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A coastal city built on to several large rocky land masses all connected by stone bridges. An important port on the eastern coast of Penthaheim, it offers a stop over for ships sailing back and forth from Lamborginus to Penthos. It has a strong Naval presence of small sturdy ships called corvettes that are used to destroy pirate ships. They also have an air guard made up of twenty griffon riders and even a Hippogriff or two. Though common in the Forest realms and Ventenheim there are very few areas of Penthaheim that have bonded enough with flying creatures to use them as mounts.
Important industries of Copenhaus are their fishing skills and mercantile business. They provide most of the seafood and sea bound supplies for most of the continent. This includes interesting alchemy components through certain sealife bladders or ambergris. They also have important trade with the large cities of Aarokocra who inhabit the Alacan Island. Though they have a strong policy of not interfering or dealing with the mainland too much they still understand the need for trading for things not readily available on Alacan. Mostly metals and smithing that they need for tools and building supplies. Certain types of timber are not available as well.


The government of Copenhaus is a small council of five Magisters who represent the different industries and defense. The magister of fishers, trade/shipping, defense, labour, lords. The head of all of this is the appointed representative of House Nuxhall which controls the city.
Baron Anton Hebrides Nuxhall who is a fifty year old human with dark skin and blue eyes. He is a very shrewd leader who keeps apprised of all goings on but takes a hands off approach as long as his coffers remain full.
[DM Note:  The city has been taken by the Fallen Known as Vernabogge.  Vernabogge spent a month long campaign smearing Nuxhall's reign and convincing the merchants and the military that new leadership was required.  Vernabogge values strength and survival of the fittest over all other things.  He naturally views the Copenhuas Navy and Griffon Air force as it's greatest assets.  He plans to use the assets of Copenhaus to turn all of Penthaheim into a continent wide war with himself as the sole victor.]

Industry & Trade

The Great Zoo of Copenhaus -

The great zoo is truly a marvel in Penthaheim, located in the Golander Dome [the large center building] it houses over 600 species of creatures from all over Tanaheim. The zoo was first created by an explorer named TR Balorous over 100 years ago. He would bring back exotic species of monkeys and lizards to amuse the Nuxhalls and his kids and eventually decided to build habitats for them all. The building and grounds expanded many times and using magical forcefields and other spells to provide the myriad creatures with proper food and water the zoo began to flourish. It has become a jewel of tourism for the city of Copenhaus and the entire Golander Dome has become a hub for it. More inns and taverns with exotic animal themes and dozens of kiosks selling merchandise and food themed to the zoo.


Districts / Domes

The group of large rocky outcroppings on the Blade Driven sea are all connected with large stone bridges. They are referred to as Domes and they also make up the different districts of the city. Each "Dome" has buildings and businesses on top and several cut outs going down the sides that lead to different docks and devices to lift things up if need be.
1 - The Bowery Dome 
a run down section with many of the poor and downtrodden. A good place to look for informants or miscreants. It also has many ceramic businesses like brick builders and blacksmiths.
2 - The Tear
The barracks and headquarters of the guard force of Copenhaus. 
3 - The Hilt -
the northern section of the islands that looks like the hilt of a knife. Another residential section, but it also has a large temple to Corsun in the middle.
The Naval Dome -
This island has a carved out section on the water that safely houses several fast corvettes for city defense.
4 - The Knife Tip -
Has many residential buildings.

5 - The Atomo Dome -
an area used mainly for inns, taverns, and restaurants. Travelers and diplomats will stay here for a few nights and take in the sights.
6 - The Fishery Dome -
This area of the city is primarily for seafood vendors and other businesses that deal in obtaining riches from the sea.
7 - The Labor Dome -
Most of the cities workers live here. Masons, carpenters, and glass workers mostly.
Calenten Dome -
Has several shops but also most of the apartment buildings and residence halls.
8 - The Golander Dome -
Most shipping will come through this area. There are offices for the East Tellenheim Company and the Rodriguez Hortalez shipping company. There is a customs office and a strong guard presence.
9. The Ulatan Dome -
Another high end shop area, jewelers, clothiers, haberdashers and the like.
10 - The Alucard Dome
A richer neighborhood with several upscale residences and some high end businesses.
11 - The Royal Dome -
Their districts are referred to as domes and the royal dome is an entire rock island that is dominated by the Nuxhall Mansion and other buildings that serve the current administrator. Servants quarters, store rooms, kitchens, stables, and small shops are all at the pleasure of the Nuxhalls.
The Bowery dome -
a run down section with many of the poor and downtrodden. A good place to look for informants or miscreants. It also has many ceramic businesses like brick builders and blacksmiths.
12 -Nuxhall Manor -
The large manor house of the governor of the city.  It is currently occupied by Vernabogge after Baron Nuxhall fled the city.  (or did he?)
13 - The Aerie Dome-
This island is dedicated to maintaining the Griffons and hippogriffs and their riders.
14 - The Light -
The smallest rock outcropping to the south has the Lighthouse. This centuries old building has a magical light affixed to the to that has never stopped shining.
15 - The Naval Dome -
This island has a carved out section on the water that safely houses several fast corvettes for city defense.


