughout the day.
Either through sheer madness or with a purpose he has fed a gelatinous cube in the sewer so many bodies and animals that it has grown to epic proportions. It now spans several miles of the underground and will soon threaten the city itself.
The Gelatinous Colossus is susceptible to cold damage. So much so with the right application of magical frost and ice the colossus could be destroyed.

Articles under Ashe C2 Episode 27 - Electra the Unseen


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