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Rega Ragnash -Stimpy, the Goblin

Stimpy the goblin was captured by Mew in the gem that contains a pocket dimension. She kept him there for many weeks trading him weapons and gold for lessons in the goblin language. Stimpy agreed, though he didn't have much choice. His real name is Rega Ragnash of the Boartooth clan of Eastern Penthaheim.
[DM Note: The goblin likes to use stealth at all times. He is indeed the goblin formerly known as Stimpy by ATG. His real name is Rega Ragnash of the boartooth clan. He is in his fifties now and is far more cautious these days. He also hunts the war forged and is looking for information on Cog. He is allowing this new bounty hunter to help due to a patron that has contacted him known as Temovar Plok. This patron only reaches out to him by magical means however, interesting.]
Finally the short but well built goblin man appears at your table. He is older for a goblin and his yellow greenish skin has a gray stubble growth around his mouth. He wears a dingy old pirate hat that barely holds it's shape. His nose hooks downward and his pointed ears are fairly large with several gold hoops in them. "I see you didn't order one for me bounty hunter. Kind of rude."
Rega says there have been sightings of the warforged over the last year or so in the cities of Westinox, Ulirre and Stoneport. Kind of a wide net. "I have heard of a seer that may be able to help though. He just arrived in Porsk over the last week or so. I think you should look him up and see if he has the knack or if he is a charlatan. The description is a Tiefling man, reddish skin, scholarly type. Spotted him earlier today talking with a sun elf and a human ranger. Two newcomers who just traveled up from Ashe they captured Revlar Groundtooth."
I'll move on to Stoneport in the meantime. Use this sending stone, it has three charges left. I've got the receiver, let me know which place you wind up in next and we can exchange information again. Hey, if you talk to your friend let him know that my rates are going up."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Race: Goblin
  • Class & Level: Rogue 4 (Thief)
  • Background: Pirate
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Strength 10
  • Dexterity 19
  • +4 ... Dexterity Ability Checks
  • +6 ... Dexterity Saving Throws *
  • +4 ... Acrobatics Skill
  • +8 ... Sleight of Hand Skill **
  • +8 ... Stealth Skill **
  • Constitution 15
  • +2 ... Constitution Ability Checks
  • +2 ... Constitution Saving Throws
  • Intelligence 13
  • Wisdom 8
  • Charisma 12
  • 11 ... Passive Perception
  • +4 ... Initiative Modifier
  • Armor Class 15 ... Armor worn: leather armor
  • 31 hit points ... 4d8 Hit Dice

  Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit. Hit: 1d6+4 piercing damage. (Normal range to 80 ft.; disadvantage long range 81 to 320 ft. Must be used two-handed.)
    Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. 1d4+4 piercing damage. (If thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.)
    Sneak Attack: Once per turn, deal extra damage to one creature hit if attack with advantage using finesse or ranged weapon. Don't need advantage if an enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on attack.
Pirate Background   • Feature: Bad Reputation.   • Traits: Has very weathered skin. Uncomfortable when among civilization.   • Ideal: Strangers always bring their trouble with them.   • Bond: Vowed to avenge slain lover.   • Flaw: Always questions orders.     Proficiencies & Languages • Proficiency Bonus: +2 • Armor: light armor • Weapons: simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword • Tools: navigator's tools, thieves' tools, vehicles (watercraft) • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence • Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth • Languages: Common, Thieves' Cant, Goblin     Goblin Traits [VGtM p. 119]   • Age: 16 years old   • Small Size (3' 8", 44 lbs.)   • Darkvision (60 feet)   • Fury Of The Small (once between short rests, cause +4 h.p. extra damage to one attack or spell to a Medium or larger creature)   • Nimble Escape (use Disengage or Hide as bonus action each turn)     Rogue Class Features [PHB p. 94]   • Expertise (prof. noted with **)   • Sneak Attack (+2d6)   • Thieves' Cant (slang speak in code)   • Cunning Action (Dash, Disengage or Hide)   • Fast Hands (Cunning Action Sleight Of Hand, thieves' tools, use object)   • Second-Story Work (fast climb, double jump distance)   Sneak Attack: Once per turn, deal extra damage to one creature hit if attack with advantage using finesse or ranged weapon. Don't need advantage if an enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on attack.       EQUIPMENT & TREASURE     Carried Gear (PHB, p. 143): leather armor (AC 11), rapier, two (2) daggers, shortbow and 20 arrows, thieves' tools (lockpicks, small file and pliers, tiny mirror), belt pouch, set of common clothes, rope (silk, 50 feet), belaying pin (club), a non-magical lucky charm. (This load is about 35 lbs.; add 1 lb. per 50 coins carried.)     Coins & Gems: 8 gold pieces (gp 10 silver pieces (sp 9 copper pieces (cp 2 gems (worth 10 gp each)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rega grew up in the Boartooth Clan of Eastern Penthaheim and was quick to take to fishing and boating.  After a few years he was called upon by the pirate captain Azragorr Anchorweight.  They sailed the Blade Driven sea on the lookout for merchant vessels to board and plunder.  After a year of exemplary service Rega took a few weeks off before heading off to sea.  He met a pretty goblin woman named Essorvice and planned to see her again after his next tour. 
The following week Captain Azragorr made a fatal mistake that would prove to be his last.  He spotted a vessel and pursued it looking to plunder.  That vessel was no fat merchant ship but the ship known as the Wet Dream.  The transport vessel of Adventure Team Grimm.  As the goblins latched onto the ship and leaped on deck they were met with furious resistance.  The powerful team of adventurers began to rip through his ranks.  Captain Azragorr himself was devoured by a dragon, the polymorphed form of the druid known as Karnac.  
Throughout this heated battle Rega began to climb the rigging terrified of the carnage below.  He looked up as a figure approached him and saw the golden eyes of a tabaxi rogue.  A flash of purple filled his eyes and he awoke to find himself in a small purple room with only a cushioned bench and a chamber pot.  He spent weeks in that room occasionally visited by the creature known as Mew.  She made a deal with him to release him after he taught her goblin.  
Fortunately after a month of confinement he found himself released during a battle in the wilds of Ventenheim.  Seeing his opportunity he fled into the jungle taking his chances there instead of near Mew.
Current Status
Hunting the warforged named Cog
Current Location
Dark brown, orange
Salt and Pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dull yellowish green


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