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Ashe C2 Episode 49 / 50 / 51 - Team Copenhaus The Aaronola Gulag

Previously On Liters of Tomorrow....
Team Copenhaus followed Cat and Jugwell Fletch to the Rakish Imbibery, a local tavern, to enlist some new recruits. They first encountered Archos the Astromancer who was in the city looking for a way to remove the blackweb gage from his hand. Jugwell pointed out a strange finely dressed Triton man in the corner bristling with weapons. With some mild strokes of his ego he quickly jumped at the chance to pitch in with the resistance.
Most of the tavern crowd became transfixed by the stage, however, as a blonde bard began to belt out a rock tune. After his exhilirating set you all met with him to recruit him to the cause. Now complemented with new skills and abilities the team began to formulate a plan to deal with the trouble in the city of Copenhaus.
Nuth slipped out to meet with the strange Drow he had met with earlier in the day. They informed him that the bomb was located in the Light, an ancient light house that has guided ships for millenia. A chasm had been discovered underneath that led miles under the surface into the Underdark. The bomb was being prepped to drop down and explode drawing the surface world and the underdwellers into a war. The Drow leader named Xiv Shadowborne, stressed to Nuth that time was of the essence.
Nuth gathered the team and you set out for the Light, a southern spire of the city. Jugwell and Cat led off some guard patrols to clear your path and you arrived at the bridge leading to the spire. Four guards were stationed there and the team quickly formulated a plan to confuse and move them. Nuth flicked his golden coin at their feet entrancing two of them and then the bard, Remy, pulled out his lute. With a song of wonder he commanded the rest of the guards to follow him into the city and away from the bridge. Once they were moved onto the street he barred the gates leaving the team free to move onto the spire.
More guards were positioned on the lighthouse itself and a plan was formulated to infiltrate and engage. Finn and the triton man Maris turned themselves invisible and determined to get to the bomb and defuse it. The rest of the team engaged with the guards. Demaia wild shaped into a Rhinocerous and smashed down the heavy door allowing everyone entry. With the battle on, Finn and Maris easily snuck their way into the lower chamber with the bomb.
More guards and a guard Captain were found surrounding the bomb that was suspended over the Chasm. Two engineers finished welding on a panel to protect the detonator. Archos and Maris engaged with the guards and mercilessly killed the engineers while Finn began to disarm the bomb. The Guard captain emerged from another room and began to hammer Archos with his mace. Finn called out triumphantly that he had succeeded but we now continue to the top of the round as combat continues!
Continue Here:
Faced with the remnants of the Lighthouse guard Archos was knocked unconscious by the captain. Demaia faced off against the helmeted paladin as he quickly struck her leg with his hammer shattering her kneecap. Before she hit the ground Demaia took the form of a massive constrictor snake and crushed the life out of the man causing serious internal damage. As he sputtered and spit up massive amounts of viscous blood she clamped down on his neck with a painful bite. Above ground on the stairs of the lighthouse Mausim and Remy continued to fend off attacks from the remaining guard. They whittled them down while taking cover and waiting for the rest of the team. Nuth, Maris, Finn and Demaia joined the fray and quickly took down the remainder.
Following the battle you all took a short rest and investigated the lighthouse. You dismantled the bomb and looked through the reports and engineering specs. As you all emerged from the building you found Vernabogge flanked by Grantebridge Strahan and Jovus Flamedancer as well as a dozen of his personal guard. He taunted you and murdered one of the Drow stealth agents with his bare hands. He made it clear that he has been following your exploits and that he proposed a game of survival on the streets of Copenhaus. You had three days to survive while being hunted by mercenaries and the guards.
As he left down the bridge he had come from, the team made some crazy decisions. Incensed by words of Vernabogge half of you decided to attack then and there. Nuth threw his wild magic cube and as it hit the bridge it exploded into a pool of bacon fat grease. Vernabogge and several of his men began to slip on the surface and had trouble moving. The team quickly cast several area of effect spells on the bridge and the battle was well and truly on. Nuth then set the grease on fire and Maris took off down the bridge with a battle cry.
You all watched as if in slow motion as he rushed onto the slippery bridge and one of the Copenhaus Fighters slipped his longsword neatly into Maris' chest. The triton man fell, his heart pierced and his body now lying in flaming bacon grease. Vernabogge quickly moved to finish the triton once and for all, but was stopped by the heroic actions of Mausim who now stands in between them...
Continue for Episode 51 -
The battle continued on the great bridge between the Light and the Golander Dome.  Lightning and fire lit up the dark night sky and the sounds of battle echoed over the ocean below.  Vernabogge stood before you taunting and overconfident.  He immediately knocked Mausim off of the bridge with a might uppercut and turned to finish off the prone triton Meris.  Like a bolt from the blue a bright light shone on the triton's body and his magic weapon.  Lifting him into the air and spiriting both away in a flash of divine power. 
Jovus Flamedance attacked the rest of the party with a poisonous cloud of gas and Grantebridge Strahan waded into the fight.  With the help of Finn Mausim managed to feather fall towards a rope and regain his position on the bridge.  Demaia heroically stood up against Vernabogge using all of her wild shape abilities to fend him off.  Things began to look bleak as she fell and the strange bard known as Remy dimension doored away from the battle to safety.  Even Mausim was brought down by arrows, bleeding out hanging from a rope. 
Just as things looked their darkest help was not far away.  A strange tiefling warlock appeared at the far end of the bridge and began to battle through the back line.  Archos regained consiousness at the light house and retook his position just in time.  With the extra reinforcements you all battled back.  The tide began to turn as Demaia fought off death itself and returned to the battle.  Mausim was healed just in time to get back on his feet and rejoin the battle.  The soldiers began to fall and soon you had killed  Jovus Flamedancer and Strahan as well. 
At the end you all stood against the might of Vernabogge.  As suddenly as it began you all ended it with a streak of critical hits and some luck.  Now you all stand at the end of the bridge triumphant.