Taverns and Inns -

Copper Kettle - The Atomo Dome -
A popular tavern and inn situated amongst several shops and merchant traveled areas of Copenhaus. Travelers, merchants, and visiting sailors often find themselves in the Atomo Dome and the Copper Kettle looking for a good pint. Staff - Binda, green elven woman bartender, Unkan, a firbolg man who acts as chef and barback, and Polinna the owner and manager who is a Dwarven woman.
Rakish Imbibery - The Atomo Dome -
Another well traveled pub that is the major competition for the Copper Kettle. Tends to be a little more popular with the locals and shop keeps in the dome. Staff - Kolin Tuft, a human man bartender, Drudilan, the half orc barback and Villus the half elven man who owns and manages the place.
Olde Grattle's Inn - The Bowery dome -
The bar for the common man in the bowery dome. One of the oldest buildings in Copenhaus surrounded by tenements and worn down wooden buildings. Staff - Hunge a half orc man bartender, Spayre Munga a human woman.
The Rotted Sail - The Labor Dome (under)
- A tavern for the working man found on the rock layer of the high island down a wide set of stairs. Many dock workers and sailors who come off of fishing trawlers stop at the Sail before heading in to the city. Staff - Corver Twill a human man bartender, Pilius mork a Gnome man barback and Steeltoe Pick the dwarven man who owns and manages it.
The East Winde - The Aerie Dome -
A Griffon rider Tavern for the riders and trainers. The tavern itself is made of polished wooden beams standing twelve feet off of the ground. Spiral wooden staircases on each side of the entrance wind up to the front. Staff - Ollis Hemlock a green elven man bartender, Yula the half elven woman who manages and owns it. A former Griffon rider herself her 100 year old griffon, olde One Eye, resides in the back with a hangar built off the back so that he can go for lazy circles in the air when the moment strikes him.
Les Pousillarde - The Ulatan Dome -
A high end restaurant and Bar frequented by the elite of the city. The owner is a former officer of the East Tellenheim Company, a human man named Robare Pinochet.  He has sworn allegiance to Vernabogge though whether that was under duress or not remains to be seen. 
The Interior of the building is a royal blue with a nautical theme.  The ceiling is rimmed with a gold crown moulding and historical naval flags hand down over the walls.  The bartender is currently an elven woman by the name of Rina Belloq.  She was exiled from the Inorh forest when she helped the ETC smuggle out tree shaped furniture. 
The Pint of Monte Cristo - A popular bar in the Golander dome.
Run by a Dwarven woman named Wela Shieldarm and bartended by a Green elven man by the name of Wisp Ferngully. It is known for it's many gambling tables with dice and cards.