Plot points/Scenes

Guard 4 is up first in the initiative order and he is in pursuit of Nuth and Demaia as they head down the stairs to the Bomb Site. "I'm going to split you open wizard, but I think I'll save your druid friend for later!" he hisses at you from behind and lunges forward with his sword.
Archos you rise to your feet once more after absorbing hammer blows from the Guard Captain. You see a forehead scar carved into the skin that marks him as an Oath of Conquest Paladin.
[DM Note: He either casts Fear or spiritual weapon as he renews his attacks on the team.]
Reinforcements attack the team who are above ground. Three Arches take up positions 30 feet away and begin to fire poison tipped arrows.
[Once the battle is completed they will be greeted by Vernabogge himself who gives them a golf clap and greets them. He is flanked by Grantebridge Strahan and Jovus Flamedancer. Both Mausim and Nuth should recognize them based on their real life meetings or the vision Nuth had when he touched the elemental crystal. ]
As you walk back out onto the steps of the Lighthouse you see several figures gathered on the bridge bathed in the orange glow of the street lights. A massive gauntleted fist grasps the neck of one of the Drow infiltrators, the drow's arms grip the hand in a panic. With a quick flick of his wrist the behorned man who stands head and shoulder above the guards around him snaps the neck of the drow man with a sickening crunch. He then tosses the body twenty five feet off of the Spire cliff as easily as a ball of paper.
"Finn the outworlder, Mausim Baramus, and Archamemnon the marked. You and your friends are as good as advertised. It seems you have foiled my little outreach to the Underdark. No matter, I will succeed in the end. This world is always on the brink of war, I just need to nudge it a little in certain directions."
"You will be tested as all beings are tested. You are going to try to survive the next few days. You can't leave the city though you are free to try. In the meantime I will have you hunted by some of the best mercenaries in Penthaheim. Survival is it's own reward and you have the entire city to hide in or do battle. The choices are yours to make."
Vernabogge turns and walks back over the bridge into the darkness.