Guilds and Factions

Sections of the Zoo -

1. Elementals - A contained stone building with two sets of doors leading in. Thick Granite walls surround individual chambers filled with different elements, Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. At first you may just see a a pool of water but look closer! A water elemental leaps towards the glass front and soundlessly screams! Inside you can find a water elemental, a fire elemental, an earth elemental and an air elemental. Their most interesting is a glass elemental.
2. Aberrations - A few wide habitats feature a Xorn, a Gourdgeist, and a Tentacle Mass.
3. Galeb Duhr House - the Galeb Duhr house is maze of shifting rock walls and boulders where several rock beings exist. The zoo staff swear these Galeb Duhr are here of their own free will but you be the judge.
4. Giant Creatures - This habitat is the largest in the zoo and features the crown jewel of the zoo, A Bulette named Franz. The creature can often be seen exploding from the soil and eating sheep whole! Other creatures on display are a Giant Ape, A dire badger, and a cave bear.
5. Blink Dogs and Displacer Beasts - This wide open hunting ground habitat uses magical spaces to allow the canines to think they are hunting prey over long distances. In reality though they are in a half mile of artificial jungle. The patrons are guaranteed to see several of the magnificent beasts as they walk by the exhibit.
6. Creatures of the Air - This tall building has many panels of unbreakable glass that allows guests to view flying creatures of all types. The interior of the building is broken up into a jungle area, a desert area, and a temperate forest. Large living trees and brush dot each landscape and nets and toys hang from specifically designed perches. Currently on display are stirges, Vrocks, vultures, and a giant owl named Athens.
7. Paulo the Owl Bear - One of the crown jewels of the great zoo is Paulo! Paulo was found as a cub and raised in captivity. It allows the zoo keepers and druid societies to study the great beasts in a way that was never possible before. Paulo's habitat is wide and spacious and teeming with prey. Built using magic it simulates a hilly temperate forest complete with all four seasons.
8. Slimes, Oozes, and Puddings - Always a favorite with the kids this large stone building is damp and dark as you move inside. The walls inside house dozens of glass enclosures each one filled with a different type of ooze. The most viewed every year is the Gelatinous Cube named Cubert. In the largest enclosure the 12 foot cube slowly slimes his way across his enclosure eating everything in his path. The zoo keepers use a proprietary blend of prey to keep Cubert a bright glowing green. Other oozes on exhibit are Black Pudding, Purple Slime, Mud Bog Ooze, Foxfire ooze, Ochre Jelly, a Cave Shrike and even a Cloaker!
9. Axebeak Habitat - Housed in their own transparent enclosure dozens of the majestic birds roam their favorite dry environment. The center of this glass building is a large fishing pool where the Axe Beaks group together for feeding and mating.
10. JoJo the Mammoth - Another of the Zoo's very special attractions is JoJo, captured as a calf over sixty years ago he is now comfortable and docile living in the zoo. On Corsunday's kids ride free on JoJo's back around the pen. His enclosure has a large room kept at a chilly 25 degrees to simulate his favorite habitat.
11. Celestial and Fey Birds - With the amount of summoning out there in the world of Tanaheim sometimes celestial creatures are lost on our plane of reality. Here at the great zoo we can give them a second chance and a safe place to live out the rest of their eternal lives. We are currently rehabilitating a divine eagle, a Firebird, a Couatl, and a celestial Hawk.
12. Peter's Cafe - Named after one of our founders nephews, 100 years ago the poor little fella didn't have the head for zoo keeping but he could make a delicious sandwich! Here in the middle of the park he began to sell small meat pies and hot drinks and now in his honor we have Peter's Cafe. Your one stop shop for rest and refreshment as you enjoy our space.
13. Monsters of the Deep - This blue painted building is wide and tall.  As you walk in several transparent tanks surround you several stories tall.  Ocean creatures swirl around thousands of tiny brightly colored fish.  The blue and turquoise lights shimmer and pulse as larger creatures dive through the schools.  Some of the creatures on display are hippocampus, giant leech, Vampire Squid, Uchuulon, Seawolf, and several different Octopi.
14. Insects of the Ice and Frost - This dark wood and stone building has the lights turned down low.  Cyan blue floor lights light the different paths through the exhibits which are all in transparent boxes built into the stone walls.  The temperature is a bit lower here and the different creatures all have snow and ice in their habitats.  Some of the creatures are Ice Spiders, Ice Mephit, A Remorhaz is the centerpiece in a huge enclosure. 
15. Chimera - This large outdoor enclosure features several different exotic Chimerae.  Dracimera A Hybrid of an evil Dragon and a Chimera. While there are wild Dracimeras, some where purposefully bred by ancient wizards. Gorgimera, The gorgimera was a variant of the chimera, with the hindquarters and third head, of a gorgon instead of a goat. A gorgimera's gorgon head likewise had their respective breath weapon. Cormanthor chimerae, The chimerae in Cormanthor were nomadic rather than territorial, and as a result, had a beneficial impact upon the ecology, choosing to prey on weakened or sick animals all over the forest


The temple to Corsun -  Located in the Golander dome this domed temple to the new god was built 250 years ago.  Many say it was built on the ruins of an old gods worship hall that sunk into the plateau and was buried.