Baramu faces competition in the Morning
As you arrive back at the old thieves guild headquarters you find an angry Cat Baramus pacing back and forth. "And just where in the nine hells have you been?!" Her eyes bore right into Mausim as she continues. "Father is scheduled to move to the arena sometime tomorrow! Do you really think he will survive whatever fight Vernabogge places in front of him? Especially with his glaring hatred of both of us?!"


  The Hunt Begins
The mercenaries in the city have been paid will by Vernabogge to spend the next few days hunting the team. Both San Cisco and the Lion's wing are now competing to kill Mausim, Finn and Archos.
Candor's Books & Folios: in the Fishery Dome there is an old book store, run by a former professor of Vellen University. Yovotan Candor is a dwarven man who has studied history all of his life. If the players need information on the Dark One or the Fallen he is an excellent resource. He can describe to them how a phylactery may be made for the fallen that draws on the dark one's power and gives them immortality and abilities. Hundreds of souls would have been consumed creating these. They would be important and hidden by the Fallen.
Escaping the Keyed Force bubble that extends around the city
Candor says that a totem created of enough shard rock and imbued with the Dispel magic spell would have a chance of creating an opening that would last long enough for the players to pass through.
Finding the Key
If the players describe their experience in Allesandre Manor and the strange room with the painting, Candor would piece together a hypothetical that could help. He asks them if they had seen a keyhole underneath the painting, a depression or an opening. He says a key may be placed there and disable the shield placed over the painting. That's it! the painting itself is his phylactery! The thin tiefling man is Vernabogge. He easily finds a book that describes the Allesandre family going back to the second age and finds Victor in a family tree.
Remy Backstory - Reminder that Remy is actually the form of a changeling who fell in love with Remy. The real Remy was killed several months back, People in the city may remember hearing the news about the famous Bard's death!

START HERE: Check stats for Jovus Flamedancer and Vernabogge on World Anvil
Amidst the chaos on the bridge we now return to the top of the initiative order!
This round belongs to the frozen sea god known as Thassa: A sea spout explodes from the ocean below as a beam of light streaks down from the sky. Both meet at the spot on the bridge where Meris the Triton lays. The bident he carried on his back glows with a bright blue light and lifts into the air rotating slowly. The light burns any who touch it, Mausim you can feel the heat where you stand only ten feet away.
A massive ethereal figure forms towering over the bridge, a female figure made of sparkling white and blue scales brings her clawed hands over the triton's body. You all watch through the rain, lightning, and smoke as Meris lifts into the air rotating with the bident. A godlike voice booms out around you "This one and the Dekella are not yours to claim! All land dwelling heathens must never breach the oceans of the frozen deep! You are warned!!" A bright flash of lightning blinds all who watch this scene and when you blink the bident and meris' body are gone!
In the swirling madness you see Vernabogge raise his hands and laugh maniacally. He says "What wonderful madness you all bring to this fight!" 
DM Note:  Allow Mausim a perception check DC 15.  On a success he notices that after the shatter spell, the fire, and the sea god Thassa's might the bridge is looking crumbly and shaky on the area where Meris once lay.]


The Lion's Wing - Resistance Group
The Lion's Wing are a group of Aarokocran mercenaries who have been trapped in the city after the rise of Vernabogge. They do have flight but not the ability to fly all the way to Alcan Island. Some have escaped through the continent but the remaining members are here to fight Vernabogge. They know that if he succeeds their home island will be invaded.