Businesses in the Fishery Dome -

Arnagus Shipwrights: Shop (Ships)
The longest-existing company of shipwrights in Copenhaus, the current owner is a dark skinned human man named Katanga Arnagus.  He employs dozens of workers of all races. 
Willowby's Brothel and Tea shoppe
The front of this brothel is that of a high end tea room.  An elderly but elegantly dressed tiefling woman greets people and determines if they are worth the trouble.  Her name is Hera Trixx, and she has a rose colored skin with short horns and silver hair.  The tea room is filled with cushioned seating and low wide tables.  A secret door in a book case reveals a staircase that goes to the upper floors.  A menu is provided to those clients that are deemed worthy.
The Molten Wave Smithy: Shop (Blacksmith)
The proprietor is a dwarven woman named Utha Rivett.  She has prosthetic right arm that is made of a copper and silver alloy with several gems set into it.  She claims that the warforged known as Cog made it for her. 
Horizon's Sails: Shop (Maps, Charts & Logbooks) 
The owner is a Gnome man named Viculus Card.  He is a former sailor with an excellent knowledge of the regions history. 
Polly's Perfumes: Shop (Perfume).
A veritable glass jungle of bottles filled with exotic perfumes and other scents. The owner is an Aarokocra woman with parrot like features named Sophoo Polly. 
The Clagan's Curios Shop: Shop (Adventuring Curios).
A curio shop famous in the city for battle trophies from places far and near (especially Undermountain). Currently owned by a deep gnome who calls himself Clagan, though the name certainly predates him.
Viril's Wheelhouse: Shop (Shipboard Goods)
Candor's Books & Folios: Shop (Books) (4c). An exclusive and expensive shop that traffics in all manner of maps, charts and books, though not magical tomes for sale unless you've one to trade.
The Smokehouse: Smokehouse. Used by both the Fishmongers' and Butchers' guilds, this rare one-story brick smokehouse almost always smells of curing meats or fish.
Whistling Blades: Shop (Blades). A shop that specializes in daggers, blades and knives
Planken Warehouse
Kirraloe Crating
East Tellenheim Company
Rodrigues and Hortalez Trading company


The Atomo Dome / Alucard Dome / The Knife Tip and the Hilt Shops and Businesses -

Holondarr's World of Words: Shop (Books) (3c).
A bookshop well in excess of a century old, owned by Master Holondarr, a shield dwarf, who is now in his dotage. Its massive shelves are tall, and many are packed with books not out in the public in fifty years or more. It has no system of cataloguing, so shopping here is a little more like treasure-hunting. Though Holondarr is rarely lucid his assistant, a tortle woman named Nola, is quite clever and is almost 150 years old. She may have interesting bits of information or leads on research books.
Brant's General Goods & Gear: General Goods
Run by the human woman who goes by Fetelly Brant.  

Dragon Scale Smithy: Smithy (3c).
Famed for its well-crafted (though high-priced) swords and armor. There is a tradition of it being held by retired adventuring fighters, who pass it down to their own apprentices in the fighting arts when they retire or die. The current proprietor is a Dwarven man named Grist SteelJoist.
The Daily Bugle Building: Printer (Broadsheets).
In operation for well over a hundred years, the Daily Bugle has a large host of writers and investigators, all with a single purpose: to find out the most interesting information, as word-fodder for their many clients. The current editor in chief is an elven man named Jay Jonna Jaymison.
Aaronola Hall: This large building in the Alucard dome is designated as a aarokocran embassy. It is considered Alacan soil and is used for several offices, meeting rooms, and an inn for traveling dignitaries, guildmasters, and traveling merchants. The Hall also is said to have an excellent research library with rare tomes. It is notoriously difficult to get into though if you are not Aarokocran.
The Garrulous Grocer: Shop (Grocer) .
the Garrulous Grocer was a favorite of Baroness Estendil Nuxhall from the last time she lived in Copenhaus, and made it a point to help re-open it once she returned. Now everyone knows the Palace sends its cooks to shop here for choice ingredients, and many in the city have started doing likewise. The place can sometimes seem more like a cautious melee, full of shoppers eyeing one another warily, and looking to pounce on coveted spices or goods before their neighbors can. The prices are precious (although the Palace pays a pittance, out of gratitude).
Ulatan Stables: Stables (3c).
In the Bowery dome near the bridge resides the Ulatan stables run by a human family by the name of Clovis.
The Old Monster Shop: Shop (Monster Curios).
A place where monsters of all shapes, sizes and most states of being (no undead) can be procured. A favorite spot for those new to Copenhaus to visit, hoping to find a suitably strange keepsake to take home with them. Staff - an old Firbolg man named Somokey Mowan.
East Tellenheim Trading Company-
The headquarters of the moderately-successful ETC in Copenhaus. They tend to manage short runs between Copenhaus and Penthos, sometimes to Lamborginus. Some claim they maintain back-room deals with Lamborginus to this day.
Zalle's Bazaar: Shop (General Goods)
. A general store with moderately-priced essentials and sundries in stock at all times. Their are also many alchemical supplies for sale here.
Porters Furniture: Furniture shop .
Once the sales floor of a woodworker, Porters is now a place where a variety of craftsmen consign their works to sell in the shop, run by the Porters family. As such, a wide variety of offerings can be found here, and all at inexpensive prices. Many of the craftsmen who get noticed here go on to establish their own shops.
Tintelby's Butchery: Butcher 
Run by the half orc woman with the name of Belladonna Tintelby.  She was the illegitimate daughter of the original owner, a human man named Zeke Tintelby.  She inherited it when lost the use of legs a few years ago. 
Sword Coast Traders' Bank: Service (Banking).
In addition to serving as a normal bank, providing loans and wealth-keeping services, this holding of House Nuxhall can make or break new business opening up in the area.
Tintangel's Tipples: Wine Shop .
A wine shop noted for being open all hours of the night.
Harrison Bakery: Bakery
Run by the Firbolg man and his wife, Chauncey and lily Harrison.