They have intel that Vernabogge plans a multi front assault drawing most of Penthaheim into combat immediately. It is through the Lion's wing that the team will learn that he is creating a bomb that he plans on detonating in the Underdark. Within months all of the continents will be drawn into a world war.
Members of the Lion's Wing - They are all fighters and barbarians.
  • Chaffinch Brightwing - Fairly hawkish female Aarokocra with bright white feathers on her arms and wings.
  • Ouzel Bluefeather - Male Aarokocra with a bluejay shaped head with blue and black feathers.
  • Nevatar Goshawk - White eagle shaped head, male. Brown feathers with white speckles.
  • Carrion Crowntail - Thinner head with dark grey, orange bands cover her arms and wings. Oriole looking colors.
  • Caspian Tern - Finch like head with dark blue feathers, a bright pink group of feathers on his chest.
  • Chukar partridge - Pigeon like colors and features. Male Aarokocra with grey tones highlighted with bright blue and pink.
  • Citrine wagtail - Finch like head with bright yellow feathers on his head and neck. Grey and black bands about his shoulders.

  The Catspaw resistance group
led by Mausim’s sister is focused on getting political prisoners out of prison before they are killed in the gladiatorial games. Specifically her father who is being held in high security prison.
[DM Note: The team also needs to find the key that unlocks the shield around Vernabogge’s phylactery. That should be hidden in the manor house that he is using as his home base.]
Catspaw Resistance Group:
  • Unacather Baramus- Allow Eman to describe her to us. Human Woman with dark hair.
  • Restovar Graphus - Human man, bald with a face tattoo of a snake on his cheek. Former soldier of Copenhaus.
  • Hiram Westov - Half Orc/Half Dwarven man, former Griffon Air Corp member but never made pilot.
  • Pelia Nuxhall Dover - The Niece of Baron Anton Hebrides, human woman with long brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Istael Drudge - Dwarven man who used to run the Whistling Blade. A weapons shop specializing in knives and swords.
  • Erasmus Piton - Gnome man and former thief, he has thinning grey hair and a large nose even for a Gnome.
  • Jugwell Fletch - Halfling man and former thief. Has rogue abilities and several scars around his left eye. Black curly hair.
    Talis Sonia - kender woman with short spiky hair dyed blue. Former spy for Lamborginus, now determined to kill Vernabogge.

    The Drow Stalkers-
    Members of the Mist's Eye, See their article in World Anvil.

Captain Xiv Shadowborne
  • Ensign Keltavin Exanomic
  • Hunter Raxon Trexhaven
  • Hunter Nuntalos Rex
Languages, Elven, Undercommon, Sylvan
Fey Ancestry: The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put the drow to sleep.
    Innate Spellcasting:
The drow's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: dancing lights
1/day each: darkness, faerie fire
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.