Shoppes and merchants of the Golander Dome -

The Curious Past: Shop (Historical Curios & Books) •
A long-standing shop focused on historical relics and books of history. Though they sell books this is also a great place to do research. They have a large sitting room and sell coffee and tea. It is run by an old gnomish man named Bildred Boilroot and his Firbolg assistant Oaken Porstem.
Blontobor's Fine Wines: Shop (Wine) •
Blontobor's carries many vintages from the Onsalm region near Tellenor. The clear waters coming off of the mountains and the hilly terrain is perfect for grapes. Many of the finest wines come from that area.  The current owner is Pelia Clarus, she grew up in Tellenor during the time that Adventure Team Grimm was living there.  She loves to tell the stories. 
Talata's Vellenheim Delights: Shop (Vellehen Food) •
An eatery that promises spicy food native to the continent of Vellenheim . With trade to and from Lake Volus, preserved tomatoes and peppers and spice blends, and all manner of delights from the area around Kovolon City.  The owner is a faun by the name of Misteria Talata.  
Quills, Ink and Beyond: Shop (Stationer) •
Owned by Master Ilvaro Dunaer of the Stationers' Guild, Quills is an excellent resource for all manner of fine paper and parchments, quills, and inks. Master Dunaer's specialty is bound books, and he carries an excellent selection of tomes already bound with empty pages.
Princelings Lute & Harps: Shop (Stringed Musical Instruments) •
The premiere place to find any stringed instrument of the Realms (expect to pay dearly for quality). It is also host to a magical harp that sings by itself and is rumored to have connections to the Harpers in some capacity.
Entala's Fine Wines: Shop (Wine). A fine wine shop.
There is a small stream of water that runs from a water feature in the shop, out the shop to form a small stream (complete with walking bridge over it) and flows into Palantha's.  The current owner is a halfling woman named Whistledown Pillbug.
Bhephel's Bottles, Exotic Wines & Cordials: Shop (Wines & Alcohol)
One of the finest spirits shops in Waterdeep, specializing in having the widest offerings from around The Forest Realms. Their small size belies their actual business, for many of their customers simply have them ship their purchases directly from warehouse to residences, without ever entering the shop.
  Palantha's Herbs & Exotic Plants: Shop (Herbs and Plants)
A fine herbal shop, complete with a small stream of water that runs through it. Run by a Green Elven woman named Tabitha Palantha.
Downybeard Tobacconist: Shop (Tobacco).
A small, aromatic shop with a wide variety of pipeweed, tobacco and snuff. Its owner Lucilla Downybeard is descended from the original Kro Downybeard, a halfling from Vela Rus. She makes good coin on a made-to-order service offering wooden pipes with hand-carved crests and symbols on them.
K'lert's Fine Pastries: Shop (Bread)
A wondrous bakery run by a family long of the Bakers' Guild, with constant crowds forming when the smells of new pastries roll out into the streets. Its meat and vegetable meal loaf is a savory meal for those on the go.  The master baker is currently Carmine Bercano, a halfling man who hails from Onsalm. 
The Great Bazaar by the zoo - a series of shops and kiosks that sell food and merchandise based on the Great zoo.

Articles under Copenhaus


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