The Prison in the Old Aaronola Embassy

    The rats scouting report - [DM Note: three rats were enlisted by Demaia to scout out the prison. Remy, Vonk, and Paco demanded a side of bacon and several breakfast sandwiches for their trouble. They mention the guard rotation of four every four at the front of the building. Inside from what they could see on the first floor is the main offices of Redeye, Venomtooth and several guards who live on the premises. Second Floor has about 40 prisoners held in four main cells. Third Floor they only got a glimpse of but seems to have higher importance prisoners. These have individual cells and hidden staircases on the east and west to get up there. There is also a large room for private beatings.]
  [DM Note: Mausim's Father and several other old friends of Mausim's family are being held within. Unfortunately the prison also holds some of the most vicious killers and deadly thieves that had been in the city when Vernabogge took power. He captured any who didn't immediately swear fealty to him. In the last couple of weeks he has been pitting them against each other in gladiatorial games held at the zoo.]
Redeye Riskelli - A massive bugbear man with one eye glowing red. It has been enchanted to see invisible creatures. He gets a heat signature predator style.
Guard Captain and head of security for the Prison
His second in command is a Female Yuan-Ti woman named Tessafore Venomtooth.
Both of them can usually be found on the ground floor of the embassy in the offices. Whenever the team decides to go to the prison they can be found interrogating an aarokocran man with the look of a black and white Puffin. They accuse the man of smuggling goods and people out of the city in violation of order V1203.
First floor of the Aaronola Prison facility.
What used to be the main offices of the embassy are now used as guard quarters and offices for Redeye and Venomtooth. The large marble looking room is the interrogation room. Start there and follow the map clockwise.
Interrogation Room - The floor and ceiling are large tiles of marble and a dark granite alternating in check pattern. The room used to be a conference room or presentation room for greeting diplomats. Now it's austere walls are splattered with dark fluids and courtroom rails have spikes and chains bolted into them. A dozen heavy oak tables can be seen in the room with iron rings and chains dotted on them. A raised platform in the middle holds two pillars for a subject to be chained to.
Cloakroom closet - This thin room is a storage room. It holds cleaning equipment and the new prison guard uniforms.
Kitchen 01 - This large kitchen area has stoves and ovens that are lit with magical fire. You can see runestones that glow brightly above them built into the wall. They need to be replaced or recharged every few weeks depending on use.
Kitchen 02 - Sinks and dishwashing equipment as well as some of the finer baking machines.
Bathroom - A classic corporate style bathroom. Several stalls and unirals on the east wall. Sinks on the west wall.
Office of Venomtooth - Redeye's second in command has made her office here. The walls are a reddish brown wood paneling and a marble floor. Paintings of Aarokocran aristocracy have been replaced by snake totems and living plants that have been brought over from Ventenheim.
Guard Check - These three smaller rooms once held a coat check, a screening room, and a valet greeter. Now they have been replaced with steely eyed guards in heavy armor. They leer out at anyone passing the building and threaten to crack heads if anyone gets out of line. They have a steady guard rotation every four hours. Four heavily armed guards are on duty at anytime. Two standing in front of the building and two in those rooms.
Stairs to second floor -
Redeye Riskelli Office - Once the office of the ambassador to Penthaheim, it too also has a rich red wood paneling and a polished marble floor. Now the many paintings of aarokocran nobles have been gashed or painted over in garish obscene ways. The furniture has been replaced with a bar setup complete with round tables and stools. Redeye likes to entertain at night.
Guard Barracks - This room has been restructured into a barracks for eight of the guards. All told there are 30 guards who patrol the prison. Only half of them live at the prison, however, the rest are commuting form elsewhere in the city.
Guard Mess Hall -
New Prisoner holding cell. - This central room holds any new prisoners who haven't been assigned a cell yet. It used to be dining room for the ambassadors. The walls are still a high end wood paneling inset with beautiful tile mosaics of Alcan Island.
Back Entrance - This entry facing the sea cliff has been sealed up. The massive oak doors are locked tight and heavy beams have been fastened to them from the inside.
Roof - The roof is patrolled by four more guards and a griffon named Amber Tempest. Mausim would have met this Griffon and knows that he is normally even tempered and very kind. Now though a small device has been placed on his neck causing his eyes to darken to a reddish color. He is under the control of a new griffon rider named Crowves Wright. A human man with black hair and broad shoulders. He has a bronze helm with a horse mane tail coming off of it.


Nuxhall Manor and the Key

  The Great Game
  [DM Note: Vernabogge is eager to meet Finn and Mausim for they entered his lost sanctum underneath the Ashen Forest. Allesandre Manor was once his ancestral home when he was Victor, a weak tiefling lordling lusting after power. Vernabogge is impressed that Finn and Mausim made it in and out of the manor and is intrigued by their survivability. Especially what happened to Lord Vedemire Darkhorse. He very much wants to speak with them...]
The Key to Vernabogge's phylactery
[DM Note: Hidden in Nuxhall Manor in the study is the key. It's in an ancient ceramic box and would look like a lion key from voltron. Once placed in the receptacle underneath the painting it would unlock the shield. Behind a massive painting of the current form of Vernabogge there is a safe. It needs to be unlocked and is trapped with a paralyzing chemical agent. DC 17 constitution saving throw.]

Rising Action

[The Catspaw resistance group led by Mausim’s sister is focused on getting political prisoners out of prison before they are killed in the gladiatorial games. Specifically her father who is being held in high security prison. The team also needs to find the key that unlocks the shield around Vernabogge’s phylactery. That should be hidden in the manor house that he is using as his home base.]
Catspaw Resistance Group:
  • Unacather Baramus- Allow Eman to describe her to us. Human Woman with dark hair.
  • Restovar Graphus - Human man, bald with a face tattoo of a snake on his cheek. Former soldier of Copenhaus.
  • Hiram Westov - Half Orc/Half Dwarven man, former Griffon Air Corp member but never made pilot.
  • Pelia Nuxhall Dover - The Niece of Baron Anton Hebrides, human woman with long brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Istael Drudge - Dwarven man who used to run the Whistling Blade. A weapons shop specializing in knives and swords.
  • Erasmus Piton - Gnome man and former thief, he has thinning grey hair and a large nose even for a Gnome.
  • Jugwell Fletch - Halfling man and former thief. Has rogue abilities and several scars around his left eye. Black curly hair.
  • Talis Sonia - Half elven woman with short spiky hair dyed blue. Former spy for Lamborginus, now determined to kill Vernabogge.
  Over the last several months dozens of members of the local thieves guilds, smugglers, and rabble rousers have been outright murdered. The rule of law and trials has been suspended and guards are free to act how they wish. Many of the former guards of Copenhaus either loyal to the Nuxhall's or the city itself have been expelled from the ranks and replaced. These new guards are large and fierce, much more violent and aggresive than before. They hold allegiance to Vernabogge who presses a survival of the fittest motto. Many of their bodies can be seen hanging from lamp posts or heads put on pikes in public squares. Vernabogge is not subtle.


The Lion's Wing - Resistance Group
The Lion's Wing are a group of Aarokocran mercenaries who have been trapped in the city after the rise of Vernabogge. They do have flight but not the ability to fly all the way to Alcan Island. Some have escaped through the continent but the remaining members are here to fight Vernabogge. They know that if he succeeds their home island will be invaded. 
[DM Note: Their Leader Chaffinch Brightwing has now accepted a deal with Vernabogge.  If he succeeds in killing Mausim and Finn Alcan island will be off limits in the coming continent wide war.  This is why he turned down the offer to help the team earlier.]
  • Members of the Lion's Wing - They are all fighters and barbarians.
  • Chaffinch Brightwing - Fairly hawkish female Aarokocra with bright white feathers on her arms and wings.
  • Ouzel Bluefeather - Male Aarokocra with a bluejay shaped head with blue and black feathers.
  • Nevatar Goshawk - White eagle shaped head, male. Brown feathers with white speckles.
  • Carrion Crowntail - Thinner head with dark grey, orange bands cover her arms and wings. Oriole looking colors.
  • Caspian Tern - Finch like head with dark blue feathers, a bright pink group of feathers on his chest.
  • Chukar partridge - Pigeon like colors and features. Male Aarokocra with grey tones highlighted with bright blue and pink.
  • Citrine wagtail - Finch like head with bright yellow feathers on his head and neck. Grey and black bands about his shoulders. (has sided with the players and may warn them early of this danger.)

Crimes against Mausim are as follows:
  • Grand theft Aerial, a griffon “True Grit”
  • Instigating an Escape, Felony. The escape of Prisoner 4428 Trick Redfern
  • 27 counts of Assault on duly deputized soldiers of Copenhaus
  • Tax Avoidance to the sum of 458 gold.
  • Treason and Sedition - Joining the underground resistance movement known as Catspaw.
Associating with an enemy of the state Unacather Baramus
Mausim Family in Copenhaus
Mother - [deceased] Umara, a Merchant Captain
  • Father - Baramu, Elder and Craftsman of Fishing Boats and Boat Supplies.
  • Older Brother - [deceased] -Baramu, AKA Rama, First Mate.
  • Twin Sister - Unacather AKA Cat. Cat is an Elder in Training
  • Younger Twin Siblings - 10 yrs old.
  • Kuher / Brother and Uhalab / Sister
Completion Date


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